Papas Fritas y Especialidades de Papa

Europa: se desploma el precio de las patatas para industria
Marzo 11, 2025

Europa: se desploma el precio de las patatas para industria

Tras polémicas decisiones por parte de los industriales, los precios de las patatas caen más del 10% repentinamente.
Aviko Germany’s production facility in Rain, Bavaria, processes 40 tons of potatoes per hour, primarily into French fries
Marzo 01, 2025

Investment by Aviko Germany in Packaging Technology Increases French Fry Production Capacity to 40 Tons per Hour

French fries consumption ison the rise: per capita consumption of frozen potato products has been increasing for many years now. As a result, potato processing specialist Aviko Germany has been working at full capacity to meet the demand for frozen fries from retailers and food service alike.
Selección de patatas, en la última campaña
Febrero 18, 2025

España: precios para industria podrían no cubrir costos de producción

En Castilla y León los costos de producción previstos son casi un 50% más altos que los precios de venta acordados con las industrias.
DCA Market Intelligence launches new Potato Platform and three exclusive Frozen Fries Indices
Febrero 17, 2025

DCA Market Intelligence launches new Potato Platform and three exclusive Frozen Fries Indices

DCA Market Intelligence strengthens its position as a leading Price Reporting Agency (PRA) in the international potato market with the introduction of the DCA Potato Platform and three new exclusive Frozen Fries Indices. 
Aviko and Averis sign trade agreement for seed potatoes
Febrero 13, 2025

Aviko and Averis sign trade agreement for seed potatoes

Aviko, Europe's largest producer of potato products in the out-of-home segment and one of the top five world market leaders, has signed a trade agreement for seed potatoes together with Averis, a subsidiary of potato starch group Royal Avebe and specialised in the development, propagation and trade of starch potato varieties.
Nanna Tate cuts the faff out of mealtimes with the launch of a prepared potatoes range
Febrero 13, 2025

Branston expands its Nanna Tate brand with a range of prepared potato dishes

Nanna Tate, a new potato brand from leading supplier, Branston, has expanded its offering, with the launch of its range of prepared potato dishes, set to land in Tesco stores in February.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
'Easy & Good' Trays: Fresh Potatoes, Fast and Flavorful
Enero 28, 2025

Parmentine Introduces Easy and Good Trays: Fresh Potatoes Made Simple

Parmentine wants to enable the French to continue eating 100% natural potatoes while reducing the number of problems associated with preparing them. To this end, it created a new range of fresh, pre-cooked potatoes in 'Easy & Good' trays.
Agristo optimizes Potato Production with Polysense's Virtual Quality Assistant for Efficiency and Sustainability
Enero 20, 2025

Agristo optimizes Potato Production with Polysense's Virtual Quality Assistant for Efficiency and Sustainability

Agristo, a global leader in potato products, is targeting an ambitious milestone: producing 1.3 million tons annually by 2030. Agristo has partnered with Polysense, a cutting-edge AI innovator specializing in food industry solutions to achieve this sustainably.
Vibes are sold in Iceland but will launch in more stores later this year
Enero 12, 2025

McCain Foods United Kingdom Launches New Crispy and Fluffy Potato Snack

McCain Foods United Kingdom has revolutionized the frozen food aisle with its latest innovation—a potato snack that perfectly combines the crispiness of a crisp with the fluffiness of a fry. This bold new creation offers a fresh take on potato snacks, designed to deliver an irresistible texture and flavor experience.
Mccain's Jackets slow baked potatoes
Diciembre 19, 2024

McCain Foods entire portfolio of Potato Products in Europe get a packaging redesign

McCain Foods has executed a full packaging refresh across their GB and EU markets, redesigning their full portfolios to align with their latest wider brand refresh.
Los agricultores de patatas de la NEPG enfrentaron costos crecientes, menores rendimientos y nuevos desafíos en 2024.
Diciembre 16, 2024

Los agricultores de patatas de la NEPG enfrentaron costos crecientes, rendimientos más bajos y nuevos desafíos en 2024.

La mayoría de los agricultores de patatas en la zona de la NEPG tuvieron mucha suerte durante octubre y principios de noviembre para terminar la cosecha, aunque parte de la cosecha se realizó en condiciones muy difíciles y costosas.
Sam Holland has created delicious recipes to use up leftovers, including an easy but indulgent sour dough sandwich oozing with turkey, cranberry sauce, bacon and melted brie (Courtesy: Lamb Weston)
Diciembre 15, 2024

The great Chip-mas dinner dilemma

A Christmas dinner stand-off is looming as almost 80% of younger adults are demanding that roasties are ditched in favour of chips on the big day itself.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Interpom 2024: Más internacional y un récord de 24,000 visitantes

¡INTERPOM ha batido todos los récords con la impresionante cifra de 23,998 visitantes! En los últimos días, la industria de la papa se reunió desde todos los rincones del mundo en Kortrijk Xpo.
IFCG - Egypt S.A.E stand at SIAL Paris 2024
Noviembre 11, 2024

New Sweet Potato Wedges launched at SIAL Paris 2024 by International Food & Consumable Goods (IFCG)

International Food & Consumable Goods (IFCG) Egypt S.A.E recently introduced two new products at the SIAL Paris 2024: Sweet Potato Wedges in both skin-on and skin-off variations.
Lamb Weston's new frozen potato products plant in Kruiningen, Netherlands
Noviembre 10, 2024

Potato processing company Lamb Weston opened additional factory in Kruiningen, the Netherlands

Lamb Weston opened its second production facility in Kruiningen the Netherlands, joined by employees directly involved in the project, suppliers, and regional/local authorities.
The World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Cavendish Farms as a Silver Sustaining Partner
Octubre 31, 2024

The World Potato Congress Inc. welcomes Cavendish Farms as a Silver Sustaining Partner

The World Potato Congress Inc. continues to grow and develop partnerships with potato organizations from around the world and has added Cavendish Farms as part of this portfolio of partners.
Francia: 30 mil hectáreas nuevas para las nuevas fabricas
Octubre 29, 2024

Francia: 30 mil hectáreas nuevas para las nuevas fabricas

Grandes jugadores están invirtiendo en desarrollos industriales en Francia. Los productores de patatas deberán estar a la altura de la circunstancias para cumplir con la creciente demanda de materia prima.
Marel, a global leader in food processing solutions, will hold an event entirely dedicated to Potato Specialties production equipment at its state-of-the-art Boxmeer Demo Center on November 27 and 28, 2024 (Right after Interpom)
Octubre 24, 2024

Marel Hosts 2024 Potato Specialties Event After INTERPOM: Explore Flavor and Innovation

Marel, a global leader in food processing solutions, will hold an event entirely dedicated to Potato Specialties production equipment at its state-of-the-art Boxmeer Demo Center on November 27 and 28, 2024 (Right after Interpom)


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