Cadena de Suministro de Papas


Natural Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd (NSSPL)

Natural Storage Solutions Pvt Ltd (NSSPL) es un diseñador y fabricante de aplicaciones de refrigeración industrial y soluciones de procesamiento con sede en India.

Vultus AB

Vultus AB es una empresa de teledetección con sede en Lund, Suecia, que trabaja en pro de la sostenibilidad. Vultus fabrica herramientas de agricultura de precisión utilizando datos satelitales.

Allround Group

Allround es un nombre de confianza en la fabricación y suministro de maquinaria y equipo para la poscosecha de la agrohorticultura, con especial referencia a los productos altamente consumidos y procesados como papas, zanahorias y cebollas.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Rosenqvists Food Technologies

Rosenqvists Food Technologies es una empresa sueca que ofrece soluciones completas, desde el diseño del proceso hasta la fabricación e instalación, para líneas de procesamiento de papas fritas, papas a la francesa, aperitivos y otros productos de papa.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado


Dewulf es un agente global líder y proveedor de una gama completa de maquinaria en el ámbito del cultivo de patatas y tubérculos.


Tolsma-Grisnich es una empresa holandesa especializada en tecnología de almacenamiento inteligente, y es reconocida por automatizar y optimizar el procesamiento de productos agrícolas.

Siddhivinayak Agri Processing Pvt. Ltd. (SV Agri)

Siddhivinayak Agri Processing Pvt. Ltd. es un jugador reconocido a nivel mundial por proporcionar soluciones personalizadas de extremo a extremo en la cadena de suministro de papas.


Eqraft diseña, construye y mantiene soluciones de procesamiento y envasado para cebollas, papas, frutas, verduras, productos comestibles secos y otras mercancías en todo el mundo.

Rockyview Elite Tuber Ltd.

Rockyview Elite Tubers es una granja familiar de papas semilla ubicada a unos 30 kilómetros al noreste de Calgary, especializada en papas semilla premium E1 y E2. La granja combina instalaciones de laboratorio y invernaderos en el sitio con un enfoque de sistema cerrado para asegurar la producción, almacenamiento y preparación de papas semilla de alta calidad.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Premium Plus

M S International

El grupo M S comenzó su trayectoria en 1960 desde una pequeña tienda de comestibles en un pueblo. Se han expandido con el tiempo y las oportunidades en muchos campos, incluida la exportación de papas de grado para cortar.
Premium Plus

SK Agri Exports

SK Agri Exports es uno de los principales exportadores de papas de mesa y papas para chips de la India.
Premium Plus

PGS Equipment Ltd

PGS Equipment was founded in 2021 by the merger of Growers Supply and Prairie Side Equipment. PGS focuses on the sale and service of agricultural machinery from seeding to storage and from harvesting to packaging.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado


Aqueus offers special liquid auxiliary soil amendments that help farmers maximize their profits with more yield per input, which is on the path to sustainable farming and regenerative agriculture.

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd

Parkland Seed Potatoes Ltd. is a potato variety marketing company introducing new Agrico potato varieties to Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Potatoes New Brunswick

Potatoes New Brunswick is a producer-driven organization. They work in close collaboration with industry stakeholders to lobby, coordinate, promote, negotiate and lead the growth and development of New Brunswick's potato industry.


B.E.P.P CO sets up a foundation to produce the best sort of potato chips in Iraq, as well as a future plan for a number of production lines in the same field.


AVR is a Belgian manufacturer of a full range of machinery for the cultivation of potatoes as well as other bulbous and tuberous plants. From seed bed preparation, planting and ridging to haulm topping, harvesting and storing.

1,4GROUP, Inc.

Based in Meridian, Idaho, 1,4GROUP, Inc. is a supplier of dormancy enhancing and sprout inhibiting products for the potato storage industry.

1,4 Group Canada

1,4 Group is a supplier of dormancy enhancer and sprout inhibitor products for the potato storage industry.

1,4 GROUP Mexico

1,4GROUP, Inc. is a leading supplier of innovative dormancy and sprout inhibiting products for the potato storage industry.

1,4GROUP, Inc.

Based in Meridian, Idaho, 1,4GROUP, Inc. is a supplier of dormancy enhancing and sprout inhibiting products for the potato storage industry.

3 Shires

3 Shires is a potato trading company in the United Kingdom

73 Deals

73 Deals exporting from India a wide range of products including table potatoes and flavours.


A K Exports is a Deesa (Gujarat)-based export company. The company deals in various types of potatoes. They have 30 years of experience in the potato business in the domestic market. They also export high-quality potatoes globally.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

A M Superfresh

A M Superfresh is a specialized company in exporting fresh agricultural crops of all kinds. The company produce, pack, and export high-quality fresh sweet potatoes (organic and traditional).

A. S. Wilcox and Sons Ltd

A. S. Wilcox and Sons Ltd was established in 1954 and has continued to grow and market potatoes, onions and carrots ever since, becoming an integral part of New Zealand’s agricultural industry.

A.H. Worth (formerly named QV Foods)

In 2019 the company named QV Foods (Quality and Value) was rebranded A.H. Worth. The UK company is growing and packing potatoes and vegetables for Retail, Food Service and supplies bulk produce both Fresh and prepared.

Aardappelen Valcke

Aardappelen Valcke trades, packs, stores and transports potatoes, mostly in Belgium


Aardappelfarm produces and markets delicacy potatoes with a strong focus on quality and sustainability. They supply (catering) wholesalers, potato processors, suppliers of supermarkets and grocery stores

Aardappelgroothandel Jac van den Oord BV

Jac van den Oord is a Dutch company specialized in potato wholesale and transport
Contenido Patrocinado

Aardevo B.V

Aardevo B.V. is a new joint venture company between KWS SAAT SE and the J.R. Simplot Company, to deliver top performing potato varieties through hybrid breeding.

AB Texel

AB Texel is a leading logistics provider specializing in agricultural, food, and specialized transport across Europe. With a robust network, extensive expertise, and a modern fleet of approximately 1,750 trucks and 2,900 trailers, the company delivers efficient and scalable logistics solutions tailored to its customers’ needs.

ABG Paulas Ltd.

ABG Paulas Ltd. is representative of some of the best Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers in Europe such as Grimme, Pottenger, and Labinprogres.

Acadian Seaplants Limited

Acadian Seaplants Limited is a fully-integrated, research-driven, biotech manufacturer of marine plant-derived products with brands in 80 countries.

Accueil - Airspore

AIR is a preventive fungal disease detection program. It serves as a tool to help you target your interventions and better protect your crops.

Accueil - Potato Planet - Revue pour les professionnels

Accueil - Potato Planet - Revue pour les professionnels ,is providing vast array of research articles, news and diverse selection of potato related books.


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