Salud y Nutrición

Febrero 19, 2010

UK Baker Warburtons re-enters the bagged snack market with new range

Pubs will have the opportunity to stock a completely new range of bagged snacks next month when Warburton, the Bolton-based baker, launches two new products. The baker, which began making kettle chips three decades ago but quit the snack game five ye...
Febrero 18, 2010

Obama Administration Details Healthy Food Financing Initiative

The Obama Administration today released details of an over $400 million Healthy Food Financing Initiative, which will bring grocery stores and other healthy food retailers to underserved urban and rural communities across America. The initiative was an...
Febrero 10, 2010

El juez prohíbe la venta de las patatas 'Pat Diet' por carecer de las baja calorías que anuncian

El Juzgado de Primera Instancia número 35 de Barcelona ha ordenado al Grupo Patatas Naturales el cese inmediato de la venta y la retirada del mercado de su producto 'Pat Diet' por no reunir las características propias de las patatas bajas en calorías ...
 Obama signs Memorandum on Childhood Obesity
Febrero 09, 2010

Michelle Obama begins fight against childhood obesity

In the State Dining Room at the White House, first lady Michelle Obama rolled out her national initiative to combat childhood obesity Tuesday afternoon with a show of force that included medical, business and government officials, grass-roots activis...
 Obama firma la orden ejecutiva
Febrero 09, 2010

Obama se compromete a luchar contra la obesidad infantil en Estados Unidos

El presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, firmó hoy una orden ejecutiva para combatir la obesidad infantil como parte de los esfuerzos de la primera dama para promover el ejercicio y una buena alimentación entre los más pequeños. Obama, acompañado de su ...
 Potato Nutrition
Enero 29, 2010

BBC: Time to rethink the potato?

The Potato Council is trying to garner support for its campaign to reclassify the tuber as a "supercarb"- recognising its "unique dual identity"as both carbohydrate and vegetable.A petition is being put to Downing Street asking for ...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
HiFri stoom-frituur
Enero 29, 2010

Verkoop 'stoom'-frituur HiFri verloopt moeizaam

De verkoop van de verleden jaar door Adriaan Verdaasdonk geïntroduceerde ‘stoom’-frituur HiFri verloopt moeizaam. Dit komt door de lastige economische situatie, aldus Verdaasdonk op de website (Financieele Dagblad)
Enero 28, 2010

Salt Reduction Initiatives across Europe

Salt reduction initiatives are underway in all the EU member states under the EU framework, but public awareness raising and reformulation are patchy. The EU framework for national salt initiatives was adopted in 2008 by the High Level Group on Diet, P...
 Food Standards Agency
Enero 28, 2010

Front of pack Nutritional labeling: People's view on food labels

The Food Standards Agency has published the latest report of people's views on food labels and their awareness and understanding of front-of-pack nutrition labelling. This is part of a nationwide series of 'citizens' forums' set up to establish a dial...
Enero 27, 2010

Nutrition Menu Labeling May Lead to Lower-Calorie Restaurant Meal Choices for Children

A study published in Pediatrics shows that when nutritional information is available on fast-food restaurant menus, parents are more apt to pick lower-calorie foods for their kids. Often spurred on by legislation, many U.S. restaurant chains are now po...
Enero 19, 2010

$465 million excise tax on syrup for soft drinks proposed by Governor Paterson of New York State

New York Governor David Paterson on Tuesday proposed a budget of nearly $136 billion for fiscal 2011, a 0.5 percent increase from the current year, that will partly close a $7.4 billion deficit by raising taxes on cigarettes and other items.Paterson sa...
Enero 16, 2010

Estados Unidos congela sus tasas de obesidad

Las tasas de obesidad de Estados Unidos no aumentaron durante el periodo entre 2003 y 2008, según muestran los resultados de un estudio realizado por el National Center for Health Statistics at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. En c...
Contenido Patrocinado

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Enero 15, 2010

Have US obesity data reached a plateau?

Americans, at least as a group, may have reached their peak of obesity, according to data the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Wednesday.The numbers indicate that obesity rates have remained constant for at least five years among men...
Enero 13, 2010

Nueva York ordena reducir un 25% la sal de los alimentos

El alcalde de Nueva York, Michael Bloomberg, sigue con su cruzada por la vida sana. Primero, prohibió fumar en bares y restaurantes de la ciudad. Después, obligó a retirar las grasas trans y a especificar las calorías en los menús. Y ahora lanza una ca...
Enero 13, 2010

New Jersey readies menu labeling law

New Jersey lawmakers passed Wednesday a measure requiring restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets around the country to post calorie counts on menus and menu boards in their locations throughout the state.The state Assembly passed the bill by a margi...
Enero 11, 2010

New York City Health Department Announces Targets for Voluntary Salt Reduction in Packaged & Restaurant Foods

The National Salt Reduction Initiative, a New York City-led partnership of cities, states and national health organizations, today unveiled its proposed targets to guide a voluntary reduction of salt levels in packaged and restaurant foods.Americans co...
Enero 11, 2010

Responses to NYC led National Salt Reduction Initiative

Today the NYC Health Department announced the details of its National Salt Reduction Initiative. The program will ask food producers to voluntarily cut their sodium output 20 to 25 percent by 2014. Some big-name companies have signed on (PepsiCo plans ...
 Salt shaker
Enero 11, 2010

CDC supports efforts to reduce the sodium content of manufactured and restaurant foods

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports efforts to reduce the sodium content of manufactured and restaurant foods.  Most American adults should consume no more than 1,500 mg. of sodium – the equivalent of about two-thirds of a t...


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