Cosechadores de Papas

Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf
Julio 21, 2017

Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf

Karel Decramer has decided to quit as the sales director for the vegetable division of Dewulf, specialist in the field of harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots.
This Dewulf potato harvester harvests Puikula near the Arctic Circle
Julio 12, 2017

This Dewulf potato harvester digs up Puikula near the Arctic Circle

A 22-year-old Dewulf R3000S 2-row, self-propelled potato harvester, harvests recently in the Finnish Lapland. The machine harvests 70 km south of the Arctic Circle and is the most northern Dewulf harvester in the world.
PotatoEurope 2017 turns things around for easier access and more space
Marzo 08, 2017

PotatoEurope 2017 turns things around for easier access and more space

Anyone travelling to PotatoEurope in Emmeloord by car on 13 and 14 September 2017 will have much more convenient access to the event than in previous years.
Dewulf-Miedema appoints new full-service dealer in Alberta, Canada: Banga’s Equipment
Diciembre 12, 2016

Dewulf-Miedema appoints new full-service dealer in Alberta, Canada: Banga’s Equipment

Dewulf - Miedema has appointed Banga’s Equipment from Taber, Alberta, as new fullservice dealer to ensure optimum service and support for its customers in Alberta and Western Canada.
A Potato Harvester without compromise: the Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme
Noviembre 23, 2016

A Potato Harvester without compromise: the Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, introduces the Kwatro Xtreme as a solution for growers who plant in 4 x 90 cm rows or 1800 mm beds.
Modern Potato Harversters make rock picking obsolete
Octubre 25, 2016

Modern Potato Harvesters make rock picking obsolete

Up until recently, Alex Docherty, chairman of the PEI Potato Board and a potato farmer in Elmwood, P.E.I., would do what most potato farmers on the Island still do today - hire rock pickers. But this fall, his new Spudnik AirSep Harvester is separating the rocks from the potatoes
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Contenido Patrocinado
Potato Europe 2016: Grimme to present many practical improvements of its planting, harvesting and handling technology.
Septiembre 13, 2016

Potato Europe 2016: Grimme to present many practical improvements of its planting, harvesting and handling technology.

Agricultural Machinery manufacturer Grimme will present at the Potato Europe in France several practical improvements of its planting, harvesting and handling technology.
Some of the innovations Dewulf - Miedema will present at PotatoEurope 2016 in France
Agosto 18, 2016

Dewulf-Miedema present their potato handling and harvesting innovations at Potato Europe

Dewulf~Miedema will present their innovations in potato cultivation technology at Potato Europe in Villers-Saint-Christophe, France.
AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemdag
Agosto 15, 2016

AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemodag

Agricultural machinery manufacturer AVR presents its new option on the Puma 3 during Potato Europe and the Aardappeldemodag: the All Conditions Control or in short the ACC.
Display of a wide range of potato products
Julio 06, 2016

Potato Trade show Interpom | Primeurs 2016 focuses on Precision Technology

Interpom | Primeurs 2016 promises to be the biggest edition of this potato event ever and the 2016 theme is: 'Growing through precision technology'.
Potato machinery manufacturer AVR bvba inaugurates its new assembly line
Junio 28, 2016

Potato machinery manufacturer AVR inaugurates its new assembly line

In early June, AVR bvba - manufacturer of agricultural machinery for a.o. the potato sector - officially opened its new production facility in the presence of Governor Carl Decaluwé, Mayor Kris Declercq and Roeselare Aldermen Marc Van Walleghem, Nathalie Muylle and Griet Coppé.
Potato Farmers in Kenya turn to mechanization to meet rapidly increasing demand
Marzo 23, 2016

Potato Farmers in Kenya turn to mechanization to meet rapidly increasing demand

The fast expansion of cities and towns and the popularity of fast foods have created a rapidly increasing demand for potatoes in Kenya.
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200th AVR Puma potato harvester at Agritechnica 2015
Noviembre 12, 2015

200th AVR Puma potato harvester at Agritechnica 2015

Agritechnica features the new generation of the AVR Puma: the Puma 3. This four-row harvester is the 200th Puma to hit the field.
Prince Edward Island Potato harvest almost complete
Noviembre 09, 2015

Prince Edward Island Potato harvest almost complete

A PEI Potato Board survey last week revealed there were about 1,000 acres of potatoes left to be harvested across Prince Edward Island, mostly in central and western P.E.I.
España: Premian dos prototipos que permiten mejorar la competitividad de la papa
Octubre 29, 2015

España: Premian dos prototipos que permiten mejorar la competitividad de la papa

El Cabildo de Tenerife (Islas Canarias) ha premiado dos prototipos que permiten mejorar la competitividad del subsector de la papa. El vicepresidente y consejero insular de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca entregó ayer [miércoles 28] los premios a los dos ganadores del concurso de ideas convocado para introducir la innovación en la maquinaria agrícola.
dewulf~miedema, your contact partner for potato harvesting machinery at the Agritechnica
Octubre 28, 2015

Visit dewulf~miedema to see potato harvesting machinery at the Agritechnica

At the upcoming Agritechnica in Germany, you can find dewulf~miedema, your contact partner for potato and full vegetable harvesting machinery in stand 25 H23
Dewulf Kwatro potato harvester undergoes a remarkable transformation
Octubre 20, 2015

Dewulf Kwatro potato harvester undergoes a remarkable transformation

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, has implemented extensive updates for 2016 on the current Kwatro self-propelled 4-row sieving harvester.
The team of Niagri Engineering
Septiembre 01, 2015

Dewulf & Miedema continue their dealer restructuring in England, Scotland and Ireland

After completing a solid and reliable distributor network in Belgium, The Netherlands,Germany and France, Dewulf~Miedema has now completed their dealer restructuring in England, Scotland and Ireland


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