News on The Potato Supply Chain

Las mujeres son las más afectadas por el cambio climático
April 24, 2018

Las mujeres son las más afectadas por el cambio climático

En las zonas rurales de Bolivia, hacer una vida sostenible es cada vez más difícil para los pequeños agricultores. Y son las mujeres las que están enfrentando los efectos del fenómeno (Reportaje de la Deutsche Welle)..
Planting Late? AHDB Potatoes offers guidance to make
April 24, 2018

Planting Late? AHDB Potatoes offers tips to avoid pitfalls

The weather has not been kind to potato growers in the United Kingdom. AHDB potatoes offers some helpful tips and guidance to make it a successful potato growing season nevertheless.
MountainKing potatoes has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds
April 24, 2018

MountainKing Potatoes has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds

MountainKing Potatoes, a leading grower of table potatoes in the United States, has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds, one of the company’s top sellers now available for retail grocers.
United States Potato Stocks up 2 percent
April 22, 2018

United States Potato Stocks up 2 percent

The 13 major potato States held 134 million cwt of potatoes in storage April 1, 2018, up 2 percent from April 1, 2017 according to a USDA report released last week.
Vietnam creates 'Da Lat' potato brand to fight cheap imports to be sold as local
April 22, 2018

Vietnam creates 'Da Lat' potato brand to prevent cheap imports to be sold as local

Potatoes from Da Lat (Vietnam) will have a new logo and brand that will make it more difficult for traders to sell cheaper Chinese potatoes under the Da Lat name.
Las montañas del Perú: el reino de la papa
April 21, 2018

Las montañas del Perú: el reino de la papa

En la tierra de los antiguos incas, las papas se dan en una gran variedad de texturas y colores: rojas, azules, moradas, amarillas y rosas; esta diversidad se refleja en las distintas maneras de prepararlas que dan forma a su gastronomía.
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Industrialización de la papa en Perú: tarea imprescindible
April 19, 2018

Industrialización de la papa en Perú: tarea imprescindible

Perú produce 4.4 millones de toneladas de papa (...) de esa cantidad, sólo se industrializa el 2%, con un proceso muy rústico pues consiste en depositar la papa al suelo para que el frío de las alturas la convierta en chuño.
Potato Packer and Processor Quik's shows new building and its product range
April 19, 2018

Potato Packer and Processor Quik's showcases its product range and new building

Dutch Potato Packer and Processor Quik's recently completed its new building. The company offers fresh potatoes (Quik's Fresh Potatoes) and chilled potato products and specialities (Quik's Potato Products). Both building and products were on display earlier this month.
UPEI Precision Agriculture Project focused on Potato Inputs gets boosted by NSERC contribution
April 19, 2018

UPEI Precision Agriculture Project focused on Potato Inputs gets boost

A five year research project to develop precision agriculture ('smart') technologies for the use of inputs in potato farming at the University of Prince Edward Island's School of Sustainable Design Engineering received support from NSERC
Searching for the occasional market for excess potatoes
April 16, 2018

Searching for the occasional market for excess potatoes

Organisations representing potato farmers in Belgium and France, have started a project (interreg-GEPOS) to look for alternative destinations for potatoes in Belgium and the North of France in seasons marked by large surpluses.
United Kingdom Trade in Potato Products at all time high
April 15, 2018

United Kingdom trades more Processed Potato Products

United Kingdom potato trade saw strong performance from its processed potato sectors in the first seven months of the 2017/18 marketing season. Trade of frozen potato has seen strong growth both leaving and entering the UK, although imports still outweigh exports by ten-fold.
Argentina: Los bitrenes gastan un 30% menos en combustible
April 15, 2018

Argentina: Los bitrenes gastan un 30% menos en combustible

Si bien consumen más que un camión tradicional, al poder transportar 66% más de carga, el costo por tonelada cae [Los bitrenes son formaciones encabezadas por un camión y dos remolques que se articulan entre sí]
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Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results
April 14, 2018

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2017 Results

The EuroBlight project is examining the ongoing evolution of the potato late blight pathogen (Phytophthora infestans). In 2017, almost 1500 samples from 16 countries in Europe were genotyped. The results indicate that new clones continue to spread.
At the age of 72, Bill Skinner runs the Boston Marathon fueled by Potatoes
April 13, 2018

At Age 72, Bill Skinner runs the Boston Marathon - fueled by Potatoes

Potato Grower Bill Skinner heads to Massachusetts this weekend to compete in his second Boston Marathon – at the age of 72.
Perú y Honduras impulsan la producción de semilla de papa
April 12, 2018

Perú y Honduras impulsan la producción de semilla de papa

Luego de sostener una reunión en el marco de la VIII Cumbre de las Américas, los presidentes de ambos países trabajarán de manera conjunta para acrecentar el comercio bilateral.
Equipment Upgrade Potato Packing Plant Patates Dolbec in Quebec receives government support
April 12, 2018

Equipment Upgrade Potato Packing Plant Patates Dolbec in Quebec receives government support

Potato packing company Patates Dolbec Inc. in Quebec just completed an expansion and modernization project supported by the Canadian Government.
Fight over water in Klamath Basin affects potato growers
April 11, 2018

Fight over water in Klamath Basin affects potato growers

Farmers, fish advocates, tribes and government officials are headed to federal court in California on Wednesday (today) to argue who will get water — and when — in the Klamath Basin.
Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurates its expanded greenhouse facilities
April 11, 2018

Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurates its expanded greenhouse facilities

Potato Cooperative Agrico inaugurated its new greenhouse complex at the Agrico Research breeding station last Friday. This was followed by an Open Day on Saturday April 7 at the research station.


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