Solapas principales

Producers and Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes


Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

The association of Producers and Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes belongs to Asociafruit, a non-profit association representing the producers and exporters of fruits and vegetables in Andalusia and Extremadura. This is an association of companies and professionals dedicated to the cultivation and the marketing of the early potato in order to join forces to achieve products with quality levels that satisfy even the most demanding consumers.

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

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Octubre 30, 2013

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 Andalusian early potatoes
Mayo 02, 2012

Good season expected for the Andalusian early potato

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Junio 08, 2011

Andalusian Early potatoes promoted in Spanish supermarkets

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Producers and Exporters Andalusian Early Potatoes

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