Seguridad Alimentaria

Mahi Pono to start commercial potato production on Maui, Hawaii after successful test crop
Enero 14, 2020

Mahi Pono to start commercial potato production on Maui, Hawaii after successful test crop

Mahi Pono is planning to start commercial potato production on Maui, Hawaii after successful test crop. The company donated nearly 30,000 pounds of red, white and yellow potatoes of their test crop to local food banks.
Rwanda pilots 'revolutionary' potato seeds
Enero 06, 2020

Rwanda pilots 'revolutionary' potato seeds

The Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) has started testing True Potato Seeds, which are produced by Solynta, a Dutch firm that develops hybrid potatoes. True Potato Seeds are collected from the berries or fruits of the potato plant.
New Book to guide Potato Research and Development
Diciembre 23, 2019

New Book to guide Potato Research and Development

The International Potato Center has published an open source book on potato research: 'The potato crop: its agricultural, nutritional and social contribution to humankind'.
Produce Marketing Association Names New Chief Science Officer
Diciembre 16, 2019

Produce Marketing Association Names New Chief Science Officer

Produce Marketing Association (PMA) announced Dr. Max Teplitski has accepted the role of Chief Science Officer for the association. Dr. Teplitski will lead PMA’s science, technology, supply chain and sustainability efforts when he joins the organization.
tna co-founders appointed to Australian Society of Honour
Octubre 15, 2019

TNA Australia co-founders appointed to Australian Society of Honour

Nadia & Alf Taylor, co-founders of tna, a leading food processing and packaging solutions provider located in Sydney, Australia, were presented with insignias commemorating their appointment as Members (AM) of the Order of Australia.
Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not
Septiembre 02, 2019

Research: New method reveals whether your potato is organic or not

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed a new approach that helps public agencies and commercial interests combat fraudulently-labelled organic foods.
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World Potato Congress Inc partner of the African Potato Association at the triennial conference in Kigali, Rwanda
Agosto 30, 2019

World Potato Congress Inc partner of the African Potato Association at the triennial conference in Kigali, Rwanda

During his presentation at the official opening of the 11th African Potato Congress in Kigali, Rwanda, World Potato Congress President Romain Cools announced the continuous effort of his organization to be a partner of the African potato sector.
Mayo 29, 2019

Los Agricultores Etíopes ayudan a los investigadores a seleccionar las variedades de papa que el mercado demanda

La papa es importante para la seguridad alimentaria y un cultivo comercial en Etiopía con un alto potencial para mejorar los medios de vida de los pequeños agricultores, que representan el 83% de la población total y el 95% de las tierras agrícolas.
NC State grew the North Carolina sweet potato industry into a global powerhouse.(Courtesy: Bill Krueger / NC State University)
Mayo 06, 2019

Can Sweet Potatoes Save the World?

NC State grew the North Carolina sweet potato industry into a global powerhouse. Now we're leading the effort to breed sweet potatoes that could provide economic opportunities and better nutrition for people in African countries. (Courtesy: Bill Krueger)
Abril 24, 2019

Las papas previenen la crisis alimentaria en Etiopía y restauran la 'dignidad y esperanza'

La papa irlandesa ha evitado otra gran crisis alimentaria humanitaria en una de las partes más pobres y remotas de Etiopía, según la organización de ayuda Concern Worldwide.
Cómo combatir las 200 enfermedades causadas por alimentos nocivos
Febrero 15, 2019

Cómo combatir las 200 enfermedades causadas por alimentos nocivos

La inocuidad alimentaria se perfila como un desafío internacional para evitar 420.000 muertes y 600 millones de casos de enfermedades al año en el mundo.
Febrero 07, 2019

Las organizaciones de papas buscan aprovechar las papas para abordar la desnutrición en África

Las organizaciones de papas pidieron el lunes esfuerzos deliberados para aumentar la producción de papas y batatas para sistemas alimentarios nutritivos sostenibles en África.
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Potato Growers Pakistan concerned by false rumors of Export Ban, Duties
Diciembre 29, 2018

False Rumors of Export Ban, Duties cause unrest among Potato Growers in Pakistan

There have been rumors that the government of Pakistan banned potato export or levied duties on the export of potatoes. The Ministry of National Food Security & Research condemned these rumors and stated they are entirely false and fictitious.
Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding
Diciembre 18, 2018

Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding

The potato breeding company Solynta in The Netherlands has successfully produced a hybrid breeding program for potatoes which will allow the rapid selection and turnover of favourable traits, traits which could help feed millions of people worldwide.
Perú lanza papa con un 30% más de hierro
Diciembre 13, 2018

Perú lanza papa con un 30% más de hierro

Fueron necesarios cuatro años de estudio constante y sacrificado para que científicos cusqueños lograran crear un nuevo tipo de papa, una tan fortificada que podría acabar con la anemia en Perú y el mundo entero.
Perú lanza variedad de papa para mejorar seguridad alimentaria
Noviembre 07, 2018

Perú lanza variedad de papa para mejorar seguridad alimentaria

Kawsay, desarrollada por el CIP, tiene el potencial de mejorar los ingresos y la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades con pocos recursos, ubicadas en tierras altas.
Mongolia says it can fully secure domestic demand for potato, wheat
Noviembre 07, 2018

Mongolia says it can fully secure domestic demand for potato, wheat

Mongolia can now fully secure its domestic demand for wheat and potatoes, the country's Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry said Monday.
Bolivia lanza 3 variedades de papa para combatir la desnutrición
Octubre 24, 2018

Bolivia lanza 3 variedades de papa para combatir la desnutrición

Son el producto de un trabajo conjunto de Visión Mundial, Orposacha y el INIAF. Por su alto contenido de hierro y zinc contribuirán a reducir la desnutrición crónica,


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