Tendencias Alimentarias

 Washington State Potatoes
Mayo 07, 2013

Washington State Potato Commission helps Potato Growers apply Integrated Pest Management

As the potato growing season begins, The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) will provide free Integrated Pest Management (IPM) supplies for Washington’s potato growers.
 USDA Aphis
Abril 25, 2013

State National Harmonization Program (SNHP) for seed potatoes launched

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) today announced the launch of the State National Harmonization Program (SNHP) for seed potatoes.
Abril 25, 2013

Water issues pushing Weld County's last large-scale potato grower out of Colorado

Colorado's Weld County is still home to potato festivals and dotted with spuds-growing artifacts, but the local potato industry has little to contribute anymore to the area’s vast legacy.
The role of vision in flavor: 'Seeing the flavor of Foods'
Abril 25, 2013

The role of vision in flavor: 'Seeing the flavor of Foods'

The eyes sometimes have it, beating out the tongue, nose and brain in the emotional and biochemical balloting that determines the taste and allure of food, according to a scientist speaking at the 245th National Meeting &Exposition of the American ...
United Potato Growers of America
Abril 24, 2013

United Potato Growers of America face lawsuit on price fixing

In a recently-filed lawsuit, Associated Wholesale Grocers claims that the United Potato Growers of America, United Potato state groups and many potato grower-shippers are illegally setting potato prices.
 US drought map April 16 2013
Abril 24, 2013

US area facing drought falls below 50 percent for first time in 10 months

Earlier in April, the area in the United States in moderate drought or worse fell below 50 percent for the first time since June 19, 2012, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Las patatas blancas aumentan la ingesta de potasio
Abril 23, 2013

Las patatas blancas aumentan la ingesta de potasio

El consumo de patatas blancas está vinculado a una mayor ingesta de potasio, según un estudio hecho público en la Reunión Anual de Biología Experimental. Por cada kilocaloría adicional de este alimento consumida, se produce un aumento de 1,6 mg en el c...
American Society for Nutrition
Abril 23, 2013

Don't judge by its color: white vegetables offer key nutrients too

When it comes to nutrient content, don't judge a veggie by its color alone, said a panel of leading food and nutrition scientists yesterday at an American Society for Nutrition (ASN) pre-annual meeting session.
Potato consumption linked to increased intake of potassium
Abril 23, 2013

Potato consumption linked to increased intake of potassium

Consumption of white potatoes is linked to increased intake of potassium, according to a new study released today at the Experimental Biology 2013 Annual Meeting.
 PEI Potato Chocolate Cake
Abril 22, 2013

Beyond the traditional potato recipes: how about Potato Chocolate Cake?

With summer entertaining just around the corner, Olympic Gold Medalist Heather Moyse is urging Canadians to look beyond the traditional potato salad, and get more creative when cooking their spuds - think potato chocolate cake!
 Potassium content per serving potatoes
Abril 22, 2013

Potassium could become 'hot' nutrient and potato farmers may benefit

Purdue University nutrition researcher Berdine Martin sees potential for potassium to be the next "really hot"nutrient emphasized in food science.
 Erik Wenninger
Abril 22, 2013

Potato Psyllids Have Returned to Magic Valley

Potato Psyllids Have Returned to Magic Valley, Idaho Or maybe they just never went away. Psyllids, a tiny insect that can damage potatoes, might be hardier than some people originally thought.
Contenido Patrocinado

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UK retailer Tesco PLC’s ambitious U.S. experiment -- 5-year-old grocery chain Fresh &Easy -- has failed after costing its British parent billions of dollars, the company said Wednesday.
 Wada Farms Sweet Potatoes
Abril 18, 2013

Wada opens North Carolina office for sweet potato program

Sweet potatoes have turned into a sweet deal for Wada Farms Marketing Group LLC, which just opened a new sales office in Raleigh, North Carolina, to handle sweet potato volumes that have tripled in the past six years.
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Abril 17, 2013

Virginia Tech researchers turn Cellulose into Starch

A team of Virginia Tech researchers has succeeded in transforming cellulose into starch, a process that has the potential to provide a previously untapped nutrient source from plants not traditionally thought of as food crops.


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