Variedades de Patata

Colombia: Con mejoramiento genético se obtendrían papas tolerantes a sequías
Mayo 11, 2017

Colombia: Con mejoramiento genético se obtendrían papas tolerantes a sequías

Mediante el estudio del genoma de papas nativas de Nariño, una investigación en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (U.N.) indaga secuencias de tolerancia a estrés por déficit de agua que permitan obtener papas comerciales con esta característica.
Northwest Potato Research Consortium has awarded grants for 37 regional potato projects
Mayo 11, 2017

Northwest Potato Research Consortium has awarded grants for 37 regional potato projects

The Northwest Potato Research Consortium recently approved a combined $1.5 million in grant funding to 37 research projects.
Should Seed Potato Growers start testing for Dickeya?
Mayo 11, 2017

Should Seed Potato Growers start testing for Dickeya?

The potato disease Dickeya can be detected by laboratory testing — but is there enough of it present to justify the higher costs? That is the question facing Canadian Seed Potato Growers exporting to the United States who are increasingly asked for the test.
From test tube to plate, UW–Madison program keeps potatoes clean
Mayo 09, 2017

From test tube to plate, UW–Madison program keeps potatoes clean

Years before that french fry landed on your plate, the plant that would eventually give rise to the spud your fry was cut from was sealed away deep in a secure-access building, growing slowly in a test tube inside a locked growth chamber.
La papa americana ya viene llegando a Cuba (¿al mercado negro?)
Mayo 02, 2017

La papa americana ya viene llegando a Cuba (¿al mercado negro?)

Una delegación de cultivadores estadounidenses que visitó la isla dice que Cuba quiere probar semillas americanas de papa para revertir la declinación de su producción ¿Llegarán al campo?
El Salvador: Prueban materiales promisorios para la producción de semilla de papa
Abril 23, 2017

El Salvador: Prueban materiales promisorios para la producción de semilla de papa

El Programa de Hortalizas del CENTA, en coordinación con la agencia de extensión Las Pilas, en San Ignacio, Chalatenango, y la cooperación de Taiwán a través del proyecto Plantas Sanas, realizó una gira de campo en parcelas cultivadas con materiales de papa para la producción de semilla.
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Variety screening reveals potatoes with resistance to zebrachip disease
Abril 23, 2017

Variety screening reveals potatoes with resistance to zebrachip disease

The Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant pathology team intentionally infected potato plants with psyllids positive with the bacterium that causes zebra chip disease, in order to identify promising germplasm in the battle against the disease plaguing the US potato industry for the past 15 years.
Carisma is back! Lower GR Potato Returns to Ontario Grocery Stores
Abril 19, 2017

Carisma is back! Lower GR Potato Returns to Ontario Grocery Stores

Following a highly successful launch in 2016, Canadian produce company EarthFresh is bringing its lower glycemic response (GR)* Carisma potato back to Ontario grocery retailers for an extended season.
Red-skinned potato varieties lead selections by breeders
Abril 11, 2017

Red-skinned potato varieties lead selections by breeders

Red-skinned potatoes are sure to be on the minds and menus of many after remarkable results shown by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s selections this year.
After decades of absence, genetically engineered potatoes will return to Canada
Marzo 23, 2017

After 15+ years of absence, genetically engineered potatoes will return to Canada

Since Monsanto took their genetically modified Newleaf /Naturemark potatoes of the market in 2001, no GM potatoes have been grown commercially in Canada. But Simplot's Innate potatoes are going to change that in 2017.
US government approved 3 more Simplot GMO potato types for cultivation and sale
Marzo 20, 2017

US government approved 3 more Simplot GMO potato types for cultivation and sale

The US federal government has given the final OK to three more types of potatoes genetically engineered by Boise’s J.R. Simplot Co. to resist Phytophthora - the pathogen that caused the Irish potato famine.
La superficie sembrada con papa en Buenos Aires se redujo en 1.000 hectáreas
Marzo 18, 2017

La superficie sembrada con papa en Buenos Aires se redujo en 1.000 hectáreas

Así lo expresó César Rebella, ingeniero del Instituto de Clima y Suelo del INTA Castelar, en la 40ª Fiesta Provincial de la Papa en Comandante Nicanor Otamendi.
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Honduras disminuirá importación de semilla de aguacate y papa
Marzo 13, 2017

Honduras disminuirá importación de semilla de aguacate y papa

Con la producción local de papa y aguacate el gobierno de la República busca disminuir las importaciones y aumentar las exportaciones de estos productos así como de incidir en la economía de los agricultores a través del fomento del cultivo.
Potatoes may be able to grow on Mars, a first simulation under Martian conditions suggests
Marzo 09, 2017

Potatoes may be able to grow on Mars, a first simulation under Martian conditions suggests

The International Potato Center (CIP) launched a series of experiments to discover if potatoes can grow under Mars atmospheric conditions and thereby prove they are also able to grow in extreme climates on Earth. The first results are positive!
Como prevenir, controlar y eliminar el tizón tardío de la papa.
Marzo 05, 2017

Como prevenir, controlar y eliminar el tizón tardío de la papa

Agronoticias entrevista al Ing. Agr. M.Sc. Willmer Pérez Barrera, investigador senior en manejo integrado de plagas del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP).
University of Idaho is investing in its nuclear potato seed program
Febrero 24, 2017

University of Idaho expands its nuclear potato seed program

University of Idaho has hired a new director for its nuclear seed potato program and plans to build additional facilities to help her expand production.
Hay 60 tipos de papa que los colombianos no conocíamos
Febrero 21, 2017

Hay 60 tipos de papa que los colombianos no conocíamos

La primera vez que supe sobre "papas nativas" fue en un restaurante pequeño en un complejo de containers en el barrio Chapinero de Bogotá llamado 60 Nativas. Era extraño: sus platos, todos servidos con papas fritas de diferentes colores, en apariencia sofisticados, fueron metidos en un menú accesible al bolsillo.
APPAPA Peru: 2017 Potato Production in Peru comparable to last year
Febrero 18, 2017

APPAPA Peru: 2017 Potato Production in Peru comparable to last year

Peru's National Association of Potato Growers and Derivatives (APPAPA Peru) estimates the 2017 potato production in Peru will be 40,000 tonnes, a volume comparable to the production last year..


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