Cadena de Suministro de Papas

AHDB Potatoes chair Fiona Fell
Septiembre 15, 2015

BP2015 online registration goes live...

This November over 6,000 growers, packers, processors, retailers, researchers, specialists, consultants, journalists, students and international visitors will head to the Harrogate International Centre, for the biennial potato industry event, BP2015.
Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes
Septiembre 15, 2015

Small potatoes bigger than ever

Fresh Solution Network has expanded its line of Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes line with two new offerings, Sweet Fingerlings and Choice Russets.
Metal object found in mashed potatoes in Halifax restaurant
Septiembre 14, 2015

Metal object found in mashed potatoes in Halifax restaurant

The discovery of needles and nails in potatoes in a suspected case of food tampering earlier this year in Atlantic Canada have heightened the awareness of consumers and media alike. The latest case, reported by CBC Nova Scotia, is the finding of metal object in mashed potatoes in a Halifax restaurant.
R.D. Offutt scales back expansion plans in Minnesota
Septiembre 14, 2015

R.D. Offutt scales back expansion plans in Minnesota

Potato grower R.D. Offutt has agreed to scale back its expansion plans in Minnesota in a deal with regulators to protect sensitive groundwater and pine forests in central Minnesota.
Argentina: La producción de papa en crisis
Septiembre 12, 2015

Argentina: La producción de papa en crisis

Las explotaciones del tubérculo están en situación muy crítica en el Sudeste de la Provincia y en el país en general, con dos perdedores claros en los extremos de la cadena: productor y consumidor. El plan de gobierno brilla por su ausencia.
Colombia: Buscan aumentar a 100 kilogramos consumo de papa por persona al año
Septiembre 10, 2015

Colombia: Buscan aumentar a 100 kilogramos consumo de papa por persona al año

En el marco de la campaña “La papa tiene lo suyo”, el MinAgricultura, Aurelio Iragorri Valencia, resaltó la importancia de este producto en la dieta alimenticia de los colombianos y les planteó a los ciudadanos el reto de aumentar el consumo por persona al año.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Armenia ready to export 10,000 tons of seed potato to Russia - See more at:
Septiembre 10, 2015

Armenia ready to export 10,000 tons of seed potato to Russia

Armenian potato growers are able to export up to 10 thousand metric tons of seed potatoes to Russia, Hrachya Berberyan, head of the Agrarian and Peasant Union said recently.
Idaho Potato Farmers optimistic about approaching harvest
Septiembre 10, 2015

Idaho Potato Farmers optimistic about approaching harvest

With digging season just around the corner, eastern Idaho potato farmers say they are optimistic they will improve on a middling 2014 harvest this year.
Resistance genes of wild relatives offer help in combat against potato blight
Septiembre 10, 2015

Resistance genes of wild potato relatives offer help in combat against Phytophthora

Research shows that crops with stacks of two or more resistance genes from closely related species, introduced into the crop via for instance genetic engineering, combined with the simultaneous introduction of resistance management, can ensure the long-term resistance of these plants to economically significant and aggressive diseases.
Black Gold Farms start harvest Red Potatoes in Red River Valley
Septiembre 09, 2015

Black Gold Farms start harvest Red Potatoes in Red River Valley

Today, Black Gold Farms has started the harvest of its red potatoes in the Red River Valley
„Tiroler Speckigen“ and „Tiroler Mehligen“ now available at SPAR
Septiembre 09, 2015

Austrian retailer SPAR offers 'Quality Tirol' Potatoes

The potato harvest in Tirol (Austria) has started: from now on the great tasting „Tiroler Speckigen“ and the „Tiroler Mehligen“ with Quality seal „Qualität Tirol“ are available in all branches of the retailer SPAR throughout Austria.
Potato and Onion Retailers in Assam arrested for charging more than the legal limit
Septiembre 09, 2015

Potato and Onion Retailers in Assam arrested for charging more than the legal limit

In the Indian State of Assam ten onion- and potato retailers have been arrested because they charged a price for their vegetables above the legal limit.
Contenido Patrocinado

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North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average
Septiembre 08, 2015

North-western European Potato Growers expect cropsize to be below 5-year average

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) expect the total potato production (excluding seed and starch potatoes) of this year' s harvest to amount to 24.5 million tonnes. This is 14.1 percent below the potato production last year and 2.9 percent below the 5-year average.
Thai Curry
Septiembre 08, 2015

More than a bit on the Side: potatoes get marketing boost in the United Kingdom

With a major new campaign to promote fresh potatoes across Britain and Ireland about to break, AHDB Potatoes and Bord Bia (the Irish Food Board) are calling on industry to get behind it and help change the way consumers think about potatoes.
En España proponen que la papa arrugada sea declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad
Septiembre 05, 2015

En España proponen que la papa arrugada sea declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad

El Centro de Iniciativas y Turismo de Santa Cruz solicitará al Gobierno y al Cabildo de Tenerife que inicien el expediente para lograr la distinción para este plato característico y singular de las Islas
Gobierno salvadoreño trabaja en proyectos para mejorar la producción de papa en el norte del país
Septiembre 04, 2015

Gobierno salvadoreño trabaja en proyectos para mejorar la producción de papa en el norte del país

El gobierno de la República, a través del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), trabaja en varios proyectos para mejorar la producción de papa en la zona norte del país, informó el titular de esa institución, Orestes Ortez.
Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario presentó plan de control de plagas en cultivo de papa
Septiembre 03, 2015

Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario presentó plan de control de plagas en cultivo de papa

El cultivo de papa presenta varias afectaciones que producen perdidas y malestar en los productores; el gusano jiguá, la chiza y algunas clases de polilla. Las heladas en época de invierno también afectan gravemente los cultivos
Australian consumer research potato-tracker wave 10 available
Septiembre 03, 2015

Australian Consumer Research Potato-Tracker wave 10 available

Potatoes are becoming more appealing to Australia’s innovative home chefs ('Eager Explorers') who are searching for the next exciting food trend, according to new consumer research.


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