Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Washington Potato Industry Votes To Continue Marketing Order
Julio 25, 2017

Washington Potato Industry Votes To Continue Marketing Order

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that potato producers in Washington voted to continue their federal marketing order program.
Nominations now open for British Potato Industry awards
Julio 25, 2017

Nominations now open for British Potato Industry awards

Nominations for the coveted ‘British Potato Industry Award’ and ‘AHDB Above and Beyond Award’ are now open.
Uttar Pradesh Farmers hand out Potatoes for Free in Delhi to protest low prices
Julio 24, 2017

Uttar Pradesh Farmers hand out Potatoes for Free in Delhi to protest low prices

Last Wednesday in Delhi, potato farmers from Uttar Pradesh handed out free potatoes to the public in protest against the steeply falling prices of the vegetable in Agra.
Fiji potato farmers plant locally grown seed for the first time.
Julio 24, 2017

This season Fiji potato farmers will plant locally grown seed for the first time

In Fiji, the Ministry of Agriculture is working closely with farmers around the country who are interested in potato farming. This year will be the first year farmers will be planting the locally obtained seeds.
Cavendish Farms invests in more efficient centralized potato storage on Prince Edward Island
Julio 24, 2017

Cavendish Farms invests in more efficient centralized potato storage on Prince Edward Island

Canadian Potato Processing company Cavendish Farms is investing in major potato storage upgrades at its New Annan French Fry plant, Prince Edward Island.
Argentina: Más de 5 mil personas asistieron a la Fiesta de la Papa Andina en Salta
Julio 23, 2017

Argentina: Más de 5 mil personas asistieron a la Fiesta de la Papa Andina en Salta

La fuerza del sueño del Padre Chifri de sacar de la indiferencia a los vecinos de los cerros se hizo sentir ayer, cuando miles de personas se congregaron para disfrutar de la séptima edición de la fiesta que destaca a los productores de la Puna salteña.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Colombia: Crean un dron que siembra medio bulto de papa por trayecto
Julio 22, 2017

Colombia: Crean un dron que siembra medio bulto de papa por trayecto

Lo que comenzó como una idea para desarrollar un robot que transplantara árboles, terminó convertido en un dron para sembrar papas. Estudiantes de la universidad Uniagraria de Bogotá idearon este revolucionario proyecto.
La importación de papa se dispara en Bolivia
Julio 21, 2017

La importación de papa se dispara en Bolivia

Según un reciente estudio, las compras de papa en el exterior pasaron de 5 mil toneladas en el año 2000 a 25 mil en 2016.
Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf
Julio 21, 2017

Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf

Karel Decramer has decided to quit as the sales director for the vegetable division of Dewulf, specialist in the field of harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots.
La papa holandesa entra al mercado argentino
Julio 20, 2017

La papa holandesa entra al mercado argentino

Después de años de negociaciones, recientemente se ha abierto la frontera de Argentina a los mini tubérculos de los Países Bajos.
Colombia: Lanzan campaña para promover consumo de papa
Julio 17, 2017

Colombia: Lanzan campaña para promover consumo de papa

La Federación Colombiana de Productores de Papa, Fedepapa, y el Fondo Nacional de Fomento de la Papa, FNFP, presentaron su campaña de consumo "Una papa bien preparada te soluciona", con el objetivo de incentivar el consumo de papa en el país.
EU quiere apertura a sus exportaciones de papa a México
Julio 13, 2017

EU quiere apertura a sus exportaciones de papa a México

El valor de las exportaciones de papa estadounidense fue de 204 millones de dólares en el 2016; 37 millones correspondieron a México.
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This Dewulf potato harvester harvests Puikula near the Arctic Circle
Julio 12, 2017

This Dewulf potato harvester digs up Puikula near the Arctic Circle

A 22-year-old Dewulf R3000S 2-row, self-propelled potato harvester, harvests recently in the Finnish Lapland. The machine harvests 70 km south of the Arctic Circle and is the most northern Dewulf harvester in the world.
En España investigan variedades de papa que mejor se adapten al cambio climático
Julio 11, 2017

En España investigan variedades de papa que mejor se adapten al cambio climático

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia ha cerrado un proyecto de investigación sobre variedades de papa que mejor se adaptan a las condiciones previstas de cambio climático.
Side Delights adds Organic Russet Single Wrapped, Microwaveable Potato to its Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up
Julio 11, 2017

Side Delights adds Organic Russet Single Wrapped, Microwaveable Potato to its Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up

Fresh Solutions Network announces the launch of its Side Delights® Farmer’s Table® Organic Russet single wrapped, microwaveable potato – a line extension to the Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up.
Japan's potato supply is recovering as production returns to normal
Julio 10, 2017

Japan's potato supply is recovering as production returns to normal

Japan's potato supply is rebounding -- with wholesale and retail prices falling -- thanks to solid shipments from secondary producing regions starting in the spring.
Chef RJ Harvey Joins Potatoes USA as Global Foodservice Marketing Manager
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Chef RJ Harvey Joins Potatoes USA as Global Foodservice Marketing Manager

Chef RJ Harvey has joined Potatoes USA as the Global Foodservice Marketing Manager.
Boise Researchers plan to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage
Julio 07, 2017

Boise researchers to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage

Research of Boise State University plan to develop a wireless sensor network that would be able to detect temperature, humidity levels, carbon dioxide and ammonia levels in real time, to help with early detection of rot in stored potatoes.


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