Noticias sobre las Nuevas Variedades de Patata

Sagar Sathuvalli will serve as head of Oregon State University's potato breeding program.
Diciembre 12, 2012

New Potato Breeder hired at the Hermiston Agricultural Research & Extension Center

Oregon State University once again has a plant breeder leading its potato development efforts after filling a position that was vacant for nearly two years: Sagar Sathuvalli.
Agrico presents new potato varieties in Italian museum setting
Noviembre 13, 2012

Agrico presents four promising potato varieties in an Italian museum

On Thursday 8 November Agrico opened its annual Presentation of Varieties and Seedlings at its breeding company Agrico Research in Bant.
pomme couleur
Noviembre 12, 2012

HZPC will show a lot of colour at the Interpom | Primeur 2012

HZPC will highlight pomme couleur, a range of potato varieties wwith a colourful appearance and various functional ingredients.
Octubre 25, 2012

Solynta wint Food Valley Award 2012 @Food Valley Expo

“Het winnen van de Food Valley Award is geweldig. We zijn nu in een fase beland dat het zo goed gaat dat we op zoek zijn naar partners en daar helpt het winnen van zo’n prijs enorm”, aldus Pim Lindhout, hoofd Research &Development Solynta.
Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists
Octubre 24, 2012

Potatoes with higher levels of carotenoids developed by ARS scientists

Potatoes with higher levels of beneficial carotenoids are the result of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) studies to improve one of America's most popular vegetables.
Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides
Octubre 24, 2012

Investigadores desarrollan papas que contienen niveles más altos de carotenoides

Papas que contienen niveles más altos de los carotenoides beneficiosos son el resultado de estudios por científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) para mejorar una de las hortalizas más populares en EE.UU.
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 Gourmandine culinair
Octubre 18, 2012

Agrico potato Gourmandine 'taste of the year' for third time

This year, Agrico's potato variety Gourmandine was awarded the much coveted French quality award ‘Saveur de l’Année 2013’ (‘Taste of the Year 2013’) for the third time.
 Potato Breeding
Septiembre 09, 2012

British potato breeding changing focus

The days of a few big varieties dominating the potato market are over, with breeding programmes becoming more focused on delivering sustainable varieties for specific markets.
 Evaluating the potato crop
Agosto 25, 2012

Pacific Northwest potato breeders prepare for Tri-State Tour

To potato breeders in the Pacific Northwest, the annual Tri-State Tour is akin to Christmas morning, explained Brian Charlton, with Oregon State University's Klamath Basin Research & Extension Center.
Solynta, FOODsniffer chosen for Ag Innovation Showcase
Agosto 09, 2012

Solynta, FOODsniffer chosen for Ag Innovation Showcase

Two innovative Dutch agri-food companies, Solynta and FOODSniffer, have been selected to present at the Ag Innovation Showcase in St. Louis Sept. 10-13. Solynta has developed a revolutionary breakthrough in potato breeding technology.
Julio 27, 2012

Potato variety Palisade gaining interest in the US despite seed shortage

Potato breeder Rich Novy says growers shouldn't read too much into the fact that a promising new variety he helped develop, Palisade Russet, hasn't made it into many fields yet.
 Food Valley Award 2012
Junio 27, 2012

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program nominated for the Food Valley Award

Solynta's fast hybrid potato breeding program one of the three nominees for the 2012 Food Valley Award. Potatoes are the world's third most important food crop after rice and wheat. They are significantly more efficient in their use of water and nutri...
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Junio 13, 2012

European agricultural policy goes down the tubers

The following is a commentary published this week in Nature, on the GMO situation in Europe, focused on potatoes:
 Fingerling potatoes
Mayo 17, 2012

Specialty Potato Alliance extends range of fingerling potatoes

The Specialty Potato Alliance promises US consumers this season a wide choice of potato varieties: “This season we have everything,” noted the elated Richard Leibowitz commenting on Alliances’ spring harvest in Bakersfield. “We are going to have the...
Mayo 13, 2012

Australian potato industry to give mash a makeover

For years the humble spud has been viewed as a simple, even boring, side dish. But that may soon change, with many in the Australian industry attempting to give mash a makeover.
Mayo 09, 2012

Texels proefbedrijf werkt aan zilte aardappels

Marc van Rijsselberghe probeert op Texel uit te vinden welke gewassen kunnen groeien in zoute grond en met zout water.
Abril 30, 2012

Potato genome mapping benefits within a decade, says genetics specialist

Growers could start seeing the benefits of the potato genome being sequenced within the next decade, with varieties bringing new traits such as PCN resistance or improved tuber shape.
Mountain Rose in the White House kitchen garden
Abril 28, 2012

Colorado State University potatoes well represented in White House Garden

You say potato. I say Colorado. When First Lady Michelle Obama and a passel of schoolchildren recently planted vegetables in the White House kitchen garden, three of five potato varieties plunked into the soil were developed by Colorado State University.


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