Cadena de Suministro de Papas

 NPD Group
Junio 09, 2011

Do you expect customers to pay extra for healthier menu items? They won't...

The expanding waistlines of U.S. consumers have created a flurry of governmental and restaurant industry actions aimed at getting Americans to eat more healthfully.
 Washington State University
Junio 09, 2011

Pacific Northwest program works to create disease resistant potato varieties

 DLV Plant
Junio 09, 2011

Phytophthora gevonden in Noordoost Nederland

DLV Plant laat weten dat op woensdag 8 juni Phytophthora is gevonden in de omgeving van Assen.
Junio 08, 2011

Potato Research Centre hopes to breed resistant potatoes

Scientists at the Potato Research Centre hope to crossbreed foreign and domestic potatoes to create a new spud that's resilient to disease and requires fewer pesticides.
Junio 08, 2011

Ballarat Potato growers already struck new McCain price deal

Ballarat district potato growers have struck a new price deal with McCain Foods, months ahead of schedule. The growers will be paid an increase of $15 a tonne of potatoes for next year's crop.
Junio 08, 2011

Summer potato markets heating up

In North America, summer potato markets are strengthening as the East Coast deal shifts from northern Florida to North Carolina.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Tate that.... Branston Potato truck liveries shortlisted for award
Junio 08, 2011

Tate that.... Branston Potato truck liveries shortlisted for award

Branston's potato trucks get noticed. The huge images on the sides of the trucks (liveries) feature a potato family (Mr Potato Head reinvented) and merge humor and education. Definitely one of the fresher marketing messages on potatoes I have seen lat...
Neiker-Tecnalia leads search for potatoes adapted to climate change
Junio 08, 2011

Neiker-Tecnalia leads search for potatoes adapted to climate change

The Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, Neiker-Tecnalia, is leading an international project with the goal of developing new potato varieties which are tolerant to the effects of climate change, as well as to identify already e...
 Andalusian early potatoes promoted in Spanish supermarkets
Junio 08, 2011

Andalusian Early potatoes promoted in Spanish supermarkets

After several months of consumption of stored potatoes, it is time for new potatoes, the early potato, with all the flavor and freshness, because they are newly harvested. Under the slogan "A seasonal flavor"Amdalusian Early potatoes are pro...
 Henk Tepper
Junio 07, 2011

Lebanon prosecutor mulls Canadian farmer case

Nearly seven weeks after his detention, a Lebanese prosecutor is now mulling over the case of a Canadian farmer alleged to have exported rotten potatoes to Algeria.
Junio 07, 2011

UPGA view on Potato Prices: Perched on a cliff

The Chief Operating Officer of the United Potato Growers of America offers his view of the potato prices this summer:
Junio 06, 2011

Buscan patatas resistentes al cambio climático

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Neiker-Tecnalia, lidera un proyecto internacional para desarrollar nuevas variedades de patata que resistan mejor los efectos del cambio climático, así como identificar los tipos de tubérculos q...
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Junio 05, 2011

Onderzoekers gaan verder met ggo-aardappelproef

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 Potato Europe 2011
Junio 05, 2011

Potato Europe 2011 belooft een success to worden

Met nagenoeg een verdubbeling van het aantal exposanten, een groeiende perceelsoppervlakte en nog meer machines in demo, lijkt alles erop te wijzen dat PotatoEurope 2011 weer een schot in de roos wordt. Hét aardappelevenement van het jaar gaat door op ...
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Buried British treasure: Sainsbury's digs up a new British potato for summer

his year, Sainsbury's is launching a new British potato variety, offering consumers the exclusive opportunity to enjoy a home grown favourite throughout the summer months.
Agristo verwerft alle aandelen van Willequet
Junio 05, 2011

Agristo verwerft alle aandelen van Willequet

Na een jarenlange en vruchtbare samenwerking en teneinde deze samenwerking te bestendigen en nog te versterken is er een overeenkomst tot stand gekomen waarbij Agristo, gevestigd te Harelbeke, alle aandelen verwerft van Willequet, gevestigd te Nazareth.
 High Food Prices
Junio 04, 2011

A Warming Planet Struggles to Feed Itself

The rapid growth in farm output that defined the late 20th century has slowed to the point that it is failing to keep up with the demand for food, driven by population increases and rising affluence in once-poor countries.
Junio 03, 2011

Washington potato production among the most sustainable on the planet

Washington potatoes are not only good for you, their production is highly sustainable.


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