
STARCH EXPO, ProPak China & FoodPack China, Rescheduled to 8-10 November 2022 in Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC).
六月 10, 2022

STARCH EXPO, ProPak China & FoodPack China rescheduled for November 2022

As a result of COVID-19 prevention and control, STARCH EXPO 2022, ProPak China 2022 and FoodPack China 2022, will be postponed to 8-10 November 2022 in Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC).
Danish Potato Farmers Tour Angus.
六月 05, 2022

Danish Potato Farmers Tour Angus

Members of a Danish farmers co-operative experienced a packed 3-day tour of the Angus potato industry recently.
六月 03, 2022


Royal Avebe positive about the potato season: starch percentage at an average of 20.6 percent
五月 24, 2022

Royal Avebe positive about the potato season: starch percentage at an average of 20.6 percent

On Thursday, the 12th of May, Royal Avebe processed the last potatoes of the potato season; a season that completely went to plan. The quality of the potatoes is good with an average starch percentage of 20.6 percent.
New brand identity for Fruit Logistica and Asia fruit Logistica
五月 19, 2022

New brand identity for Fruit Logistica and Asia Fruit Logistica

The leading trade shows for the global fresh produce business and for Asia’s fresh produce business are presenting a modern new logo and introducing a joint corporate design in 2022.
五月 06, 2022


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New wet potato chips revolutionize snack industry in Japan
五月 03, 2022

New wet potato chips revolutionize snack industry in Japan

Japanese snack companies are always looking for new and exciting ways to tantalize their taste buds. Now, the country’s leading potato chip maker, Calbee, is changing the game entirely by taking the crunch out of their potato chips
New Opportunities for Potato Farmers in Uganda, as Factory Opens in Kabale.
四月 25, 2022

New Opportunities for Potato Farmers in Uganda, as Factory Opens in Kabale

Potato farmers in Kabale District, Uganda are elated following the commissioning of Muhingi Products Factory which is hoped to create added value addition for both sweet potato and Irish potato produce.
四月 08, 2022


粮农组织食品价格指数* 2022 年 3 月平均为 159.3 点,环比上涨 17.9 点(12.6 百分),大幅跃升至指数自1990 年设立以来的最高水平。最新一轮的上扬反映出植物油、谷物和肉类价格指数创下历史新高,而食糖和乳制品的价格指数亦显著上涨。
Bühler hands over first Prime Masa plant in India
三月 18, 2022

Bühler hands over first Prime Masa plant in India

The innovative plant will consume 84% less water, 52% less energy compared to a traditional nixtamalization process, and will produce 96% less waste, among other benefits.
Recall of Cavendish Farms and No Name hash brown potatoes in Canada
三月 17, 2022

Recall of Cavendish Farms and No Name hash brown potatoes in Canada

Classic hash brown patties from Cavendish Farms and potato patties from No Name are being recalled by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) due to undeclared wheat and barley.
MicroSalt to Distribute SaltMe! at Kroger
三月 15, 2022

Reduced sodium potato chips SaltMe! by Microsalt now available at Kroger

MicroSalt Inc. announced that it's SaltMe! potato chips will be distributed to more than 1,400 Kroger grocery stores beginning mid-March. This milestone is a major move for MicroSalt on its mission to provide healthier, full-flavor potato chips
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Sudstarke GmbHs Sustainability Report for 2020
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Südstärke GmbH Sustainability Report for 2020

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二月 24, 2022

Dutch Potato starch cooperative Royal Avebe starts buying green energy from its own members

David Fousert, CEO of Royal Avebe, and Avebe member Erik Emmens from Zeijen sign the contract for the purchase of Guarantees of Origin (GoOs). With these GoOs, Avebe obtains certificates that further green Avebe's electricity consumption.
Kerry identifies barbecue as the world’s top taste in 2021
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Kerry identifies barbecue as the world’s top taste in 2021

Kerry, the world’s leading taste and nutrition company has reviewed extensive research and examined global trends in emerging flavors in an effort to identify the top global taste trend in 2021.
Research finds more consumers weighing sustainability claims on packaged food choices
二月 17, 2022

Research finds more consumers weighing sustainability claims on packaged food choices

Sustainability considerations now influence the majority of the world’s grocery shoppers when buying packaged foods such as potato chips and cookies, according to Cargill’s most recent global FATitudes™ survey.
KMC breakthrough: Danish potato protein to improve plant-based meat solutions
二月 14, 2022

KMC breakthrough: Danish potato protein to improve plant-based meat solutions

As the first in the world, the innovative Danish ingredients company KMC has managed to create textured potato protein that can be used as an ingredient in plant-based meat.
二月 03, 2022


粮农组织食品价格指数* 2022年1月平均为135.7点,比2021年12月上升 1.5 点(1.1 百分)。粮农组织食品价格指数1月回升主要源于植物油价格指数和乳制品价格指数稳步增长,抵消了食糖价格指数连续两个月下跌。肉类价格指数和谷物价格指数基本不变。


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