Patrocinador del mes(Learn more)

Octubre 28, 2024
ADAPT project comes to an end after four important and productive years of potato research

Noviembre 01, 2023
Partnership for Sustainable Growth: Nordic Investor Alder Joins Forces with Insort to Revolutionize the Food Industry

Abril 02, 2023
Insort's Sherlock Food Analyser Lets You Know the Level of Moisture in Potato Fries Non-Destructively in Real Time

Enero 17, 2023
ADAPT news: Proteome profiling to understand multi-stress response in potato
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Diciembre 08, 2020
Insort's video presentation of the Sherlock Safeguard® highlights food safety benefits

Noviembre 13, 2020
Insort introduces Sherlock Safeguard® - a sure way to remove foreign objects from food products

Septiembre 01, 2020
Gran proyecto europeo para desarrollar patatas tolerantes al calor y a la sequía

Julio 01, 2017
Elea highlights benefits PEF for snack sector at Snackex 2017

Octubre 27, 2010
EC clears Lamb Weston/Meijer's acquisition of Frisch & Frost

Mayo 11, 2010