
 International Year of the Potato 2008
Noviembre 20, 2007

Jaar van de Aardappel 2008 officieel geopend in zwitserland door Swisspatat

Afgevaardigden van de van de brancheorganisatie Swisspatat hebben vrijdag in Bern de officiële aftrap voor het jaar van de Aardappel 2008 gegeven.   Swisspatat wil het hele jaar veel aandacht geven aan de aardappel zoals op de conferentie Europatat i...
Noviembre 19, 2007

Markets broadened for Carolina potato growers

Potato growers in North Carolina will have improved access to Canadian markets next year, thanks to a bilateral trade agreement signed recently by the United States and Canada. Growers will have a limited amount of guaranteed access to Canadian market...
Noviembre 19, 2007

McDonald's abrira una nueva linea de cafeteria

La cadena norteamericana de comidas rápidas McDonald's anunció hoy el lanzamiento de una nueva línea de cafetería, que promete ofrecer fuerte competencia a la macro-cadena Starbucks. "Queremos avanzar desde un lugar donde se ofrecía cafetería co...
Noviembre 19, 2007

Idaho Potato farmer benefits from french fry demand in China and Japan

Albert Wada is one of America’s potato kings. Farming 12,000 acres of land in Idaho, the state that produces a third of America’s spuds, Mr Wada is one of the biggest potato farmers in the United States. He bought the business in 1972 from his father,...
McCains Potato Parade
Noviembre 19, 2007

Potato Parade, McCain Foods first viral advertising campaign

McCain Foods has launched its first viral advertising campaign, Potato Parade. Potato Parade allows users to choose from hundreds of combinations of words and names to create a personalised message to send onto others. McCain's Potato Parade was crea...
Noviembre 17, 2007

Addy Risseeuw wordt technisch directeur NAK

Addy Risseeuw wordt met ingang van 1 januari 2008 benoemd tot technisch directeur van de NAK, de Nederlandse Algemene Keuringsdienst voor zaaizaad en pootgoed van landbouwgewassen. Risseeuw volgt Ineke Mastenbroek op. Risseeuw was sinds 2001 als direct...
Noviembre 16, 2007

Acrylamide in food possibly increases risk of endometrial + ovarian cancer

The intake of acrylamide through food possibly increases the risk of endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. The paper in which this association is described will be published shortly in the scientific journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Preven...
Noviembre 16, 2007

Jack in the Box reports record 2007 profit

Same-store sales at Jack in the Box company restaurants increased 5.2 percent in the fourth quarter compared to a 5.9 percent increase during the same time last year. For the year, same-store sales at Jack in the Box company restaurants increased 6.1 p...
Noviembre 16, 2007

Verse aardappelen en smaak…. tja: er is nog werk aan de winkel

De week van de smaak in België is altijd zo’n mooie gelegenheid om nog eens dieper in te gaan op smaak. Het is deels een kwestie van selectie door iedereen in de aardappelketen….;leuk om te constateren dat aardappelen er soms zoals eieren uitzien, maar...
Noviembre 16, 2007

The Indian Snack segment is getting bigger

Packaged snacks are getting a lot of attention from big, branded players. So Frito-Lay, with its Lays, Cheetos, Kurkure, Lehar, Uncle Chipps and Quaker Oats snack brands is seeing some pretty concentrated competition from ITC’s Bingo! with its 16 flav...
Noviembre 16, 2007

Arby's Restaurant ratings on negative watch after bid for Wendy's - S&P

Standard &Poor's Ratings Services signalled it may lower its ratings on Arby's Restaurant Group Inc on news that Triarc Companies Inc, of which Arby's is a wholly owned unit, has bid to buy all outstanding stock of Wendy's International Inc.'Althou...
 McDonald's at odds with franchisees over specialty coffee
Noviembre 16, 2007

Franchisees not lovin' McDonald's move into specialty coffee

After the success of its upgraded drip coffee -- which even managed to snag a thumbs-up from testers at Consumer Reports earlier this year -- McDonald's is gearing up for a massive expansion into the world of lattes."We want to move from beverage...


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