Tendencias Alimentarias

Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight
Marzo 13, 2020

Hot potato: the J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods patent fight

J.R. Simplot and McCain Foods have spent the last few years battling in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho over issues related to – unsurprisingly – potatoes, with each party asserting a design patent related to a spiraled potato.
World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production
Marzo 10, 2020

World Revised Figures Show Halt in Rise in Potato Production

The increase in world potato production stalled in 2018 and failed to recover significantly in 2019. World output slipped by 1.5% to 368.247 million tonnes in 2018 figures just released by the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation show.
Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía
Marzo 09, 2020

Las papas de Toto retan a la sequía

La mezcla del agua agrícola del CAAF con la procedente de la desaladora propia es la forma de ahuyentar tres años de sequía que practican Marisa Díaz Armas y Ramón Torres Martín, el matrimonio que desde hace doce años planta papas en Toto.
Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro
Marzo 09, 2020

Biodiversidad genética: 223 variedades de papas nativas en MIL Centro

Uno de los primeros intercambios entre la población andina y la tierra, fue a través de la papa. Los primeros indicios de su cultivo datan los 8000 años de antigüedad. Desde entonces, generaciones de agricultores han domesticado miles de variedades.
Alarma en Mercadona: arrasan con estos productos por el coronavirus
Marzo 09, 2020

Alarma en Mercadona: arrasan con estos productos por el coronavirus

El coronavirus ha llegado a España. El alarmismo social que se ha instaurado al vislumbrar lo que sucede en otros países (han cerrado los colegios en Italia), ha llevado a muchas personas a tomar decisiones un tanto precipitadas.
Transforming potato waste into a new industry for Australia
Marzo 06, 2020

Transforming potato waste into a new industry for Australia

Four of the largest potato producers in Australia want to convert 100% of their potato waste into commercial benefit through their partnership with the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre (CRC).
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
FAO Food Price Index declined in February
Marzo 05, 2020

FAO Food Price Index declined in February

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 180.5 points in February 2020, down 1.9 points (1.0 percent) from January but still 13.5 points (8.1 percent) higher than in February 2019.
Taco Bell introduces 'Veggie Mode' on its self-service ordering kiosks in the United States
Marzo 03, 2020

Taco Bell introduces 'Veggie Mode' on its self-service ordering kiosks in the United States

On March 12, Taco Bell officially activates Veggie Mode, a single-swipe feature that instantly transforms the menu to show only vegetarian items on self-service ordering kiosks in the United States.
Strong Roots Takes on the Global Food Waste Crisis One Pound at a Time
Marzo 03, 2020

Strong Roots Takes on the Global Food Waste Crisis One Pound at a Time

Strong Roots returns to Natural Product Expo West, after winning the 2019 NEXTY Award, with its innovative and sustainable line of frozen plant-based foods including cauliflower hash browns, vegetable burgers, mixed root vegetable fries and more.
El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla
Febrero 29, 2020

El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla

Las altas temperaturas desde diciembre a febrero han provocado un adelanto del inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata poblera. El portal Mateu Export arrancó este miércoles su campaña con la recolección de la variedad Lady Christl.
Potato Industry 2020: International industry event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 'Russian Research Institute of potato farming named after A. G. Lorch'
Febrero 26, 2020

International potato industry to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Lorch Potato Research Institute'

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Lorch Potato Research Institute', an international industry event will be organized in Russia: 'Potato Industry 2020'
Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks
Febrero 26, 2020

Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks

Potato virus Y is the most economically important and devastating aphid-transmitted virus, affecting both tuber yield and quality. The virus is also a major cause of seed potato degeneration, which leads to regular flushing out of seed potatoes.
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Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica
Febrero 26, 2020

Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica

In the past year, Nedato has worked hard on the new strategic direction where growth is paramount in all segments. For example, Nedato is launching a new product line under its own name during Fruit Logistica.
ITC: Re-Imagining the Frozen Food Segment
Febrero 25, 2020

ITC: Re-Imagining the Frozen Food Segment

ITC first started diversifying from its core tobacco business in the early 1970s, with the diversification drive picking up steam in 2003 when the Indian behemoth conglomerate started with its slew of launches in the FMCG category.
PepsiCo's Be & Cheery Acquisition Targets Online Snacks Growth in China
Febrero 25, 2020

PepsiCo's Be & Cheery Acquisition Targets Online Snacks Growth in China

This weekend, PepsiCo, Inc. announced that it had agreed to acquire Hangzhou Haomusi Food Co., Ltd. ('Be & Cheery'), one of the largest online snacks companies in China, from Haoxiangni Health Food Co., Ltd. ('Haoxiangni') for USD 705 million.
The Potato Sustainability Alliance: Driving Sustainability in the North American Potato Sector
Febrero 24, 2020

The Potato Sustainability Alliance: Driving Sustainability in the North American Potato Sector

Key players in the potato industry in the United States and Canada announced at Potato Expo 2020 the creation of a new organization dedicated to sustainability in the potato sector: the Potato Sustainability Alliance.
Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono
Febrero 24, 2020

Esplet aplica en Sa Pobla el primer cultivo de patatas experimental usando ozono

5 hectáreas de campo de Sa Pobla sirven para que Esplet experimente por primera vez en España un innovador método para tratar el suelo aplicando ozono en los cultivos de patata, regenerándolos posteriormente para mejorar sus cualidades.
Broch asume la distribución de las cosechadoras de patatas ROPA en España y Portugal
Febrero 24, 2020

Broch asume la distribución de las cosechadoras de patatas ROPA en España y Portugal

El fabricante español JJ Broch, con presencia en 50 países, especializado en cultivos de bulbo, principalmente ajo, patata y cebolla, ha cerrado un acuerdo con el fabricante alemán ROPA Fahrzeug und Maschinenbau.


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