Salud y Nutrición

Yvonne Prüfer, Managing Director of Solanum Vermarktungsgesellschaft
Agosto 26, 2024

The potato: a guarantee for regional food security and prosperity

With a view to the upcoming state elections on September 1, 2024, in Thuringia (Thüringen), the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV) underlines the outstanding importance of the potato as a renewable resource and cornerstone of regional value creation.
No more binge eating: signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered
Julio 09, 2022

Signal pathway in the brain that controls food intake discovered

The brain controls our body’s lysophospholipids, which in turn control a programme that activates nutritional intake / specific inhibitors of lipid synthesis could serve as new obesity therapies / publication in 'Nature Metabolism'
Südstärke GmbH have concluded their 2021 potato starch production campaign this week.
Enero 21, 2022

Südstärke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign

Sudstarke GmbH has concluded its 2021 potato starch production campaign. The 2021 production campaign was the most difficult in decades, even team members 40+ years with the company cannot remember anything close.
Anuga 2021 exceeds expectations
Octubre 17, 2021

Anuga 2021 exceeds expectations

Over 70,000 visitors from 169 countries – spirit of optimism at the leading global trade fair for food and beverages - high level of satisfaction among both the exhibitors and visitors
Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas
Abril 26, 2021

Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas: 'La regionalidad es un factor importante en la decisión de compra de los consumidores alemanes'

Si bien el mercado de las patatas industriales se paralizó en gran medida durante la pandemia de coronavirus, el mercado de la patata de mesa en la región alemana de Baviera está en auge.
Febrero 22, 2021

Innovación en el comercio minorista de alimentos en Alemania: Europlant lanza la patata baja en carbohidratos

La papa es uno de los alimentos más populares, sin embargo, contiene muchos carbohidratos. Europlant se adapta a la tendencia de nutrición baja en carbohidratos y ahora ofrece dos variedades de papa con menos carbohidratos.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Pandemic Worries Postpone Anuga FoodTec Exhibition Until April 2022
Enero 15, 2021

Pandemic Worries Postpone Anuga FoodTec Exhibition Until April 2022

Organizers of the Anuga FoodTec planned to take place in Cologne, Germany from March 23-26, 2021 have rescheduled the exhibition for April 26-29, 2022.
Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany
Abril 15, 2020

Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany

The sunny weather and the early start of the domestic asparagus season are particularly advantageous for potato imports. We are now hoping for a successful continuation of the campaign after Easter.
Alemania prohíbe la entrada al país de trabajadores temporeros para frenar el coronavirus
Marzo 30, 2020

Alemania prohíbe la entrada al país de trabajadores temporeros para frenar el coronavirus

El Ministerio del Interior alemán ha anunciado la prohibición de entrada al país a partir de las 17.00 horas de este miércoles de los trabajadores temporeros en el marco de los esfuerzos para frenar la propagación del coronavirus.
Glycoalkaloids in Potatoes: Sort out Green and excessively Sprouted Tubers
Abril 27, 2018

Glycoalkaloids in Potatoes: Sort out Green and excessively Sprouted Tubers

Following a case of poisoning caused by a potato dish, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is reminding people about the correct handling of potatoes.
Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016
Enero 18, 2016

Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award

HZPC proudly announces the nomination of their potato concept WOW! Colourful Perupas® for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016.
See Key Technology's new VERYX Digital Sorting Platform at Fruit Logistica
Noviembre 16, 2015

See Key Technology's new VERYX Digital Sorting Platform at Fruit Logistica

Key Technology introduces the all-new VERYX™ digital sorting platform to the European food processing industry at Fruit Logistica
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Graph representing Per Capita food losses and waste at consumption and pre-consumption stages
Febrero 05, 2014

DuPont highlights Food Chain Collaboration at Fruit Logistica

At the 2014 Fruit Logistica event, being held in Berlin from 5-7 February, DuPont Food Chain Manager for the EMEA region, Mr Luigi Coffano, highlighted the challenges faced by a world population that is growing by 150,000 people every day.
 Emsland Staerke emlichheim plant
Febrero 07, 2013

Industrial accident at Emsland-Stärke GmbH, Emlichheim

On 28 January a cloud of Nitric acid escaped from the chemical plant of Emsland-Stärke GmbH, Emlichheim, Germany.
Marzo 01, 2012

Phosphate in food is ‘health risk’ that should be labelled, claim researchers

Food products with high phosphate contents are damaging to the health of the general public, and as such should be labelled, say researchers behind a new study. The report – published in Deutsches Ärzteblatt International – selectively reviewed resear...
 Food Ingredients Europe (FIE) 2011
Noviembre 27, 2011

K+S KALI GmbH highlights KaliSel at FIE in Paris

Food Ingredients Europe 2011 in Paris is the global meeting point of the food and beverages industry. This year too K + S Kali GmbH will be attending as manufacturers. K+S KALI GmbH is presenting its highlights of the year, such as KaliSel – its brand...
 Potato Starch Solutions for savory snacks and nuts
Junio 06, 2011

Germany's largest potato starch producer shows high quality snack solutions at Snackex

At Snackex Europe 2011, Emsland Group - Germany's largest producer of potato starch - will present their new product developments for the snack and nut coating industry.
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Junio 02, 2011

E coli outbreak Europe: WHO says bacterium is a new strain


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