
 Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA)
十月 27, 2008

GMA: Food Industry offering more low sodium foods

The average American consumes between 6,000 and 18,000 milligrams of salt daily. The body only needs about 200 milligrams.
McDonald's French Fries: MacFries or McFries?
十月 21, 2008

McDonald's French Fries: MacFries or McFries?

So here it is, a PotatoPro Newsletter on 'McDonald's World Famous Fries' or MacFries as I will keep calling them in short. Yes, as far as I could figure out they were called MacFries, not McFries, even though Google gives more than twice as much hits on McFries than MacFries.
十月 21, 2008

Verantwoorde frites van Aviko

Om in de toekomst de marktpositie te behouden, zullen bedrijven zich moeten bezighouden met Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen. Steeds meer wordt duidelijk dat bedrijven een maatschappelijke rol hebben. Maar hoe ga je daarmee om? Is dat vanuit ide...
 "Western Diet"
十月 21, 2008

“Western” diet increases heart attack risk globally

The typical Western diet — fried foods, salty snacks and meat — accounts for about 30 percent of heart attack risk across the world, according to a study of dietary patterns in 52 countries reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Associ...
十月 16, 2008

Aardappel van de toekomst moet nog gezonder

Het zou goed zijn als de wetenschap daar in de komende jaren energie in steekt, zegt Cees van Arendonk, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Aardappelorganisatie.Van Arendonk sprak vandaag tijdens een minisymposium over het blootleggen van de genetische code ...
十月 13, 2008

New York City Restaurants violating Calorie Posting Rule

New York City has issued nearly 700 citations to restaurant chains for not complying with new calorie posting rules. McDonald’s had most violations.The city has issued 682 violations to restaurant chains since a new law took effect five months ago requ...
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十月 09, 2008

Crisps blamed for choking death

A 35-year-old man choked to death while eating crisps in a van on the A12 in Essex, an inquest has heard.Iain Ward, of Ilford, a map reader for a Chinese food wholesaler, was a passenger in the delivery van when the incident happened at Marks Tey, Esse...
十月 08, 2008

Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc recalls potato croquettes due to potential contamination with pieces blue plastic

Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc has recalled its own brand Frozen Family Favourites Potato Croquettes due to potential contamination with pieces of soft blue plastic. Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc has removed the affected products from sale. Product recal...
十月 02, 2008

Restaurantes de California pronto comenzarán a anunciar calorias

California se convirtió el martes en el primer estado estadounidense que exigirá que las cadenas de comida rápida anuncien las calorías en su menú. El estado estima que sus residentes colectivamente han aumentado 165 millones de kilos en la última déc...
Burger King
十月 02, 2008

BURGER KING Restaurants Now Using Trans Fat Free Cooking Oils as Part of BK Positive Steps Nutrition Program

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today that all BURGER KING(R) restaurants nationwide are now cooking with trans fat free cooking oils. Furthermore, by Nov. 1, 2008, all BURGER KING(R) menu ingredients will contain zero grams artificial trans f...
十月 02, 2008

No more potato chips in Polish Schools

A new healthy eating campaign in Polish schools is to deprive kids of their favourite snacks of crisps and candy being sold at the school shop.Poland’s Chief Sanitary Inspectorate is preparing a revolution in snacks on offer at shops in Polish schools:...
十月 01, 2008

YUM! Brands Announced U.S. Divisions Will Place Calories on All Company Restaurant Menu Boards

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) today announced that its U.S. divisions, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silver’s and A&W All-American Food, will become the first national restaurant chains to begin voluntarily placing product ...
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 California first US state to require fast food chains to list calories
九月 30, 2008

Californian Restaurants to list calories on Menu

California on Tuesday became the first U.S. state to require fast-food restaurant chains to list calories on their menus.The state estimates that residents collectively have gained 360 million pounds (165 million kg) in the last decade, and it sees the...
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The Clinton Global Initiative honors Yum Brands

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Starbucks and KFC are drawn into China's tainted milk scandal

STARBUCKS and KFC have admitted using products from firms affected by China's tainted milk crisis. The news cames as Hong Kong ordered recalls of ice creams found to be contaminated with melamine, the compound responsible for killing four babies in a h...
Potato Glycoalkaloids
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Potato Glycoalkaloids

Glycoalkaloids in potato was the topic of a number of newspaper articles recently , since the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture published a review on glycoalkaloids in potato and potato products.
九月 15, 2008

Impulse snack buys contradict healthy intentions, study

New product design for health-profiled snacks demands a clear message, as a new study demonstrates consumers may opt to ignore the healthy snack, despite what they say. Snacks with a healthy profile are blossoming in terms of sales, but findings...
九月 11, 2008

FSA publishes Process contaminants Survey in Retail products 2007

The British Food Standard Agency published a Food Surveillance Information Sheet on process contaminants in retail products in 2007This Food Surveillance Information Sheet (FSIS) contains the results from the first year of a three-year rolling program...


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