Noticias sobre el Comercio de la Papa

Global Potato Summit 2025: Shaping the Future of the Potato Industry with Industry Leaders and Experts
Marzo 20, 2025

Global Potato Summit 2025: Shaping the Future of the Potato Industry with Industry Leaders and Experts

The Global Potato Summit 2025 in Greater Noida will focus on sustainability, technology, and growth opportunities in the potato industry. It will feature exhibitions, conferences, live demos, and networking to address key sector challenges.
Strengthening Bilateral Ties: Mr. Shaaban Al-Nahar Visits the Dutch Consulate in Erbil to Welcome the New Consul
Marzo 15, 2025

Strengthening Bilateral Ties: Mr. Shaaban Al-Nahar Visits the Dutch Consulate in Erbil to Welcome the New Consul

Mr. Shaban Al-Nahar, Chairman of Beirut Erbil Company, visited the Dutch Consulate in Erbil to welcome Consul Adriaan IJsselstein. They discussed strengthening Iraq-Netherlands cooperation, focusing on advancing the potato sector with Dutch expertise.
Spud Man Welcomes the World: Ben Newman Stands Proud Outside His Famous Jacket Potato Trailer
Marzo 15, 2025

The amazing story of famous jacket potato seller Spud Man

Spudmania shows no signs of abating and singing stars and crowds in the Spudarmy continue to flock to the centre of Tamworth to sample Ben Newman's humble jacket potatoes.
Brasil: precios se mantienen a la baja
Marzo 11, 2025

Brasil: precios se mantienen a la baja

Los precios no suben y el exceso de oferta no colabora para que así suceda.
West Bengal Government Announces Minimum Support Price for Potatoes to Support Farmers Amidst Bumper Harvest
Marzo 10, 2025

After distress sales West Bengal State Government helps potato farmers with a solid minimum support price

The state cabinet on Tuesday approved a minimum support price (MSP) of INR 900 (USD 10.8) for a quintal of potato after reports that farmers were forced to go for distress sale of the crop following bumper production this year.
Egypt strengthens its position as Greece's top potato supplier, with peak exports from February to April. (Courtesy: Global Trade Tracker, Analysis by EastFruit)
Marzo 06, 2025

Egypt sets record for potato exports to Greece

Egypt continues to increase its potato exports to Greece, reports EastFruit. In the MY 2023/24, over 156,000 tons of ware potatoes were imported into Greece from Egypt, valued at USD 64 million. This represents a 12% increase from the previous season and a 71% increase from the 2021/22 season, marking an all-time high.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Productores también señalaron la falta de apoyo del gobierno con la eliminación de programas y subsidios. (Cortesía: CUARTOSCURO)
Marzo 05, 2025

México: sobreprecio en supermercados afecta a productores y consumidores

En México, el precio de la papa en campo cayó de MXN 24 (USD 1.33) a MXN 8 (USD 0.44) por kilo entre septiembre de 2024 y febrero de 2025, mientras que los supermercados mantienen su precio casi sin cambios, perjudicando a productores y consumidores.
México: comienza la exportación a E.E.U.U
Marzo 02, 2025

México: comienzó la exportación a E.E.U.U

Aunque la intención es abarcar todo el país, los envíos se centrarán en California, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, Wisconsin y Oregón, mientras que posibles aranceles de EE.UU. tendrían un impacto limitado en la industria mexicana.
Fill Your Boots with Fresh PEI Potatoes! Join us on March 1st, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a fun, free event and support local food banks!
Febrero 24, 2025

Two Island Farms Collaborate for Free Potato Giveaway Event!

Two local farms are joining forces for another Fill Your Boots Event, allowing Islanders to pick their own free potatoes straight from Island potato storages. The giveaway aims to build on the success of the Fill Your Boots events of the last three years.
Calbee Group and Shiretoko Shari Agricultural Cooperative Collaborate to Develop a Stable Supply Source of Potatoes
Febrero 18, 2025

Calbee Group and Shiretoko Shari Agricultural Cooperative Collaborate to Develop a Stable Supply Source of Potatoes in Japan

Calbee Group has partnered with the Shiretoko Shari Agricultural Cooperative to secure a stable supply of potatoes. As part of their collaboration, the agricultural cooperative plans to build a new frozen processing facility, aimed at enhancing production and ensuring consistent potato supply for Calbee's operations.
Cost of Consumption Potatoes Continues to Rise Due to Climate Change
Febrero 13, 2025

Holanda: aumento de costos de producción, aumento de precios

En los últimos años (cosechas de 2022, 2023 y 2024), los productores de papa ya han enfrentado un aumento significativo en los costos. La próxima temporada parece no ser excepción.
Costa Rica: precios se duplican en las ferias
Febrero 10, 2025

Costa Rica: precios se duplican en las ferias

No hay perspectivas de abaratamiento en los precios. Las lluvias complicaron mucho la producción así como la multiplicación de semilla para el uso propio.
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PEI Potato truck in front of Parliament buildings
Febrero 03, 2025

Prince Edward Island Potato Industry would be Greatly Impacted by Trump Tariffs

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is closely monitoring the evolving situation regarding the 25% tariff imposed on Canada by U.S. President Donald Trump, which will undoubtedly have an impact on potato exports from Prince Edward Island.
Brasil: pronostico de lluvias y aumento en precios
Febrero 03, 2025

Brasil: pronostico de lluvias y aumento en precios

Los precios vieron un pequeño aumento la semana pasada que se estima se acentuara durante esta semana.
Egypt: Potato Export to the United Kingdom
Enero 31, 2025

Egypt exports record amount of potatoes to the United Kingdom

Egypt continues to rapidly increase its potato exports to the United Kingdom. After setting a record volume of exports in 2023, Egyptian exporters further increased export volume by a factor 2.7 in 2024, according to EastFruit. 
Scotland looks to expand seed potato exports while negotiating for return to EU market
Enero 30, 2025

Scotland looks to expand seed potato exports while negotiating for return to EU market

Scottish seed potato exports amounted to over 92,000 tonnes in 2023/24. The largest market is Egypt with 60% of exports, followed by Morocco with 10%. The remainder goes to a further 26 countries with volumes varying from thousands of tonnes to a few hundred. 
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon with Ronnie Bartlett at the official opening of Albert Bartlett & Sons’ GBP 17 million (USD 21.4 million) chilling facility in Airdrie in 2018.
Enero 27, 2025

Potato firm Albert Bartlett grows profits amid challenging conditions

Scottish potato specialist Albert Bartlett has underlined the challenges posed by Brexit and cost inflation amid the continued fallout from the pandemic after enjoying a surge in profits.
Matteo Freddi, Sales Manager at Freddi 1926 srl
Enero 27, 2025

Freddi 1926 srl: Innovating the Potato Sector with Low-Calorie Varieties at Marca Trade Fair

While it may seem difficult to introduce innovations to the potato sector, Matteo Freddi of 'Freddi 1926 srl' is betting on something new at the Marca trade fair.


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