PGS Equipment - Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)

PGS Equipment - Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)

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  • PGS Equipment - Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)
  • Productos
  • PGS Equipment - Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)

PGS Equipment - Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)

The Downs CropVision 240, marketed by PGS Equipment Ltd., is an advanced optical sorter integrated with a reject conveyor, designed for the efficient sorting of various crops.

The Downs CropVision 240 is an optical sorting machine developed for agricultural applications to sort produce like potatoes, carrots, onions, and other vegetables. This machine is equipped with cutting-edge optical technology and a reject conveyor system to streamline the sorting process by removing defective or unwanted items automatically.


  • Optical Sorting Technology: Utilizes advanced cameras and sensors to detect and sort crops based on size, shape, color, and other quality parameters. 
  • Reject Conveyor: Automatically removes defective or substandard products, ensuring only high-quality crops are processed. 
  • High Capacity: Designed to handle large volumes, suitable for medium to large-scale operations. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with an intuitive control system for easy operation and adjustments. 
  • Precision and Efficiency: Ensures accurate sorting with minimal waste, enhancing overall productivity.

(Click to enlarge)PGS Equipment - DOWNS CROPVISION 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor) Details

PGS Equipment - DOWNS CROPVISION 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor) Details