Tendencias Alimentarias

 Banana Tree
Octubre 31, 2012

Bananas could replace potatoes in warming world

Climate change could lead to crops from the banana family becoming a critical food source for millions of people, a new report says.
Octubre 26, 2012

How McDonald’s Canada french fries are made

In the latest installment of its transparency campaign, McDonald's has released a video to try and convince skeptical Canadians that its famous french fries are indeed made out of real potatoes.
Walmart announces new global sustainablity goals in China
Octubre 26, 2012

Walmart announces new global sustainablity goals in China

Walmart today further strengthened its commitment to a sustainable global supply chain by announcing a series of initiatives to make the company’s supply chain in the United States, China, and around the world more sustainable.
Octubre 26, 2012

Simplot cuts energy use

J.R. Simplot Co. has embraced energy efficiency as a core business value. The Idaho food, fertilizer and chemical company has dramatically reduced its use of electricity and natural gas, saving millions of dollars annually. Simplot, which has 10,000 e...
Octubre 25, 2012

Solynta wint Food Valley Award 2012 @Food Valley Expo

“Het winnen van de Food Valley Award is geweldig. We zijn nu in een fase beland dat het zo goed gaat dat we op zoek zijn naar partners en daar helpt het winnen van zo’n prijs enorm”, aldus Pim Lindhout, hoofd Research &Development Solynta.
 Ontario Medical Association
Octubre 25, 2012

Canadian doctors call for junk-food tax, warning labels

Doctors in the Canadian province Ontario are calling for a heightened tax and graphic warning labels on junk food to combat childhood obesity.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Potato Council
Octubre 24, 2012

Potato harvest in the UK in a 'potentially disastrous situation'

In yesterday's Potato Weekly the Potato Council describes the lifting procgress of the 2012 potato crop: the potato harvest in the United Kingdom is still three weeks behind last season.
 McCain Foods agrees to buy potato division of PinguinLutosa
Octubre 24, 2012

How McCain Foods became the preferred buyer of Lutosa

Last week McCain Foods and PinguinLutosa announced an agreement on the sale of the PinguinLutosa potato division. The Belgian Newspaper 'De Standaard' reveals how McCain Foods ended up the preferred buyer instead of Conagra Foods Lamb Weston.
 National Potato Council
Octubre 24, 2012

POTATO EXPO 2013 Tradeshow showcases cutting-edge products and services

POTATO EXPO 2013, Jan. 9-11 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, will feature the largest and most active Tradeshow in event history, enabling attendees and exhibitors to establish new business connections within our record-breaking 40,000+ square feet of flo...
Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists
Octubre 24, 2012

Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists

Potatoes with higher levels of beneficial carotenoids are the result of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) studies to improve one of America's most popular vegetables.
Octubre 24, 2012

Acrylamide intake linked to low birth weight

Intake of foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. This was revealed in an international study of the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns from Denmark, England, Greece, Norway...
Octubre 24, 2012

AUSVEG reports on Senate Inquiry into import concerns New Zealand potatoes

AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy today said that an Inquiry held this morning by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee is validation of concerns raised by AUSVEG about the biosecurity risks to the Australian potato industry of fresh p...
Contenido Patrocinado

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 sial 2012
Octubre 24, 2012

A future without packaging beckons

The food industry could be approaching a time when packaging will be completely eliminated from the supply chain, according to Olivia Milan-Grobois, business unit director, Sial Group.
Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides
Octubre 24, 2012

Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides

Papas que contienen niveles más altos de los carotenoides beneficiosos son el resultado de estudios por científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) para mejorar una de las hortalizas más populares en EE.UU.
 Productores de papa andinos
Octubre 24, 2012

La papa y la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en los Andes

IssAndes, cuyas siglas significan Innovación para la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria en la región andina, es un proyecto financiado y apoyado técnicamente por la Unión Europea (UE) y el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), cuyo objetivo principa...
 Imagen del sagú
Octubre 24, 2012

Investigan sobre raíces, tubérculos y banano para impulsar la seguridad alimentaria

El Consorcio del CGIAR, una alianza global de investigación agrícola para asegurar un futuro de seguridad alimentaria, ha incluido al programa de raíces, tubérculos y banano (RTBs) en su portafolio de trabajo para los próximos cinco años. En total son ...
 Logo de Latinpapa
Octubre 24, 2012

Red latinoamericana de la papa ayuda a agricultores

Desde su creación en 2008, la Red Latinoamericana de Innovación en Mejoramiento y Diseminación de la Papa (LatinPapa) ha permitido a más de 30 organizaciones de España y Latinoamerica acceder a tecnologías de punta, metodologías novedosas y experiencia...
 European Food Safety Authority
Octubre 23, 2012

Acrylamide levels in food largely unchanged states EFSA’s latest report

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its annual update report on acrylamide levels in food in 25 European countries. Acrylamide is a chemical contaminant produced during food processing. The report covers the monitoring period 2007-2...


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