
The North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) responds to the price drop of free buy potatoes (non-contracted potatoes)and the negative signal this sends to the growers.
oktober 02, 2023

North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) concerned about price drop of free buy potatoes and negative signal to growers.

During the last weeks, free buy prices from different North-western European quotations have dramatically fallen, no longer allowing to cover production costs. North-western European Potato growers (NEPG) respond.
Belgian potato company gets new cooling, freezing system
april 03, 2023

Belgian potato company gets new cooling, freezing system

In Belgium, Industriële Koeltechniek Roose (IKR) recently installed a new cooling and freezing system at potato specialist De Aardappelhoeve.
Klimanager energy management software and Self-Consumption
november 23, 2022

Storing energy in your potato storage: KLIM'TOP Klimanager energy management software optimizes for Self-Consumption

KLIM’TOP Controls manufactures, sells and installs cooling units and ventilation systems for the farm industry, and more precisely for long-term storage root vegetables such as potatoes.
NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares
september 15, 2022

NEPG: Climate change will reduce the total potato production in Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany by 7 to 11 % despite an increase in hectares

During its last meeting prior to Potato Europe 2022, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that global potato production in the NEPG zone (EU-04) will be down by 7 to 11 %.
Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
november 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
Groen Licht Voor Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain
mei 23, 2021

Groen Licht Voor Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain

Het is nu zeker: Interpom gaat door! Van 28 tot en met 30 november 2021 blaast de internationale aardappelwereld opnieuw verzamelen in Kortrijk Xpo.
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Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling
april 15, 2021

Agriculture company Vandamme opts for a quality boost with new cooling

According to Vandamme, mechanical cooling is an excellent basis for long-term storage of potatoes without loss of quality. In addition, cooling, in combination with 1,4SIGHT, is a suitable alternative to chlorpropham as a sprout inhibitor.
maart 08, 2021

EU brengt duidelijkheid in toepassing MRL voor kiemremmer CIPC in aardappel

Het dossier is echter nog niet afgerond. Het tMRL zal opnieuw worden bekeken op basis van de monitoringgegevens die uiterlijk op 31 december 2021 aan de Commissie moeten worden gerapporteerd.
november 02, 2020

NEPG: Aardappelareaal moet met tenminste 15% dalen

De NEPG schat dat de totale oogst dit seizoen 27,9 miljoen ton zal zijn, als alle aardappelen inderdaad geoogst zullen worden. Dat is 4,5% of 1 miljoen ton meer dan vorig seizoen in de 5 grootste aardappellanden.
Romain Cools: 2020 could well become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years
september 21, 2020

2020 could become the toughest NW European potato season in 50 years

Last week, the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) association announced their harvest estimate for the 2020/2021 season.
Interpom 2021
augustus 27, 2020

Belgian Potato Industry Trade show Interpom postponed till 2021

The Potato Industry Trade Show Interpom that was scheduled later this year in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium) is postponed until November 2021
mei 28, 2020

INTERPOM 2020 op Aangepaste Openingsdagen

Beursthema: 'Let's connect the potato chain in the post-coronavirus world'. 2020 wordt in de geschiedenisboeken ingeschreven als 'het corona-jaar'.
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februari 24, 2020

NEPG: 'Potato season 2020/21 will be challenging'

Over the last years, the area for consumption potatoes has been increased with 6,5 % in the 5 leading potato countries. If there is an increase again this year, combined with an average yield the balance between demand and supply could lead to...
Belpotato.be: Interbranch organization takes off in Belgium
januari 23, 2020

Belpotato.be to become the single voice of the entire potato industry in Belgium

On January 20, the foundation deed of Belpotato.be was officially signed in Huldenberg. The composition of the Executive Board ensures that there are balances between growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers.
Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds
januari 13, 2020

Belgapom: Maximum effort required to remove CIPC from potato storage sheds

Entering a new era in potato storage: Belgapom has formulated its position on how to handle chlorpropham as of the 2020 harvest.
Potato Europe attracts wide audience
september 11, 2019

Potato Europe attracts wide audience

Growers, suppliers, grubbing demonstrations - everything to do with potatoes. That is what the latest edition of Potato Europe was all about. This year, this trade show was held in Doornik/Tournai, Belgium on 4 and 5 September.
augustus 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.

Eind april werd het laatste pootgoed op het demoterrein van PotatoEurope geplant en tot eind mei bleven de deelnemingsaanvragen binnen stromen. Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates
april 24, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe to grow between 1 and 2 percent, NEPG estimates

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the upcoming area for
consumption potatoes in 2019 will increase between 1 and 2 % towards almost 604.000 ha in the 5
main production countries.


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