Papas Fritas y Especialidades de Papa

'Easy & Good' Trays: Fresh Potatoes, Fast and Flavorful
Enero 28, 2025

Parmentine Introduces Easy and Good Trays: Fresh Potatoes Made Simple

Parmentine wants to enable the French to continue eating 100% natural potatoes while reducing the number of problems associated with preparing them. To this end, it created a new range of fresh, pre-cooked potatoes in 'Easy & Good' trays.
IFCG - Egypt S.A.E stand at SIAL Paris 2024
Noviembre 11, 2024

New Sweet Potato Wedges launched at SIAL Paris 2024 by International Food & Consumable Goods (IFCG)

International Food & Consumable Goods (IFCG) Egypt S.A.E recently introduced two new products at the SIAL Paris 2024: Sweet Potato Wedges in both skin-on and skin-off variations.
Francia: 30 mil hectáreas nuevas para las nuevas fabricas
Octubre 29, 2024

Francia: 30 mil hectáreas nuevas para las nuevas fabricas

Grandes jugadores están invirtiendo en desarrollos industriales en Francia. Los productores de patatas deberán estar a la altura de la circunstancias para cumplir con la creciente demanda de materia prima.
Hungritos' Booth 5A L208 at SIAL Paris 2024
Octubre 18, 2024

Hungritos to Showcase New Finger Foods and Flavors at SIAL Paris 2024

Hungritos will be showcasing it's wide range of delicious finger food range and flavorful potato treats in the upcoming SIAL Paris 2024 at Booth 5A L208, starting from October 19-23.
Agristo and Tereos sign MOU for the acquisition of the site of the former sugar factory in Escaudœuvres for the construction of a frozen potato production plant
Agosto 28, 2023

Agristo buys closed Tereos sugar factory in France to construct a new frozen potato processing plant

Agristo is planning to set up a production unit for frozen potato products in France, creating 350 jobs and requiring an investment of €350 million. Today, Tereos has signed an MOU with Agristo, enabling this project on the site of its former sugar factory in Escaudœuvres, in the North of France.
McCain pagará un 20 porciento más a los productores de patatas franceses.
Enero 19, 2022

McCain pagará un 20 porciento más a los productores de patatas franceses

La empresa canadiense productora de patatas congeladas McCain ha llegado a un acuerdo con el grupo francés de productores de patatas para industria (Groupement d’agriculteurs producteurs de pommes de terre pour l’industrie, Gappi) sobre las nuevas bases contractuales.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Papas fritas, en peligro
Octubre 19, 2018

Papas fritas, en peligro

Por la sequía en Francia. Son las nuevas víctimas del calentamiento global.
 Green McDonald's logo in France
Febrero 28, 2013

McDonald's France promises '100% French' fries in partnership with McCain

Fast Food chain McDonald's France has promised to serve "100% French"French Fries before the end of the year in all its 1260 restaurants.
La papa empleada por los McDonald’'s franceses será ahora cultivada en Francia
Febrero 26, 2013

La papa empleada por los McDonald’'s franceses será ahora cultivada en Francia

El proteccionismo francés llega a las mesas del Mcdonald's. De aquí a noviembre de este año en los McDonald's del país sólo se comerán french fries. Nada de patatas fritas a base de tubérculos belgas, como servían ahora algunos de sus restaurantes.
Agosto 21, 2012

Fries from your phone: McDonald's testing mobile payment app

McDonald's customers in Paris can now pay for a Royale with Cheese using their smartphones or tablets - a concept that could spread to the company's 33,500 locations worldwide if the fast-food leader likes the results.
Diciembre 07, 2011

Strike at McCain Foods factory in Harnes has ended

After a three day strike, production resumed at the McCain French fry factory in Harnes, France. Employees on strike voted to return to work according to a statement of management. They will receive a wage increase of 2.2% on January 1, 2012. They dem...
Diciembre 04, 2011

Strike at second McCain Foods plant in France

A strike at McCain Foods in France has expanded to a second factory. The strike started a week ago sunday at McCain’s french fry plant in Matouges. As of today, the McCain plant in Harnes is on strike as well. Employees at the French plants demand a ...
 Construction of the Automated Highbay Cold Store
Enero 14, 2009

Kloosterboer builds an Automated Highbay Cold Store for McCain in Harnes, France

Kloosterboer and McCain are jointly building an automated future. In November 2008, the construction of one of the largest cold stores in France begun near Lille. After thorough preparation by McCain and Kloosterboer the first pile of the new cold sto...


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