Papas en el Menudeo

Prof Ian Toth, the new President of the EAPR
Agosto 01, 2024

Prof Ian Toth appointed as new President of the EAPR: A visionary leader for Europe’s potato research community

Prof Ian Toth, a distinguished figure in the potato research community, has been appointed as the new President of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR).
How can you improve potato grading capacity and reduce labor?
Agosto 01, 2024

How can you improve potato grading capacity and reduce labor?

How can we improve potato grading capacity and reduce labor using a potato grading machine?
Nimbus has agreed to acquire CelaVita
Marzo 08, 2024

McCain Foods to sell CelaVita chilled potato business to private investment fund Nimbus

On March 1, 2024, Nimbus entered into a purchase agreement with CelaVita B.V., a member of the McCain Group of companies, to acquire the activities of CelaVita.
PLUS (Dutch Supermarket)
Septiembre 28, 2023

Potatoes from Dutch supermarket chain PLUS standard organic

PLUS's Dutch range of unprocessed potatoes will become completely organic. As of today, the unprocessed potatoes in 1 kilo bags are standard organic. And again without increasing the price.
Potato Next, The Dutch Potato Cooperation
Agosto 10, 2023

PotatoNext is the name of the new Agrico, Nedato and Leo de Kock cooperative focused on table potatoes

Agrico, Nedato and Leo de Kock announced the name of the new, independent cooperative of common consumption potatoes: PotatoNext. This joint cooperative marks an important milestone in the potato industry and will be the result of a close collaboration between the three renowned companies.
Potato display at Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heyn. The concept was developed in cooperation with both Nedato and Leo de Kock
Mayo 24, 2023

Ware potato growers Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces in new independent cooperative

The ware potato activities of Agrico and Nedato, along with Leo de Kock, shall be hived off to form a new independent cooperative of ware potato growers. The new organization will start its activities this autumn. Further integration will then take place in stages.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome
Abril 11, 2023

New potatoes in short supply, so Maltese potatoes most welcome

The Dutch company Altena Potatoes received its first full truckloads of Santé potatoes.
7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
Noviembre 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.
Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them
Febrero 24, 2022

Ellips highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them

Ellips, a manufacturer of optical grader equipment for individual potatoes, highlights the top challenges in potato grading and how to tackle them.
Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event
Noviembre 08, 2021

Agrico presents new potato varieties during Meet and Greet event

Agrico presented two new varieties during an intimate Meet and Greet at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research in Bant.
Michiel y Frank
Septiembre 06, 2021

¿Patatas holandesas todo el año?

¿Por qué importar patatas cuando están disponibles en el país? En los Países Bajos, la disponibilidad de patatas se amplía continuamente, gracias al desarrollo de variedades y a la mejora de los métodos de almacenamiento.
Junio 11, 2021

Gran demanda de patatas de importación en los Países Bajos

Es una buena temporada para las patatas de importación en los Países Bajos. Más personas están cocinando en casa y eso, sin lugar a dudas, está contribuyendo, así como el deterioro de la calidad de las patatas 'viejas'.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
Marzo 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
Febrero 15, 2021

Leon van den Oord (Países Bajos): 'Cuando hace mucho frío, la demanda se desplaza a patatas harinosas para guisar'

Después de que la nieve llegara a los Países Bajos el sábado por la noche, en muchos hogares vuelve a haber un guiso de patatas en la mesa.
Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica
Febrero 26, 2020

Launch of the New Nedato Product Line at Fruit Logistica

In the past year, Nedato has worked hard on the new strategic direction where growth is paramount in all segments. For example, Nedato is launching a new product line under its own name during Fruit Logistica.
Octubre 29, 2019

Potato company Nedato invests in new packaging equipment

As of October 1, the new JASA packaging line at potato company Nedato in Oud-Beijerland is in operation. Nedato added this new packaging equipment to cope with the demand for smaller packaging in retail.
Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'
Julio 18, 2019

Países Bajos: 'El mercado de la patata es una burbuja a punto de estallar'

Según Felix Molenaar, de la empresa homónima de la localidad holandesa de Haarlem, el mercado de la patata de mesa se encuentra bastante tranquilo.
Mayo 17, 2019

Es muy inusual que no hayan Patatas de mesa en el Mercado Europeo a principios de Mayo

Wim van der Ree, Director de Nedato, una cooperativa holandesa de papas, refiriéndose al pronto cambio hacia la importación papas, luego de visitar a sus proveedores españoles la semana pasada ...


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