Tendencias Alimentarias

FAO Food Price Index fell in August but remained above the level of last year
Septiembre 05, 2019

FAO Food Price Index fell in August 2019 but remained above the level of last year

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 169.8 points in August 2019, down 1.1 percent (almost 2.0 points) from July but still 1.1 percent higher than in August 2018.
Bühler calls on industry to act now for a sustainable future
Septiembre 05, 2019

Bühler calls on industry to act now for a sustainable future

The world faces urgent challenges in the coming decades as climate change and a growing population make many of our current systems of production unsustainable.
Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not
Septiembre 02, 2019

Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed a new approach that helps public agencies and commercial interests combat fraudulently-labelled organic foods.
El Principado, dispuesto a levantar la prohibición de plantar patatas, tras el control de la plaga
Agosto 28, 2019

El Principado, dispuesto a levantar la prohibición de plantar patatas, tras el control de la plaga

Las restricciones de plantación de patata por la plaga de la polilla parece que tocan a su fin. Si no hay cambios, se podrían levantar las restricciones por la plaga de la patata para recoger cosecha el próximo año.
HZPC launches brand update
Agosto 27, 2019

Potato company HZPC launches a brand update

HZPC is continuously growing. The global market leader in innovative breeding, seed potato trading and concept development, today launches its brand update. A big step forward, without losing sight of what has always been its core.
POTATO EUROPE 2019 Expected to be a Real Success!
Agosto 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: With less than three weeks to go, time for an update!

The last potatoes were planted at the end of April at PotatoEurope’s demo site and until the end of May the participation demands continued to come in. With less than three weeks to go, time for an update!
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Changes to Safe Haven Standards will support long term health of GB potato industry
Agosto 19, 2019

Changes to Safe Haven Standards will support long term health of GB potato industry

Red Tractor are looking for industry feedback on potential changes to the Safe Haven Standards, the seed potato assurance scheme.
Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia
Agosto 14, 2019

Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia

Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia.
Waterleau announcing New Shareholder
Agosto 13, 2019

Waterleau announcing New Shareholder

Waterleau Group NV has successfully executed an important capital increase which secures the ambitious plans of the company for the future.
Agosto 06, 2019

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO disminuye ligeramente en julio

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en julio de 2019 en un promedio de 170,9 puntos, es decir, 1,1 % (1,8 puntos) menos que en junio, pero un 2,3 % más que en julio de 2018.
UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted
Agosto 01, 2019

UK potato farmers pleased to see restrictions on Maleic Hydrazide lifted

In the United Kingdom, restrictions on the use of products containing Maleic Hydrazide (MH) - used to control volunteers and to suppress sprouting during storage - have been removed following a review by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the HSE.
Julio 31, 2019

Cuatro genes de 'resistencia' de tizón tardío en variedades comerciales actuales de papa ya derrotadas por Phytophthora Infestans

Investigaciones recientes en el Instituto James Hutton sugieren que las diferencias genéticas en los linajes de la papa han dejado a las papas británicas y estadounidenses vulnerables al tizón tardío, la enfermedad que causó la hambruna irlandes.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry
Julio 30, 2019

Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry

Sensor-based sorter manufacturer TOMRA offers their insights on the impact of sorting technology on food safety in the Potato Processing Industry
Julio 19, 2019

Socios belgas, agricultores peruanos e investigadores unen fuerzas en torno a las patatas 'tunta'

ILVO, HOGENT y TRIAS en Bélgica son anfitriones de una delegación peruana para el programa piloto de alimentos (ILVO, Melle, Bélgica) para obtener la producción de las llamadas "tuntas" (papas liofilizadas) en una pequeña fábrica cooperativa en los Andes.
Givaudan and Bühler partner to fast-track market access and innovation for start-ups
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Givaudan and Bühler partner to fast-track market access and innovation for start-ups

Givaudan, the global leader in flavours and fragrances, and Bühler, global leader for food processing solutions, have today announced a development partnership to accelerate market access for food start-ups in Switzerland.
Teagasc and IPM Potato Group Sign New 15 Year Partnership Agreement
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Teagasc and IPM Potato Group Sign New 15 Year Partnership Agreement

Teagasc and IPM Potato Group (IPM) have recently signed a new fifteen year agreement in Oak Park, Carlow.
Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting
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Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting

Scientists are creating a “super potato”, fortified with iron and zinc, in a bid to tackle malnutrition in developing countries.
Julio 02, 2019

El chino Qu Dongyu es elegido nuevo Director General de la FAO

El candidato chino Qu Dongyu resultó hoy elegido nuevo Director General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).


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