Tendencias Alimentarias

Practical guide to monitoring soil carbon launched.
Diciembre 21, 2021

Practical guide to monitoring soil carbon

A new practical guide to assessing soil carbon promises to answer British farmers’ key questions at a time when many are looking to understand their soil health. It was produced by Duchy College, Plymouth University, Rothamsted Research, and the Farm Carbon Toolkit.
Diciembre 15, 2021

Kiremko e Insort anuncian una asociación estratégica global a largo plazo

Kiremko, un fabricante líder de líneas de procesamiento de papa, e Insort GmbH, mundialmente conocida por sus soluciones altamente innovadoras para clasificación, monitoreo de calidad y control de procesos, han entrado en una asociación estratégica global a largo plazo.
Locura en las redes con el vídeo del cocinero de la tortilla de patata de 57 huevos
Diciembre 08, 2021

Locura en las redes con el vídeo del cocinero de la tortilla de patata de 57 huevos

Somos perfectamente conscientes de que uno se puede encontrar con casi cualquier cosa mientras navega por la red, pero aún así nos seguimos sorprendiendo. Y eso es, precisamente, lo que ha pasado con un chef... y su tortilla de 57 huevos.
Por fin una cámara para medir la germinación de las patatas
Diciembre 08, 2021

Por fin una cámara para medir la germinación de las patatas

Eurocelp, en colaboración con Arvalis, innova en el mercado de la patata.
Interpom 2021 ended on a positive note despite unusual circumstances.
Diciembre 05, 2021

Interpom 2021 ended on a positive note despite unusual circumstances

The 20th edition of Interpom, the trade fair for the entire potato chain, was finally held a year later on 28, 29, and 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo.
Diciembre 02, 2021

En noviembre se registró un nuevo incremento del valor del índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en noviembre de 2021 en un promedio de 134,4 puntos, es decir, 1,6 puntos (un 1,2 porciento) más que en octubre y 28,8 puntos (un 27,3 porciento) más que en noviembre de 2020.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Royal Avebe increases its Solanic potato protein production to keep up with market demand
Noviembre 30, 2021

Royal Avebe increases its Solanic potato protein production to keep up with market demand

Royal Avebe, a Dutch cooperative of starch potato growers whose potatoes are processed into high-quality food ingredients, invests EUR 66 million, mostly linked to the expansion of its Solanic potato protein production capacity.
The New Belt Drying System from Rosenqvists Food Technologies.
Noviembre 27, 2021

The New Belt Drying System from Rosenqvists Food Technologies

Convinced that there is room for improvement for the drying process part of the production of french fries, Rosenqvists Food Technologies optimized the drying process and now introduces a new belt drying system.
Kiremko's Corda Invicta fryer was planned to be part this year's the Interpom Innovation Tour
Noviembre 25, 2021

Kiremko will not attend Interpom

Kiremko has decided that they will not attend this edition of the Interpom in Kortrijk, Belgium in order to limit the travel movements and contact moments of its employees
Starch cooperative Royal Avebe performance price drops to EUR 93.30
Noviembre 23, 2021

Royal Avebe performance price drops to EUR 93.30

The growing acreage of starch potatoes, especially outside the Netherlands, led to pressure on prices for native starch this year. Rising costs due to the corona crisis also depressed the performance price.
Interpom 2021 will be held in a safe environment and in its usual form with the Covid Safe Ticket
Noviembre 19, 2021

Interpom 2021 will be held in a safe environment and in its usual form with the Covid Safe Ticket

The Belgian government announced new Covid-19 measures. Fortunately, these will not affect trade fairs. Potato trade show Interpom 2021can continue in its usual form on 28, 29 & 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo with a double protection: face masks in addition to the Covid Safe Ticket system.
Farm Carbon Toolkit is delighted to announce a new collaboration with Mercian Ltd, the UK’s largest supplier of crisping potatoes.
Noviembre 16, 2021

Farm Carbon Toolkit teams up with UK’s largest crisping potato supplier

Farm Carbon Toolkit is delighted to announce a new collaboration with Mercian Ltd, the UK’s largest supplier of crisping potatoes.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
Noviembre 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
TOMRA Food to demonstrate standard-setting potato sorting machine at BP2021
Noviembre 11, 2021

TOMRA Food to demonstrate standard-setting potato sorting machine at BP2021

TOMRA Food, the leading manufacturer of sensor-based sorting machines for the food industry, has announced that it will run machine demonstrations at BP2021, the UK-based potato industry event, later this month.
Noviembre 10, 2021

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO alcanza su nivel más elevado desde julio de 2011

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en octubre de 2021 en un promedio de 133,2 puntos, es decir, 3,9 puntos (un 3,0 porciento) más que en septiembre y 31,8 puntos (un 31,3 porciento) más que en octubre de 2020.
World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022
Noviembre 09, 2021

World Potato Congress call for nominations for the industry awards-11th World Potato Congress May 30 to June 2, 2022

The World Potato Congress Industry Award ceremony is an important and prestigious event on the international potato scene. The award recognizes a lifetime of contributions to the potato industry.
Yara joins Biden's climate coalition
Noviembre 08, 2021

Yara joins Biden's climate coalition

Some of the largest companies in the world launched a shared initiative to reach the climate goals through ground-breaking technology, Joe Biden’s 'First Movers Coalition'. Fertilizer manufacturer Yara International is one of them.
Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event
Noviembre 08, 2021

Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event

Agrico presented two new varieties during an intimate Meet and Greet at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research in Bant.


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