Noticias sobre las Tendencias Alimentarias de Irlanda

National Potato Conference Set for Thursday, 21st November
Noviembre 17, 2024

Irish National Potato Conference Set for Thursday, 21st November

The Irish National Potato Conference and Trade Show 2024 will take place in the City North Hotel, Gormanston, Co Meath, (K32 W562) on Thursday, 21st November, with registration open from 9am.
The World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Cavendish Farms as a Silver Sustaining Partner
Octubre 31, 2024

The World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Cavendish Farms as a Silver Sustaining Partner

The World Potato Congress Inc. continues to grow and develop partnerships with potato organizations from around the world and has added Cavendish Farms as part of this portfolio of partners.
William Gilmore, un productor de patatas de quinta generación, dice que el mes de marzo ha sido "una pérdida"
Abril 16, 2024

Europa: preocupación por el clima y la producción

El clima sigue siendo atípico en Europa y productores de todas partes se preocupan por el futuro. Irlanda no es la excepción.
Peter VanderZaag, President and CEO of World Potato Congress (WPC).
Noviembre 26, 2023

World Potato Congress Webinar: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

World Potato Congress Inc. is pleased to present the Webinar: "Declaration of Dublin and the World Potato Congress, Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security"
The World Potato Congress Inc. officially adopts Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security
Mayo 18, 2023

World Potato Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

The World Potato Congress (WPC) Inc., through its mission of creating value chain networking within the global potato community, has officially adopted the Declaration of Dublin: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security.
Potato Starch Global Market Report 2023: Future Market for Potato Starch-Based Bioplastics Presents Opportunities
Enero 14, 2023

Potato Starch Global Market Report 2023: Future Market for Potato Starch-Based Bioplastics Presents Opportunities

In terms of value, the potato starch market is projected to reach USD 5.60 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.9% from 2022 to 2029, while in terms of volume, this market is projected to reach 5,128.5 thousand tons by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2020 to 2029.
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New Europatat Strategy 2022-2025
Junio 17, 2022

Potato association Europatat announces Strategy 2022-2025

On 30 May 2022, the Europatat membership gathered in Dublin approved a new vision and mission for Europatat, as well as the key fields of action and priorities for the next three years (2022-2025)
Junio 08, 2022

FAO: Duplicar la producción mundial de papa en 10 años es posible

En su discurso de presentación ante el Congreso Mundial de la Papa en Irlanda, el Sr. QU Dongyu, Director General de la FAO, hace referencia a las semillas, el rendimiento y la reducción de la pobreza.
Junio 08, 2022

Europatat elige a Tigran Richter como su nuevo presidente y aprueba una nueva Estrategia para 2022-2025

Europatat, la Asociación Europea del Comercio de la Patata, ha celebrado en Dublín (Irlanda) su primera Asamblea General presencial desde el estallido de la pandemia del Covid-19.
The 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland Industry Award Winners
Junio 07, 2022

The 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland Industry Award Winners

The World Potato Congress Industry Awards were presented during the 11th World Potato Congress in Dublin, Ireland. Awards were presented to Dr. John J. Burke, Paul C. Struik, Antoon Wallays and Richard W. Okray
How the humble potato is already helping end world hunger.
Junio 02, 2022

How the humble potato is already helping end world hunger

Consumed by more than a billion people worldwide, including many of the world’s poorest, potato has long been one of the most important crops to avert hunger.
Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress
Mayo 31, 2022

Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

The Irish Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, officially opened the 11th World Potato Congress at the RDS in Dublin.
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World Potato Congress 2022: Team behind HarvestEye continue to showcase crop insights innovation
Mayo 24, 2022

World Potato Congress 2022: Team behind HarvestEye continue to showcase crop insights innovation

Harvesteye - a machine-learning driven crop insights tool - is heading to the World Potato Congress at the end of May, as it continues to showcase on the global agricultural stage the actionable insights it places in the hands of growers.
WPC 2022: The Changing World of the Potato.
Abril 25, 2022

World Potato Congress 2022: The Changing World of the Potato

The Congress Programme Committee, is delighted to announce that the Congress Programme is now available to view online.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - 'Potato Variety Development in Ireland, Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges' presented by Dr. Denis Griffin.
Enero 28, 2022

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - 'Potato Variety Development in Ireland, Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges' presented by Dr. Denis Griffin

The World Potato Congress is very pleased to present its second 2022 webinar on February 25 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard time (USA/Canada). Potato is often considered synonymous with Ireland due to the great Irish Famine and still remains the most important food crop in Ireland.
Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
Enero 04, 2022

World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022
Noviembre 09, 2021

World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022

The World Potato Congress Industry Award ceremony is an important and prestigious event on the international potato scene. The award recognizes a lifetime of contributions to the potato industry.
Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences'
Noviembre 04, 2021

Ban on seed potato imports will have 'devastating consequences' for Potato growers in Northern Ireland

Potato growers in Northern Ireland face a severe shortage of seed potatoes in 2022, according to Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) political party leader, Jim Allister.


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