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Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Agrico is a Dutch farmers cooperative of over 1,300 specialist potato growers, each of whom devotes the greatest possible care to your product, to ensure you a profitable future.

Together, they produce in excess of one million tonnes of seed and ware potatoes per year to be marketed by Agrico.

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News for this Company

 Mama Chunu
February 27, 2011

Agrico lanza "Mamá Chunu": papas con propiedades nutricionales especiales

Los Incas del Perú descubrieron que la papa era una raíz comestible. De hecho, todas las papas brotan de una especie de plantas silvestres originarias del sur del país. En la actualidad, estamos familiarizados con muchos tipos y sabores de papas que so...
 Glasgow Caledonian University
February 14, 2011

Agrico UK in Knowledge transfer partnership with Glasgow Caledonian University

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships help businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity by accessing the knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK’s Universities.
 Mama Chunu
February 11, 2011

Agrico introduceert Mama Chunu: aardappelen met bijzondere voedingseigenschappen

De Inca’s in Peru hebben ooit de aardappel als eetbare knol ontdekt. Feitelijk stammen alle aardappelen af van één wilde plantensoort uit Zuid-Peru. Vandaag de dag kennen we door het natuurlijk kruisen van verschillende rassen, vele soorten en smaken ...
 Mama Chunu
February 11, 2011

Agrico introduces Mama Chunu: potatoes with special nutritional properties

The Inca’s in Peru once discovered the potato as an eatable root. In fact, all potatoes sprout from one wild plant species originating from the southern part of Peru. Today, we are familiar with many potato types and tastes by a natural crossing of dif...