Cadena de Suministro de Papas

A Bumper Crop Brings Down Potato Prices, Causes Storage Nightmare, and Leave Farmers in Distress
Marzo 21, 2023

Bumper Crop in India Brings Down Potato Prices, Causes Storage Nightmare, and Leaves Farmers in Distress

India which is the second-largest producer of potatoes in the world has witnessed a bumper crop in the November–February harvest. And, the farmers are not quite happy with this as the oversupply has brought down the prices, making farmers incur losses.
Potato flavor stories Consumer love to learn about flavor next to usage
Marzo 21, 2023

Potato flavor stories: Consumer love to learn about flavor next to usage

Consumers, especially the young generation Y & Z love to learn more about flavor when purchasing food products.
Patata Monalisa
Marzo 20, 2023

¿Las patatas Monalisa son las mejores para freír?

Las variedades de patatas que se cultivan en los campos de nuestro país sobrepasan las 100, cada cual más adecuada para un uso u otro. Dentro de la gran gama, una de las variedades más vendidas en España es la Monalisa, un tipo muy usado para freír.
Pronóstico de riesgo agroclimático para el cultivo de papa
Marzo 20, 2023

Perú: Pronóstico de riesgo agroclimático para el cultivo de papa

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Senamhi) presentó el pronóstico de riesgo agroclimático para el cultivo de papa para el período marzo-mayo 2023. Se prevé que las precipitaciones, en toda la costa y sierra, desde marzo a abril, se encontrarían entre sus normales y superiores a su valor histórico.
NW China's 'potato land' embraces new technology
Marzo 20, 2023

NW China's 'potato land' embraces new technology

As the potato-planting season approaches, baby potatoes from northwest China's Xiji County are making their way to the fields of farmers across the country's major potato-producing area.
AVR's Puma 4.0 2023 upgrades!
Marzo 19, 2023

AVR's 4-row self-propelled potato harvester Puma 4.0 gets several upgrades in 2023!

With the Puma 4.0, the world leader in the segment of 4-row self-propelled harvesters, AVR introduced the world to a robust, high-tech harvester. On their journey to further perfect the Puma 4.0, they have provided the following updates for the 2023 Pumas.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Export value increases for all U.S. potato types from July – Dec. 2022
Marzo 19, 2023

Export value increases for all US potato types from July – Dec. 2022

With international markets across the globe showing solid signs of recovery, it’s no surprise that the value of U.S. potato exports was up for all potato types July – Dec. 2022, compared with the same six months in 2021.
Grupo Lázaro, con su marca Calixta
Marzo 17, 2023

La patata Calixta obtiene el premio al Mejor Anuncio en el Smile Festival

Grupo Lázaro, con su marca Calixta, ha obtenido el premio al mejor anuncio en la categoría Prensa Revistas en el Festival Internacional de Publicidad y Humor Smile Festival que este año celebra su XIII Edición.
Jesus Fernando en su parcela de Campaspero.
Marzo 14, 2023

La patata como forma de vida

Jesús Fernando García heredó la explotación de su padre y cumple, día a día, con su labor de agricultor.
Princesa Amandine de Quinta Gama
Marzo 14, 2023

Princesa Amandine lanza la patata de Quinta Gama en los principales centros de distribución en España

El proyecto de patata de Quinta Gama que presentó la asociación Princesa Amandine Ibérica en la pasada edición de Fruit Attraction ya va tomando cuerpo. Seis meses después, esta patata ya está disponible en El Corte Inglés, Eroski y Alcampo a nivel nacional.
Potato wart not detected in 2022 national survey
Marzo 14, 2023

No Potato Wart detected in Canada

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has completed its 2022 national survey for potato wart and confirms that potato wart was not detected in the soil samples tested from the fields where the samples were collected.
United Potato Growers of Canada announced welcome of re-joining members
Marzo 11, 2023

Re-joining members give the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) a truly national reach

Ontario Potato Board, Potatoes New Brunswick join the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) as the representative of their potato grower members, giving the organisation a truly national reach.
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Appointment Director Agrico Research
Marzo 11, 2023

Peter Oldenkamp to succeed long-time Director Agrico Research Sjefke Allefs

Potato coop Agrico announced that Peter Oldenkamp will become director of Agrico Research starting August 1, 2023. He succeeds Sjefke Allefs as director. Sjefke Allefs has worked at Agrico Research since 1990, in the position of director for the past 24 years.
The harvest of early potatoes in Uzbekistan is being delayed – imports will rise sharply
Marzo 11, 2023

The harvest of early potatoes in Uzbekistan is being delayed – imports will rise sharply

EastFruit analysts have repeatedly paid attention to the grave consequences of abnormally cold weather in Uzbekistan in January.
Island Farms Once Again Offer to "Fill Your Boots" with Free PEI Potatoes
Marzo 09, 2023

Prince Edward Island Farms Offer Islanders Free PEI Potatoes this Saturday

To help offset rising food costs, four farms on Prince Edward Island are opening their potato storages to Islanders. Visitors are invited to help themselves and pick unwashed potatoes directly from the pile in storage. The event occurs Saturday, March 11th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
RJ Andrus of Idaho Elected National Potato Council President
Marzo 09, 2023

RJ Andrus of Idaho Elected National Potato Council President

The National Potato Council (NPC) installed its 2023 roster of Executive Committee members at the organization’s annual Washington Summit.
Farmers in Jumla find stable income in potato farming
Marzo 09, 2023

Farmers in Jumla, Nepal find a stable income in potato farming

Every morning, Rupa Khadka of Patarasi Rural Municipality-6 in Jumla, Nepal heads towards Khalanga, the district headquarters, with a doko of potatoes on her back.
Marzo 08, 2023

Noticias de ADAPT: Próxima ronda de aclimatación al estrés de la patata de fenotipado en líneas de enfoque

El proyecto europeo Horizon 2020 Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato (ADAPT), en el que participa Europatat, tiene como objetivo desarrollar nuevas estrategias para hacer que las patatas se adapten a las desafiantes condiciones de crecimiento del futuro.


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