Trends in landbouw en voedsel

oktober 24, 2012

AUSVEG reports on Senate Inquiry into import concerns New Zealand potatoes

AUSVEG CEO Richard Mulcahy today said that an Inquiry held this morning by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee is validation of concerns raised by AUSVEG about the biosecurity risks to the Australian potato industry of fresh p...
 sial 2012
oktober 24, 2012

A future without packaging beckons

The food industry could be approaching a time when packaging will be completely eliminated from the supply chain, according to Olivia Milan-Grobois, business unit director, Sial Group.
Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides
oktober 24, 2012

Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides

Papas que contienen niveles más altos de los carotenoides beneficiosos son el resultado de estudios por científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) para mejorar una de las hortalizas más populares en EE.UU.
 Productores de papa andinos
oktober 24, 2012

La papa y la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en los Andes

IssAndes, cuyas siglas significan Innovación para la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria en la región andina, es un proyecto financiado y apoyado técnicamente por la Unión Europea (UE) y el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), cuyo objetivo principa...
 Imagen del sagú
oktober 24, 2012

Investigan sobre raíces, tubérculos y banano para impulsar la seguridad alimentaria

El Consorcio del CGIAR, una alianza global de investigación agrícola para asegurar un futuro de seguridad alimentaria, ha incluido al programa de raíces, tubérculos y banano (RTBs) en su portafolio de trabajo para los próximos cinco años. En total son ...
 Logo de Latinpapa
oktober 24, 2012

Red latinoamericana de la papa ayuda a agricultores

Desde su creación en 2008, la Red Latinoamericana de Innovación en Mejoramiento y Diseminación de la Papa (LatinPapa) ha permitido a más de 30 organizaciones de España y Latinoamerica acceder a tecnologías de punta, metodologías novedosas y experiencia...
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 European Food Safety Authority
oktober 23, 2012

Acrylamide levels in food largely unchanged states EFSA’s latest report

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its annual update report on acrylamide levels in food in 25 European countries. Acrylamide is a chemical contaminant produced during food processing. The report covers the monitoring period 2007-2...
Rooster Potatoes
oktober 23, 2012

Ad for Albert Bartlett Rooster potatoes features Dallas Star

Albert Bartlett Rooster Potatoes has signed up another ex-Desperate Housewives star as the face of the brand, with Jesse Metcalfe featuring in the new ad. Metcalfe, currently starring in Dallas as Christopher Ewing, is seen ‘raising the temperature of...
 The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
oktober 23, 2012

Consuming wide variety of produce more important than organic, say pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Weighs In For the First Time on Organic Foods for Children. In its report, the AAP cites lower pesticides in organic produce and potentially lower risk of exposure to drug-resistant bacteria, but says the most i...
 New Generis
oktober 23, 2012

La elevada ingesta de alimentos con acrilamida durante el embarazo causa un menor peso del bebé al nacer

La ingesta de alimentos con alto contenido de acrilamida durante el embarazo se asocia con un peso inferior y una menor circunferencia de la cabeza en recién nacidos.
oktober 22, 2012

McDonald's highlights challenging conditions at Q3 earnings report

McDonald's Corporation Friday announced results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2012. In constant currencies, the Company posted higher revenues and earnings per share compared with the prior year while operating income was flat.
 Logo de McDonalds
oktober 21, 2012

McDonalds lanzó un vídeo para explicar cómo fabrican sus papas fritas

Un vídeo de la sede canadiense de la multinacional muestra como hacen la guarnición con la que acompañan sus hamburguesas. McDonalds ha lanzado nuevo vídeo para explicar como fabrican sus famosas patatas fritas. Dentro de la campaña que está llevando ...
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 McCain Lutosa
oktober 19, 2012

McCain Foods picks up PinguinLutosa potato division

Contrary to what many in the Belgian media had suggested, it is McCain Foods picking up the potato division of the Belgian Frozen Food manufacturer PinguinLutosa and not Conagra Foods Lamb Weston.
 Maine Potato Board
oktober 18, 2012

Maine Department of Agriculture Reports a Good Year for Maine's Potato Crop

Maine farmers were not affected by the severe drought that affected the Midwest this summer, and Maine potato producers are harvesting "a quality crop"this season, according to state agriculture officials. With 80 to 85 percent of the crop a...
oktober 18, 2012

Western Australian seed potato growers to reap benefits from research event in the field

Western Australian seed potato growers will today participate in a Field Walk event at the Vasse Research Station, located in the south west agricultural region of WA, to hear about current research into potato pests, diseases and viruses, and to take ...
Wendy's New logo as of March 2013
oktober 18, 2012

New logo for Wendy's highlights transformation

The Wendy's QSR chain is going through a transformation and in a press release last week, the company is going to great length to stress all the changes that are going on. Wendy's also anounced a very visible change the brand will undergo, a new logo w...
 Richard Knowles
oktober 18, 2012

Seed Potato Aging, Bacterial Ring Rot Webcasts Available in Focus on Potato

Understanding the physiology of seed potato aging and how it affects crop growth and yield can be vital to the industry. Such knowledge will allow growers to adopt management practices that control the aging process and optimize tuber set and size.
FTNON announces purchase of Key Technologies’ Freshline products
oktober 18, 2012

FTNON announces purchase of Key Technologies’ Freshline products

FTNON continues its dedication in providing high quality products and services to the fresh-cut industry with its recent purchase of Key Technologies' Freshline products.


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