News on The Potato Supply Chain

Tyson – Delivering a Heavyweight Punch for Potato Growers
January 07, 2019

Tyson – Delivering a Heavyweight Punch for Potato Growers in the UK

Greenvale Seed, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of seed potatoes has announced it’s intention to exclusively supply UK growers with a new variety of potato.
Colombia produce la papa que consume
January 05, 2019

Colombia produce la papa que consume

Entrevista de Caracol Radio al gerente general del Fondo Nacional de Fomento de la Papa (Fedepapa), Germán Augusto Palacio Vélez.
Tolsma-Grisnich Group acquires full ownership of its UK potato storage systems subsidiary Farm Electronics
January 04, 2019

Tolsma-Grisnich takes full ownership of Farm Electronics, its UK Potato Storage Systems subsidiary

The Tolsma-Grisnich Group, specialized in potato storage and potato handling, will take full ownership of its UK subsidiary Farm Electronics, effective from 1 January 2019.
Potato Growers Pakistan concerned by false rumors of Export Ban, Duties
December 29, 2018

False Rumors of Export Ban, Duties cause unrest among Potato Growers in Pakistan

There have been rumors that the government of Pakistan banned potato export or levied duties on the export of potatoes. The Ministry of National Food Security & Research condemned these rumors and stated they are entirely false and fictitious.
North-western European Potato Growers recap: 2018 harvest 18% lower than last year
December 28, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers recap: 2018 harvest 18% lower than last year

After Great Britain published its potato statistics earlier this month, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) created the overview for their entire region: an 18 percent lower total harvest
Potato cooperative Agrico reports progress to its memebers
December 23, 2018

Potato cooperative Agrico reports progress to its members

Last week, potato collective Agrico held its central general members’ meeting. At this well attended meeting, the annual report 2017/2018 was presented and new board members were appointed.
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All Australian markets reopened for WA seed and ware potatoes as surveillance shows potato psyllids not infected
December 21, 2018

All Australian markets reopened for WA seed and ware potatoes as surveillance shows potato psyllids not infected

The government of Western Australia has announced that it has succeeded in regaining market access for Western Australian potatoes in all of Australia, following the detection of tomato potato psyllid in February 2017.
Argentina: First PVY resistant potato will go on sale next year
December 21, 2018

Argentina: First Genetically Modified, PVY resistant potato goes on sale next year

After 20 years of biotechnological research, the first GM potato that is resistant to the PVY virus will go on sale next year in Argentina
United Kingdom Potato Sales up to 2.2 million tonnes
December 21, 2018

United Kingdom Potato Sales up to 2.2 million tonnes

Shoppers in the United Kingdom bought 1.4 per cent more fresh potatoes this year compared to last year and 3 per cent more than in 2015, new data shows.
Scotts Precision Manufacturing: 500th Scotts Evolution Separator set for North America
December 21, 2018

Scotts Precision Manufacturing sold its 500th Evolution Separator

Scotts Precision Manufacturing is celebrating a significant milestone, having sold its 500th Evolution Separator.
Bolivia: Reaparece plaga que acaba un cultivo de papa en 2 días
December 18, 2018

Bolivia: Reaparece plaga que acaba un cultivo de papa en 2 días

La enfermedad se viene detectando en Cochabamba, donde hay ya 50 hectáreas de plantaciones afectadas. Al menos 39.000 toneladas de papa están en peligro. El daño es, especialmente, en las hojas y raíces.
Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding
December 18, 2018

Better and stronger potatoes using hybrid breeding

The potato breeding company Solynta in The Netherlands has successfully produced a hybrid breeding program for potatoes which will allow the rapid selection and turnover of favourable traits, traits which could help feed millions of people worldwide.
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Perú lanza papa con un 30% más de hierro
December 13, 2018

Perú lanza papa con un 30% más de hierro

Fueron necesarios cuatro años de estudio constante y sacrificado para que científicos cusqueños lograran crear un nuevo tipo de papa, una tan fortificada que podría acabar con la anemia en Perú y el mundo entero.
La labranza y el acolchado son clave para el cultivo de papa en China
December 12, 2018

La labranza y el acolchado son clave para el cultivo de papa en China

Según un estudio de la Universidad de Ningxia en Yinchuan, dichas técnicas mantienen la humedad del suelo y mejoran la tasa de emergencia de las plántulas.
ITC's Technico partners with James Hutton Institute to introduce new potato varieties in India
December 12, 2018

ITC's Technico partners with James Hutton Institute to introduce new potato varieties in India

James Hutton Limited, has entered into a five-year agreement with Technico Agri Sciences, a subsidiary of Indian company ITC Limited, to provide 16 potato varieties and 600 clones to be trialled and tested in India.
The potato crop in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain
December 12, 2018

Potatoes in Europe: New data from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Spain

That the potato harvest this year in Europe was well below average due to extreme weather conditions is well known by now. I this article we present some recent data from Great Britain, The Netherlands and Spain that further clarify the situation
Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY
December 11, 2018

Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY

Después de 20 años de investigaciones, esta variedad saldrá a la venta el año que viene, con beneficios productivos y económicos estimados en 45 millones de dólares por año, sólo en el mercado argentino.
Interpom | Primeurs 2018 was a top potato industry event, again
December 11, 2018

Interpom | Primeurs 2018 was a Top Potato Industry Event, again

Late last month, the entire potato sector once again gathered en masse at INTERPOM | PRIMEURS at Kortrijk Xpo.


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