Trends in landbouw en voedsel

Potato Europe attracts wide audience
september 11, 2019

Potato Europe attracts wide audience

Growers, suppliers, grubbing demonstrations - everything to do with potatoes. That is what the latest edition of Potato Europe was all about. This year, this trade show was held in Doornik/Tournai, Belgium on 4 and 5 September.
Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the FPS
september 06, 2019

Made for sorting potatoes by the grower: the new TOMRA 3A improves on the Field Potato Sorter (FPS)

TOMRA Sorting Food has introduced the TOMRA 3A sensor-based sorting machine for freshly harvested root crops, offering potato growers unrivalled sorting capabilities, dependability, and affordability.
augustus 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.

Eind april werd het laatste pootgoed op het demoterrein van PotatoEurope geplant en tot eind mei bleven de deelnemingsaanvragen binnen stromen. Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.
Waterleau announcing New Shareholder
augustus 13, 2019

Waterleau announcing New Shareholder

Waterleau Group NV has successfully executed an important capital increase which secures the ambitious plans of the company for the future.
Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry
juli 30, 2019

Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry

Sensor-based sorter manufacturer TOMRA offers their insights on the impact of sorting technology on food safety in the Potato Processing Industry
ILVO, HOGENT, TRIAS en Peruaanse boeren en onderzoekers bundelen krachten rond aardappel-TUNTA's
juli 05, 2019

ILVO, HOGENT, TRIAS en Peruaanse boeren en onderzoekers bundelen krachten rond aardappel-TUNTA's

ILVO, HOGENT en TRIAS hebben een Peruaanse delegatie op bezoek in de Food Pilot (ILVO Brusselsestwg. Melle) om de productie van zogenaamde tunta’s (gevriesdroogde aardappelen) in een coöperatief fabriekje in de Andes op punt te krijgen.
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Starch Europe Welcomes Lantmännen-Reppe and Viresol as members
juli 01, 2019

Starch Europe Welcomes Lantmännen-Reppe and Viresol as members

Starch Europe Welcomes Lantmännen-Reppe and Viresol as members.
Patat Inc.
juni 18, 2019

Patat Inc.: De aardappel is niet uit het nieuws te branden.

De aardappel is niet uit het nieuws te branden. Deze week bleek dat Belgische telers in Noord-Frankrijk neerstrijken omdat het Belgische areaal bijna uitgeput is.
juni 11, 2019

Noord-West Europees aardappelareaal groeit

Gebaseerd op een voorlopige schatting van de NEPG groeit het areaal consumptieaardappelen in de vijf grootste aardappellanden naar 609.000 hectare. Dit is het grootste areaal ooit.
Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varietals. (Courtesy: Cultivate Michigan)
mei 10, 2019

Blending potato varieties on the rise

Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varieties.
One way that supermarkets of the future can tackle the scandal of food waste
april 25, 2019

Supermarket of the Future: tackling food waste

Supermarkets of the near-future will have their business models radically re-shaped by innovations instore, online, and in the food industry supply chain.
Belgian potato supply chain commits to digital data platform WatchITgrow
februari 28, 2019

Belgian potato supply chain commits to digital data platform WatchITgrow

Three Belgian organisations, Boerenbond, Belgapom and VITO are teaming up to strengthen the future of the Belgian potato chain by jointly investing in the online data platform WatchITgrow.
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Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)
februari 25, 2019

Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)

Last Friday, the European Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, mostly referred to as ScoPAFF voted an a proposal to ban Chlorpropham (or CIPC), widely used in the potato industry as sprout inhibitor during potato storage.
Técnicas modernas de mejoramiento en papa (Curso)
februari 03, 2019

Técnicas modernas de mejoramiento en papa

El curso es organizado por el Instituto de Divulgación de Biotecnología Vegetal (IPBO). Va dirigido a estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales del sector público e privado, que estén involucrados en programas locales de mejoramiento de cultivos (papa)
Crunch time for potato chips manufacturers as EU waste targets loom
januari 15, 2019

Crunch time for potato chips manufacturers as EU waste targets loom

The European Commission has set an EU-wide objective for all packaging to be recyclable or reusable by 2030. However there is no easy packaging solution (yet) for manufacturers of potato chips.
Automated Quality Assessment of Potatoes for French Fries: RMA Techniek rules
november 22, 2018

Automated Quality Assessment of Potatoes for French Fries: RMA Techniek knows how...

RMA Techniek has combined their capabilities in robotics, smart engineering and experience in the potato processing industry in a unique way: the company has specialized in the automated quality assessment of potatoes and shows its progress at Interpom.
Technologies and Trends shaping the Supermarket of the Future
november 20, 2018

Technologies and Trends shaping the Supermarket of the Future

Food businesses will have to change to stay competitive – online, in-store, and at sorting and processing plants too. Bjorn Thumas, Director Business Development Food at TOMRA Food, looks at what we can expect.
Improve your French Fry Line with these Innovations from Kiremko
november 20, 2018

Improve your French Fry Line with these Innovations from Kiremko

At Interpom | Primeurs 2018, held in Kortrijk Xpo from November 25 -27, Kiremko will launch its latest innovation in the field of frying oil filtering: the Kiremko Primary Oil Filter.


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