World Potato Congress 2024

When & Where

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The 12th World Potato Congress (in 2024) will be held in Adelaide, South Australia.
In 2024, this global event will be organized by The Conference Company and the Potatoes Australia, a company limited by guarantee. It’s constitution has been developed to ensure representation across the whole of the potato industry value chain in Australia.

In 2024, Australia is proud to host the 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide from June 23-26, marking a pivotal moment for the global potato industry. Beyond the opportunity to showcase the excellence of the Australian potato sector on the world stage, this congress aims to catapult potatoes into the spotlight as a compelling, nutritional and health-conscious food choice, both domestically and internationally.

As the leading networking organization for the global potato value chain, the World Potato Congress has chosen the theme "Old World Meets New" for 2024. This theme encapsulates the rich historical legacy of potatoes as a food staple, the cutting-edge innovation and technology applied to their production, and substantial investments in research and development. The focus extends to addressing global changes in sustainability, climate, culture, and population dynamics.

The 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide presents a unique opportunity to not only share knowledge and breakthroughs in innovation but also to enhance industry productivity and sustainability. Crucially, it serves as a platform to review business trends across the global supply chain. Moreover, the Congress will provide a high-level insight into global trade, emphasizing the transformation of agrifood systems to ensure food access for the world's most vulnerable populations.

Since its inception in 1993, the World Potato Congress has been held 10 times with the first Congress being held in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Canada. Other Congress locations include:

  • 1994  Harrogate, England
  • 1997  Durban, South Africa
  • 2000  Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • 2004  Kunming, China
  • 2006  Boise, Idaho, United States of America
  • 2009  Christchurch, New Zealand
  • 2012  Edinburg, Scotland
  • 2015  Yanqing, China
  • 2018  Cusco, Peru
  • 2022  Dublin, Ireland

WPC 2024 Plenary Speakers

It is envisaged that 1,000 delegates, from developing and developed countries across the globe, including growers, researchers, producers, traders, processors and manufacturers, will attend the Congress.

World Potato Congress Inc. is a non-profit organization supported by a group of volunteer directors representing potato jurisdictions around the world. Congress Events are hosted in partnership with local host committees.
World Potato Congress Inc. is a premier global networking organization which creates opportunities by facilitating communication and information sharing throughout the world potato community.

For the detailed program, visit:

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World Potato Congress 2024
  • Adelaide Convention Centre (ACC)
    North Terrace
    Adelaide 5000

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