Onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D)

augustus 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.

Eind april werd het laatste pootgoed op het demoterrein van PotatoEurope geplant en tot eind mei bleven de deelnemingsaanvragen binnen stromen. Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.
Designing a better low-fat potato chip
augustus 15, 2019

Designing a better low-fat potato chip

Australian researchers have developed a technique to analyze potato chips’ physical characteristics from simulated first bite to swallow, which they say could be used to help formulate a tastier low-fat snack.
augustus 14, 2019

Scientists discover wild potatoes key for stronger spuds

Scientists discover wild potatoes key for stronger spuds.
10 Breakthrough Technologies Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It
augustus 13, 2019

10 Breakthrough Technologies Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It

Researchers are developing lower-emissions rice varieties, feed additives and other technological innovations to create a more sustainable food system.
Cavendish Farms to open Potato Research Centre in Prince Edward Island
augustus 05, 2019

Cavendish Farms to open Potato Research Centre in Prince Edward Island

Canadian potato processing company Cavendish Farms, a subsidiary of J.D. Irving, announced last week that it will build a new potato research and plant breeding centre in New Annan, Prince Edward Island.
Four 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans
juli 31, 2019

Four late blight 'resistancy' genes in current commercial potato varieties already defeated by Phytophthora Infestans

Recent research at the James Hutton Institute suggests that limited genetic differences in potato lineages has left British and American spuds vulnerable to late blight, the disease that caused the Irish potato famine.
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WSU Researchers looking at nature itself for help to defend potatoes against threats
juli 23, 2019

Looking for help in nature itself to defend potatoes against nematodes and scab

WSU plant pathologists Kiwamu Tanaka and Cynthia Gleason are exploring novel approaches to protect the potato crops against nematodes and scab - mobilizing nature itself.
Collaborative discussion between seed potato schemes
juli 22, 2019

Collaborative discussion between seed potato schemes

On 10 May, a meeting was held between AuSPICA, members of the Tasmanian Certified Seed Potato Scheme (known as TasSeed) and invited industry representatives.
The 'Potato of the Future' Climate - Smarter and Healthier
juli 08, 2019

The 'Potato of the Future' Climate - Smarter and Healthier

The potato of the future will be more drought tolerant and disease resistant, more environmentally sustainable and climate smart, and meet the needs of producers and consumers.
Ongoing research in Idaho targets PVY in search of solutions
juli 06, 2019

Ongoing research in Idaho targets PVY in search of solutions

Ongoing studies at the University of Idaho’s Aberdeen Research & Extension Center seek to help seed potato growers avoid a chronically troublesome disease spread by aphids, called potato virus Y, writes John O’Connell in the Idaho State Journal.
ILVO, HOGENT, TRIAS en Peruaanse boeren en onderzoekers bundelen krachten rond aardappel-TUNTA's
juli 05, 2019

ILVO, HOGENT, TRIAS en Peruaanse boeren en onderzoekers bundelen krachten rond aardappel-TUNTA's

ILVO, HOGENT en TRIAS hebben een Peruaanse delegatie op bezoek in de Food Pilot (ILVO Brusselsestwg. Melle) om de productie van zogenaamde tunta’s (gevriesdroogde aardappelen) in een coöperatief fabriekje in de Andes op punt te krijgen.
Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting
juli 03, 2019

Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting

Scientists are creating a “super potato”, fortified with iron and zinc, in a bid to tackle malnutrition in developing countries.
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CIP Trustee Elected Head Of Un Agriculture Agency
juli 02, 2019

CIP Trustee Elected Head Of Un Agriculture Agency

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced on 23 June 2019 that Qu Dongyu has been elected its new Director-General.
World Potato Congress welcomes Mr. Lu, Xiaoping as International Advisor
juli 01, 2019

World Potato Congress welcomes Mr. Lu, Xiaoping as International Advisor

The World Potato Congress is pleased to announce that Mr. Lu, Xiaoping has accepted to become WPC’s newest International Advisor.
Agricultural tech revolution: Eyes in sky precise for potatoes.
juni 21, 2019

Agricultural tech revolution: Eyes in sky precise for potatoes.

Recently, drones have been given what might just be their most important ever role: being deployed to protect Scottish potatoes.
Potato Commission sponsorships drive awareness of brand
juni 21, 2019

Idaho Potato Commission sponsorships drive awareness of brand

The Idaho Potato Commission has found that the best way to communicate that potatoes are part of an active, healthy lifestyle is to show it. Therefore, the IPC sponsors several athletic programs and events that support and encourage folks to be active.
juni 20, 2019

Avebe daagt studenten uit Ontwerp de fabriek van de toekomst en win een jaar collegegeld!

Avebe bestaat dit jaar 100 jaar. Dat betekent terugkijken, maar ook vooruitblikken.
mei 21, 2019

PepsiCo Mexico announces an investment of 4 billion dollars in the next two years, which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.

The PepsiCo Mexico System, integrated by PepsiCo Mexico Foods and its strategic partner Grupo Gepp, announced an investment plan of 4 billion dollars in Mexico between 2019 and 2020,which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.


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