News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

March 21, 2012

US Potato Experts Evaluate Potato Cyst Nematode eradication

Idaho potatoes are still at the discussion table five years after a potato cyst nematode outbreak threatened crops in Bonneville and Bingham counties.
 John Keeling
March 21, 2012

KORUS-FTA facilitates export of US potato products to South Korea

On March 15, 2012 the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS-FTA) went into force. John Keeling, Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Potato Council (NPC), commented on the impact of this free trade agreement on the US potato Industry: “A...
Insecticide Resistance Management addressed in latest Focus on Potato Webcast
March 21, 2012

Insecticide Resistance Management addressed in latest Focus on Potato Webcast

Insecticide resistance management is not always on the minds of potato growers when faced with menacing crop pests, but straying from the recommended usage guidelines can eventually make the situation much worse.
 Andrew Robinson
March 20, 2012

Andrew Robinson is New Extension Potato Agronomist at North Dakota State University

Andrew Robinson is New Extension Potato Agronomist - The Extension Potato Agronomist position vacated by Nick David in January 2011 has been filled!  Idaho native Andrew "Andy"Robinson has been hired.  He has a Masters Degree in Agronomy and...
Prince Edward Island Canada
March 20, 2012

Expansion PEI Potato Quality Institute (PQI) facilitates disease testing

The PEI Potato Quality Institute (PQI) has expanded their facility in the West Royalty Industrial Park to offer local potato farmers more efficient disease testing, thanks to investments made by the federal and provincial governments and industry partners.
 John Keeling
March 19, 2012

School menu success gives potatoes another chance at WIC

The National Potato Council’s successful fight to return potatoes to school menu guidelines in the US was a victory for the industry, but executive vice-president and chief executive officer John Keeling isn’t stopping there.
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March 19, 2012

La papa chilena encandila a los productores brasileños

En marzo del año pasado, una delegación de la Asociación Brasilera de Batata (ABBA), integrada por productores, representantes de empresas, académicos e investigadores, viajó a la Región de los Lagos para visitar el Centro Nacional de la Papa en Inia R...
March 16, 2012

U.S. Potato Board turns 40, earns praise from USDA

The U.S. Potato Board’s annual meeting March 15 started off on with some good news from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bob Keeney, deputy administrator of fruit and vegetable programs for the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service gave the board, ...
 McDonald's best of sustainable supply 2012
March 14, 2012

McDonald's (potato) suppliers making progress in sustainability

McDonald's just announced its 2012 Best of Sustainable Supply Chain winners by highlighting 51 stories of supply chain partners addressing challenges to help improve food sources, the environment, communities and employee wellness across the world. Man...
 Russian Banana (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
March 14, 2012

Idaho increases specialty potato market share

Russet potatoes still dominate markets, but specialties are gaining.
 Russet Burbank
March 14, 2012

Russet prices rising

Long-sluggish russet markets are beginning to strengthen, and prices should continue to rise as the 2011-2012 deal enters its homestretch this summer. Strong processing demand was beginning to tip the scales in March in what has been a year of abundan...
March 13, 2012

Colorado potatoes still kept out of Mexico's interior

Colorado Agricultural Commissioner John Salazar thought that the ban on Colorado potatoes into the heart of Mexico was solved last summer when the U.S. and its southern neighbor worked out an agreement to allow Mexican trucks full access to U.S. markets.
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March 13, 2012

Productores de papa preocupados por contrabando proveniente de Guatemala

Las autoridades gubernamentales se reunieron con productores de papa de Intibucá, occidente de Honduras, tras denunciarse un contrabando de papa del vecino país de Guatemala, se informó hoy. Según se informó, la papa procedente de Guatemala tiene inqu...
 The Klondike Family
March 12, 2012

New potato characters: Potandon's Klondike Family Makes Their Debut

Potato marketer Potandon Produce proudly introduces the animated potato characters of the Klondike Family with the first episode of an online story book that can be found at  This innovative potato family features some of the ...
March 09, 2012

Nationwide survey finds no potato cyst nematode in Canada

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has completed all potato cyst nematode(PCN) soil sampling and testing for the 2011 seed potato crop, and PCN was not detected.
March 09, 2012

Producción de papa en Argentina (Video)

Alimentos y Regiones es un programa de televisión por cable dedicado a mostrar una visión de Argentina enfocando sus producciones, su crecimiento, sus anhelos. La última edición está dedicada al cultivo de la papa. (Click picture to watch video) ...
March 08, 2012

Idaho farmers reject processors' contract offers

Idaho potato growers have rejected processors' contract offers, convinced they were insufficient to cover rising input costs and prevention of the emerging disease zebra chip.
March 07, 2012

Argentina: La superficie con papa se redujo a la mitad y el precio se duplicó

A partir de una considerable disminución de la superficie implantada esta temporada y ya sobre el final de la primera cosecha en Mendoza, el precio de la papa experimentó un interesante incremento en los mercados de concentración.


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