Aardappelrassen en pootaardappelen

november 03, 2010

Native potatoes put biodiversity on a plate and on the agenda

Potatoes in all shapes, colors and presentations were a hit at Latin America’s biggest ‘foodie’ get together this year, and highlighted the fact that biodiversity can be delicious
oktober 29, 2010

NDSU researchers see great potential in colorful potatoes

Among the hundreds of potato varieties that North Dakota State University researchers work with, some are certainly eye-catching.
oktober 29, 2010

Endeavour, Taisiya: twee nieuwe aardappelrassen van Den Hartigh

Het handelshuis Den Hartigh in Emmeloord demonstreert begin november twee nieuwe aardappelrassen. Het gaat om het chipsras Endeavour en het consumptieras Taisiya.
 Klamath Basin Fresh Direct
oktober 25, 2010

Klamath Basin Fresh Direct chooses packaging option to prevent greening

Gourmandine aardappel aktie Agrico
oktober 17, 2010

Agrico promoot culinaire Gourmandine aardappel

Nadat de Gourmandine vorig jaar in Frankrijk de onafhankelijke consumentenprijs ‘Saveur de l’Année’ won, is deze culinaire aardappel, behorend tot het commerciële rassenpakket van Agrico, ook in de smaak gevallen bij de Nederlandse consument.
 INIA presentation serranita
oktober 14, 2010

INIA (Peru) presents Serranita, a new ecological potato variety

The National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA), a branch of Peru's Agriculture Ministry, presented today the INIA 309 potato -also known as Serranita Ecologica (Ecological Serranita)- which uses fewer pesticides during its cultivation
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 Ing. César Paredes
oktober 07, 2010

INIA (Perú) presentó variedad de papa Serranita a comerciantes e industriales

El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) presentó ante productores agrarios, comerciantes mayoristas y minoristas e industriales, la variedad mejorada de papa denominada “Serranita”, cultivar desarrollado por los especialistas de la instituci...
oktober 06, 2010

Papas de color púrpura salen a la venta en supermercados de Reino Unido

Una nueva variedad de patata con pulpa de color púrpura oscuro salió a la venta hoy en los supermercados de la cadena británica Sainsbury's, informó la propia empresa en un comunicado. “La variedad ‘Majestad Púrpura’ está ideada para cambiar la percep...
 Purple Majesta
oktober 05, 2010

Purple Majesta, a purple potato goes on sale in UK supermarkets

A purple potato that growers say is healthier than the standard variety is going on sale in UK supermarkets.
 Papas Nativas
oktober 03, 2010

Salve una papa nativa: conviértase en "Héroe de por vida"

Desde el 1 de octubre usted puede unirse a una campaña mundial lanzada por la Fundación Raíces para la Vida (Roots for Life). Es una oportunidad única para que 4.235 donantes se conviertan en héroes de por vida y ayuden a asegurar el futuro de la human...
 Native potatoes
oktober 03, 2010

Save a native potato: become a 'Hero for life'

As of October 1, you can join a global campaign launched by the Roots for Life Foundation. This is a unique opportunity for 4,235 donors to become Heroes for Life and help to secure the future of humanity by contributing to the conservation of the 4,2...
 South Australian Potato Company
september 29, 2010

South Australian Potato Company launches new purple eyed potato: Kestrel

A new potato variety will be appearing on retail shelves in Australia, Asia and the Middle East in coming months from the South Australian Potato Company
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september 28, 2010

Nueva variedad de papa ecuatoriana es apta para consumo en fresco, papa cocinada, en sopas, puré y papa frita tipo bastón

El 8 de octubre se efectuará un día de campo con el fin de conocer las bondades técnicas y culinarias de la variedad Iniap- Natividad. Se trata de una variedad de papa mejorada por el Iniap. El evento se desarrollará en la finca La Valeria, ubicada en...
 Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI)
september 25, 2010

Russet Burbank in US still King of Spuds

The Russet Burbank is still the reigning king of spuds, thanks largely to Americans' love of fries.The industry stalwart comprised 44.6 percent of total acreage this year in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin, Maine, North Dakota and Minnesota, acco...
september 24, 2010

BASF indentifies cause of Amadea and Amflora starch potato mingling

BASF Plant Science has identified the root cause of the starch potato comingling in northern Sweden. During the course of company's regular internal quality assurance measures in August, BASF Plant Science discovered 47 Amadea plants in Amflora propaga...
september 21, 2010

EU battle over GM potato continues

Luxembourg has joined Hungary and Austria in their legal challenge over the authorisation of BASF’s genetically modified (GM) potato Amflora.
september 14, 2010

HZPC neemt nieuw energiezuinig kassencomplex in gebruik

De burgemeester van Dongeradeel, mevrouw M. Waanders, heeft onder belangstelling van alle HZPC-medewerkers het nieuwe kassencomplex van HZPC in Metslawier formeel in gebruik gesteld.
september 10, 2010

BASF Plant Science identifies case of low level comingling in Amflora fields in Sweden

BASF Plant Science identified extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields planted in Northern Sweden during the course of the regular in-house quality controls.


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