
Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread
一月 11, 2021

Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread

Starch-based gluten-free bread (formulations containing a mixture of corn and potato starch with hydrocolloids) are deficient in nutrients and do not contain health promoting compounds.
21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!
九月 14, 2020

21st EAPR Triennial Conference – change of date and location!

As you know the situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing dynamically. Due to the pandemic and for the safety of our participants we have decided to postpone the 21st EAPR Triennial Conference further. The new Conference date is July 12-16, 2021.
二月 13, 2009

Additional Evidence That Potato Chips Should Be Eaten Only In Moderation

A new study published in the March 2009 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition by Marek Naruszewicz and colleagues from Poland suggests that acrylamide from foods may increase the risk of heart disease. Acrylamide has been linked previously to nervous ...
十月 02, 2008

No more potato chips in Polish Schools

A new healthy eating campaign in Polish schools is to deprive kids of their favourite snacks of crisps and candy being sold at the school shop.Poland’s Chief Sanitary Inspectorate is preparing a revolution in snacks on offer at shops in Polish schools:...
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