PVMI offers Purple Pelisse, a colorful high anti-oxidant potato

 Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI)
April 07, 2009

All new potato varieties developed by the Pacific Northwest Tri-State Breeding Program are now licensed to PVMI (the Potato Variety Management Institute), a non-profit marketing and administration organization for the Tri-State Potato Breeding Program. PVMI is currently requesting proposals for sublicensing a new purple-fleshed, purple-skinned potato variety.

This is the first time a specialty potato variety developed by the Tri-State Program will be sublicensed to only one or a few private companies. An exclusive or semi-exclusive license/s will make it possible for the licensee(s) to more aggressively establish and support marketing of this new potato variety.

The use of a limited access licensing process will help differentiate this specialty potato from other varieties, marketed by the sub-license holder and eventually be sold at a premium price.

Named PURPLE PELISSE (POR01PG16-1), this purple-fleshed, purple-skinned variety has ranked high in taste and processing trials.

Purple Pelisse

Purple Pelisse

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