Investigación y Desarrollo

Randy Fleishauer, elected as President of the WPVGA Board of Directors for 2023.
Febrero 20, 2023

Fleishauer Elected WPVGA Board President for 2023

The Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) Board of Directors has elected Randy Fleishauer as its President for 2023.
International Potato Center and CGIAR appoint Dr. Simon Heck Director General and CGIAR Senior Director
Febrero 10, 2023

International Potato Center and CGIAR appoint Dr. Simon Heck Director General and CGIAR Senior Director

The International Potato Center (CIP) Board of Trustees and CGIAR leadership have appointed Dr. Simon Heck as Director General of CIP and CGIAR Senior Director.
Antioxidants, a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes
Febrero 02, 2023

Selenium: a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) scientists have discovered that selenium, a micronutrient and anti-oxidant activates genes in potatoes that boosts the plant's immunity and helps in the prevention of late blight.
USDA SCRI funds new research: potatoes and pests – actionable science against nematodes
Febrero 01, 2023

USDA SCRI funds new research: potatoes and pests – actionable science against nematodes

USDA’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) recently announced funding (USD 6.8M) for Potatoes and Pests – Actionable Science Against Nematodes (nicknamed PAPAS).
Outside the University of Manitoba potato storage facilities: (L-R) Fernanda Gouvea Pereira, senior technician, Dr. Mario Tenuta, NSERC/WGRF/Fertilizer Canada Industrial Research Chair in 4R Nutrient Stewardship And Professor of Applied Soil Ecology, Depa
Enero 29, 2023

University of Manitoba potato storage facilities get an upgrade as governments invest

The governments of Canada and Manitoba are investing CAD 98,970 (USD 74,193) through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to upgrade the University of Manitoba's Horticulture Storage Facility so it can conduct innovative potato research
Belgium with record participation at Fruit Logistica 2023
Enero 25, 2023

Belgium with record participation at Fruit Logistica 2023

From 8 to 10 February 2023, thirty-two Belgian suppliers of fruit and vegetables, potatoes and fruit trees, together with three trade associations and four fruit and vegetable auctions, will present themselves at the joint stand of Flanders’ Agricultural Marketing Board, VLAM, at Fruit Logistica in hall 27, at stand A 22.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
ADAPT news: Proteome profiling to understand multi-stress response in potato
Enero 17, 2023

ADAPT news: Proteome profiling to understand multi-stress response in potato

The Horizon 2020 EU project Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato (ADAPT), in which Europatat is participating, aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future.
World Potato Congress announces Peter VanderZaag as President, Nora Olsen as Vice President, Brian Douglas, Director and retirement of John Griffin.
Enero 15, 2023

As John Griffin retires, World Potato Congress announces new leadership

As John Griffin retires, World Potato Congress announces new leadership: Peter VanderZaag as President and CEO, Nora Olsen as Vice President and Brian Douglas as Director.
Producing fertilizer without carbon emissions
Enero 13, 2023

Producing fertilizer without carbon emissions

Researchers at ETH Zurich and the Carnegie Institution for Science have shown how nitrogen fertilizer could be produced more sustainably. This is necessary not only to protect the climate, but also to reduce dependence on imported natural gas and to increase food security.
Potato Expo Returns to Pre-Pandemic Levels with Colorado Event
Enero 12, 2023

Potato Expo Returns to Pre-Pandemic Levels with Colorado Event

On Jan. 4-5, more than 1,800 U.S. potato growers and industry members from a dozen countries turned out for Potato Expo 2023, hosted by the National Potato Council, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado
Greater appreciation for potatoes starts with Gen Z
Enero 07, 2023

Greater appreciation for potatoes starts with Gen Z

In 2020, HZPC Americas launched the multi-year project 'Potato Glory' together with the University of Massachusetts Dining Program (UMass) for the purpose of conducting research
University of Idaho researchers developing nematode resistant potatoes.
Enero 04, 2023

University of Idaho researchers developing nematode resistant potatoes

University of Idaho researchers are introducing genes from a plant in the nightshade family into potatoes, seeking to develop spuds that resist harmful nematodes.  The plant, called ‘litchi tomato’, has natural resistance to several species of cyst and root-knot nematodes.
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Examinan cultivos de patatas
Diciembre 26, 2022

Boyacá, Colombia: El ICA entrega medidas fitosanitarias para evitar la Punta Morada de la Papa y proteger los cultivos

La presencia de nemátodo globodera pallida, cuyo incremento se está provocando por la alta presencia de lluvias, ha ocasionado reducción en la producción hasta del 70% y 90%.
National Potato Council Releases New Logo Reflecting its Mission of ‘Standing Up for Potatoes on Capitol Hill’
Diciembre 22, 2022

National Potato Council Releases New Logo Reflecting its Mission of ‘Standing Up for Potatoes on Capitol Hill’

In only the third time in its 74-year history, the National Potato Council released a new logo that better reflects its public policy focus and roots in Washington, D.C.
UMaine researchers testing lobster shells to thwart potato soil pathogens
Diciembre 22, 2022

University of Maine researchers are testing lobster shells to thwart potato soil pathogens

Scientists at the University of Maine are evaluating if lobster shells can cultivate beneficial microbial communities that ward off soil borne potato pathogens.
Neiker transfers its potato varieties, ‘Edurne’ and ‘Beltza’, to the cooperative UDAPA
Diciembre 11, 2022

Neiker transfers its potato varieties, 'Edurne' and 'Beltza', to the cooperative UDAPA

Neiker technology center, member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), and the Alava cooperative UDAPA have signed a transfer agreement until 2032 for the potato varieties Beltza and Edurn.
María Gómez, joven universitaria intibucana
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Honduras: Joven universitaria sigue legado ancestral del cultivo de la papa

María Gómez, es la joven universitaria intibucana de 20 años de edad; un ejemplo de su generación para los que no estudian y abandonan el campo.
Potatoes Can Be Part of a Healthy Diet
Diciembre 05, 2022

Potatoes Can Be Part of a Healthy Diet

When we think of healthy vegetables, we don't think of potatoes, but we should. Potatoes have developed a reputation for causing weight gain and an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, but new research suggests they do not.


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