Salud y Nutrición

INTERPOM 2020 on New Trade Show Days
Mayo 28, 2020

INTERPOM 2020 on New Trade Show Days

Theme: ‘Let’s connect the potato chain in the post-coronavirus world’. 2020 will go down in history as 'the year of the coronavirus pandemic'.
Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy
Mayo 26, 2020

Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy

Starch Europe today welcomed the much-anticipated publication of the European Commission’s EU Farm to Fork Strategy. Starch Europe and its members strongly support the Commission’s climate neutrality ambition and the important role a more sustainable food system plays to achieve that objective.
Mayo 11, 2020

NEPG estima en un 5% la reducción de la superficie de patata en los países que la componen

La fuerte bajada de la demanda de producto en los restaurantes, bares y hoteles que habrían caído en un 50/60% y el descenso de la demanda de la exportación está provocando que la industria mundial de procesamiento de patata ha reducido su capacidad y necesidad de materia prima. Probablemente no se procesen más de 2 millones de toneladas solo en los países productores de patata que agrupa NEPG en el continente: Francia, Bélgica, Alemania y Holanda.
Abril 28, 2020

Los productores belgas piden a la población que coma más patatas fritas para no tirarlas

Un llamamiento desesperado sobrevuela el confinamiento belga. No es el de las autoridades pidiendo a la población que use mascarillas o se quede en casa.
Belgian potato sector grows again in 2019
Abril 13, 2020

Belgian potato processing sector continues growth in 2019

Last year, despite the difficult growing conditions as a result of the extreme heat and drought during both the 2018-2019 and the 2019-2020 seasons, the Belgian potato-processing industry once again improved the record for processed potatoes.
Abril 12, 2020

TOMRA Food hace que sus Centros de Prueba y Demostración sean Virtuales

TOMRA Food está tomando más medidas para garantizar la continuidad del negocio al tiempo que protege la salud de sus empleados y clientes con la introducción de Centros de Demostración virtual para proporcionar demostraciones interactivas en este momento de contacto limitado.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer
Abril 08, 2020

Coronavirus: Belgian fries begin to suffer

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has dealt a blow to a, particularly Belgian market, as the country begins to see declining sales of the humble fries.
Abril 06, 2020

Europatat traslada su congreso anual a Dublín coincidiendo con el World Potato Congress 2021

La organización del congreso europeo sobre el sector de la patata, Europatat Congress, ha decidido cancelar la celebración del evento previsto para los días 11 y 12 de junio de este año en Bruselas.
EAPR2020 postponed to fall
Marzo 31, 2020

EAPR2020 postponed to fall

Due to a coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the 21st EAPR Triennial Conference has been moved to fall. The new Conference date is November 2-6, 2020. Therefore, all key dates have also changed.
Marzo 24, 2020

Free market for potatoes in Belgium collapsed due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 the free market of potatoes has completely collapsed. The PCA/Fiwap and the Belgapom price quotation has been suspended because of a lack of transactions on the free market of potatoes.
Septiembre 12, 2019

TOMRA FOOD Presenta una Nueva Máquina de Clasificación para Patatas

TOMRA Food sobre el lanzamiento de la TOMRA 3A, la nueva máquina de clasificación para patatas. La TOMRA 3A mejora a su antecesora en todos los aspectos: mayor capacidad, detección de patatas enverdecidas.
Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry
Julio 30, 2019

Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry

Sensor-based sorter manufacturer TOMRA offers their insights on the impact of sorting technology on food safety in the Potato Processing Industry
Contenido Patrocinado

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Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)
Febrero 25, 2019

Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)

Last Friday, the European Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, mostly referred to as ScoPAFF voted an a proposal to ban Chlorpropham (or CIPC), widely used in the potato industry as sprout inhibitor during potato storage.
Technologies and Trends shaping the Supermarket of the Future
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Technologies and Trends shaping the Supermarket of the Future

Food businesses will have to change to stay competitive – online, in-store, and at sorting and processing plants too. Bjorn Thumas, Director Business Development Food at TOMRA Food, looks at what we can expect.
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Forty years of partnership between Belgium and the CIP
Junio 26, 2018

Forty years of partnership between Belgium and the International Potato Center (CIP)

The Belgian Development Cooperation has been working with the International Potato Centre (CIP) in developing countries since the 1970s. The aim is to support the research and training required to improve the production of potatoes and sweet potatoes, as well as other root vegetables and tubers.
Quality vs quantity? How food businesses can increase margins and reduce risk
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Quality vs quantity? How food businesses can increase margins and reduce risk

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European Commission bans all outdoor uses of neonicotinoids
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European Commission bans all outdoor uses of neonicotinoids

The European Commission decided on Friday April, 27 2018 to impose a complete ban on neonicotinoids, referring to the risk they pose to wild bees and honeybees.


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