Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Grimme unveils six new machines at its first farm days event
Junio 27, 2022

Grimme unveils six new machines at its first farm days event

Last week more than 2,700 farmers and growers from across Europe attended Grimme's first ever Farm Days event, with six machines taking centre stage at the Grimme farm in Cappeln Germany.
Junio 27, 2022

Almacenes portátiles inteligentes para Patatas

Los depósitos portátiles inteligentes de Silopapa permiten el almacenamiento en campo de patatas, boniatos y cebollas, manteniendo la calidad de la producción de forma práctica y económica durante un periodo de 5 a 6 meses.
Cold Chain Scheme by Government of India
Junio 27, 2022

Indian Government invests in Cold Chain, Value Added Processing

For a limited time, the government of India offers significant financial support for investments in the cold chain - including processing, through its plan entitled: 'Scheme of Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure'.
Maine Potato Board Announces 2022 Industry Recognition Award
Junio 26, 2022

Winslow family of Mapleton receives the 2022 Maine Potato Industry Industry Recognition Award

The Maine Potato Board has selected the Victor and Gloria Winslow family of Mapleton for the 2022 Maine Potato Industry Recognition Award. This year’s recognition is awarded under a new, broader category for individuals
Ceres Imaging Announces Integration Partnership with Probe Schedule
Junio 23, 2022

Ceres Imaging Announces Integration Partnership with Probe Schedule

Ceres Imaging, the precision farming analytics provider that helps farmers build more profitable and more sustainable operations, announced a new partnership with Probe Schedule
Mega machine convoy leaves AVR Roeselare for Denmark
Junio 23, 2022

AVR bvba ships eight potato harvesters to Denmark in convoy

The West Flemish potato machinery manufacturer is set to deliver none less than eight harvesters from Roeselare to its Danish dealer this week.
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México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas.
Junio 22, 2022

México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas

Como parte de las acciones para mejorar las condiciones de producción y productividad en el campo tlaxcalteca, la Secretaría de Impulso Agropecuario (SIA) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (Inifap) dieron inicio con la siembra de papa mejorada genéticamente y de calidad industrial.
Papas criollas más nutritivas de la UNAL reciben derecho de obtentor del ICA.
Junio 21, 2022

Papas criollas más nutritivas de la UNAL reciben derecho de obtentor del ICA

Violeta, Paola, Ocarina y Dorada son sabrosas, nutritivas, rendidoras y, además, resistentes al ataque del hongo Phytophthora infestans causante de la gota o añublo de la papa, la enfermedad que más afecta a este cultivo en el mundo.
Yara y El Parque Papas firmaron el primer convenio sobre fertilizantes verdes en Argentina.
Junio 20, 2022

Yara y El Parque Papas firmaron el primer convenio sobre fertilizantes verdes en Argentina

La compañía noruega y la papera sellaron el primer acuerdo de este tipo en el país y el segundo del mundo. Se trata de un hito en el camino de la producción sostenible.
Honduras: Fortalecerán rubro de la papa con cuatro nuevas variedades.
Junio 20, 2022

Honduras: Fortalecerán rubro de la papa con cuatro nuevas variedades

Para fortalecer el rubro de la papa, cuatro variedades del tubérculo fueron liberadas mediante un convenio entre la Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (Dicta) de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) y la Sociedad Mercantil, Biológicos Químicos y Servicios Agrícolas (Bioquimsa).
NDSU develops potato variety now approved for McDonalds World Famous Fries
Junio 19, 2022

Potato variety 'Dakota Russet' now approved for McDonald's World Famous Fries

The most recent potato variety to join the list of approved McDonald’s potato varieties is the Dakota Russet, developed at North Dakota State University by Asunta Thompson
Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops.
Junio 19, 2022

Fundamental change in blight strains impacting Irish potato crops

There is a major displacement of potato-blight strain populations taking place in Ireland at the present time. Speaking on a recent edition of the Tillage Edge podcast.
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Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties
Junio 18, 2022

Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties

An international research team featuring the James Hutton Institute has shed further light on the evolution and biology of potatoes as a genetically complex global food crop.
Israeli SaaS company, AgroScout, is now going global
Junio 17, 2022

AgroScout, a provider of crop monitoring solutions, is now going global

AgroScout, the agriculture and supply chain procurement solution provider, which has empowered various growers and food production clients with its cutting-edge crop monitoring and analytics
New Europatat Strategy 2022-2025
Junio 17, 2022

Potato association Europatat announces Strategy 2022-2025

On 30 May 2022, the Europatat membership gathered in Dublin approved a new vision and mission for Europatat, as well as the key fields of action and priorities for the next three years (2022-2025)
Dewulf going full ISOBUS for the 2023 planting season
Junio 16, 2022

Dewulf going full ISOBUS for the 2023 potato planting season

As supplier of a complete range of agricultural machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, Dewulf will be introducing full ISOBUS on nearly all CP and Structural potato planters from autumn 2022.
June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog
Junio 16, 2022

June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog

At their 400-acre Othello research farm, Washington State University scientists study seed quality, new varieties, pests, and growing practices to help Northwest potatoes thrive
Serbia faces potato shortage and soaring prices
Junio 16, 2022

Serbia faces potato shortage and soaring prices

The price of potatoes in Serbia rose 193% since 2021 due to last year’s drought and large-scale imports, which discouraged domestic production, Guča-based Agro-Mobile company director Ratko Vukićević said on Tuesday.


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