Tendencias Alimentarias

The right potato variety with the robustness index
Febrero 14, 2022

The right potato variety with the robustness index

The potato is the third-largest food crop in the world and therefore an important part of our diet. Meijer Potato believes that everybody deserves to enjoy food.
Febrero 09, 2022

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO repunta en enero

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO registró un promedio de 135,7 puntos en enero de 2022, es decir, 1,5 puntos (un 1,1 por ciento) más que en diciembre de 2021.
NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?
Febrero 03, 2022

NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?

Potato growers are facing rising prices for all inputs in recent months, not just for from energy and fertilizers, but also for plant protection products, construction prices, agricultural machinery and spare parts...
Febrero 02, 2022

PepsiCo Europa se propone utilizar solamente plástico reciclado en todas sus Bolsas Crisp y Chips para finales de la década

PepsiCo trabajará para construir una economía circular para los envases flexibles en Europa a través del diseño, la infraestructura y dando una nueva vida a los materiales de envasado, como parte de su ambición más amplia pep+ (PepsiCo Positive).
Newcold: Efficient Warehouse Automation for xxl freezer
Enero 31, 2022

Newcold: Efficient Warehouse Automation for xxl freezer

The Dutch logistics service provider NewCold has constructed one of North America's largest freezer warehouses in Burley, Idaho. The global freezer logistics specialist had no choice but to automate the facility.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - 'Potato Variety Development in Ireland, Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges' presented by Dr. Denis Griffin.
Enero 28, 2022

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar - 'Potato Variety Development in Ireland, Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges' presented by Dr. Denis Griffin

The World Potato Congress is very pleased to present its second 2022 webinar on February 25 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard time (USA/Canada). Potato is often considered synonymous with Ireland due to the great Irish Famine and still remains the most important food crop in Ireland.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases
Enero 21, 2022

Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases

An innovative method of controlling a range of damaging crop diseases using native, beneficial soil bacteria has emerged from a research-industry collaboration.
Südstärke GmbH have concluded their 2021 potato starch production campaign this week.
Enero 21, 2022

Südstärke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign

Sudstarke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign. The 2021 production campaign was the most difficult in decades, even team members 40+ years with the company cannot remember anything close.
APH Group acquires Agri 2.0 and continues growth in Russia and Ukraine
Enero 17, 2022

APH Group acquires Agri 2.0 and continues growth in Russia and Ukraine

APH Group, a distributor of farm equipment, has acquired Agri 2.0 CIS B.V. including its activities in Russia and Ukraine as of January 1, 2022.
Hybricol Food Technologies last concept
Enero 17, 2022

Hybricol Food Technologies presents new product concept: baked potato sausages

Hybricol, a Dutch company active in the food ingredients business, shared a concept shaped potato product with PotatoPro: baked potato sausages.
La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022.
Enero 12, 2022

La patata Princesa Amandine recibe el galardón del Sabor del Año 2022

Los consumidores españoles han tardado solo dos años en
valorar y reconocer el sabor cremoso y sabroso de la patata Princesa Amandine, que ha sido
recientemente premiada con el sello Sabor del Año 2022 para productos de retail.
Aquantis Moisture sense: Real-time measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing now feasible
Enero 09, 2022

Real-time measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing now feasible

Dry matter is a key quality parameter for French fries and other potato-based food products. Aquantis now offers inline measurement of dry matter content of french fries during processing.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Enero 07, 2022

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO alcanza el nivel más elevado de los últimos 10 años en 2021, pese a un leve descenso en diciembre

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en diciembre de 2021 en un promedio de 133,7 puntos, es decir, 1,2 puntos (un 0,9 porciento) menos que en noviembre.
New Omnia Carbon Cost of Production tool launched
Enero 07, 2022

Omnia introduces tool to estimate carbon footprint of agricultural production

It’s clearly understood that improved farm productivity is good for business and more recently, for carbon footprint. But the challenge has always been how to measure the cost of producing a particular crop with regards to carbon.
Enero 05, 2022

Europlant presenta un programa de patatas con baja utilización de insumos

Europlant presenta variedades de patata con una alta cantidad de nutrientes. Las variedades especiales de alto rendimiento y alta calidad para una producción con pocos insumos protegen el medio ambiente y ahorran costes.
Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
Enero 04, 2022

World Potato Congress Webinar - 'Introducing the World Potato Congress in Ireland' presented by Liam Glennon

In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
Diciembre 22, 2021

Un extractor de CO₂ suscita interés en un evento dedicado a la patata

Con un premio a la innovación en su haber un nuevo experto técnico en plantilla, el desarrollador de inhibidores de germinación Restrain fue un participante popular del 2021 British Potato Industry Eventte.
Freya von Czettritz: Agritechnica 2022 will not take place.
Diciembre 21, 2021

Agritechnica 2022 will not take place

Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating pandemic situation in recent weeks and the resulting current official regulations, a situation has arisen which makes the trouble-free execution of AGRITECHNICA no longer possible.


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