Investigación y Desarrollo

A, Virus particles visualized in the transmission electron microscope (TEM); scale bar equals 100 nm. B, Electrophoretic migration pattern of nucleic acid extracted from purified virions of the virus coded SB26/29.
Diciembre 22, 2023

Potato rugose stunting virus, a newly characterized potato virus

In the 1990s, a previously uncharacterized disease of viral aetiology was observed in cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Southern Peru.
BMGF USD 30mn grant recognizes importance of RTB crops to African food and nutrition security+
Abril 29, 2023

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation boosts African breeding research of RTB Crops with USD 30mn grant

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed USD 29,668,667 to CGIAR for the breeding of improved Root, Tuber, and Banana (RTB) crops that lie at the heart of many African agri-food systems.
INIA estudios genéticos
Marzo 06, 2023

Junín: INIA realiza estudios genéticos en papa nativa empleando técnicas modernas.

Investigación de clones en cultivos de papas nativas, viene desarrollando el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) del Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (MIDAGRI) en la región Junín.
International Potato Center and CGIAR appoint Dr. Simon Heck Director General and CGIAR Senior Director
Febrero 10, 2023

International Potato Center and CGIAR appoint Dr. Simon Heck Director General and CGIAR Senior Director

The International Potato Center (CIP) Board of Trustees and CGIAR leadership have appointed Dr. Simon Heck as Director General of CIP and CGIAR Senior Director.
The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR is looking for a new director
Septiembre 19, 2022

The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR, is looking for a new director

The International Potato Center (CIP), part of CGIAR is looking for a new director. CIP is a globally recognized research-for-development organization which delivers solutions to enhance access to affordable nutritious food, with focus on root and tuber agri-food systems such as the cultivation of (sweet) potatoes.
CIP’s Annual Report 2021 ‘From lab to field to scale’ now available online
Agosto 21, 2022

CIP Annual Report 2021 From lab to field to scale now available online

The Lima-based International Potato Center’s (CIP) work to reduce hunger and malnutrition, boost farmer resilience, and catalyze income improvements generated benefits for men and women in more than 30 countries last year.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Julio 25, 2022

Buscan 'superpatatas' que puedan soportar el calor extremo

Con orígenes en las frías altitudes de los Andes, la papa no se adapta bien a las temperaturas extremas o las inundaciones provocadas por el cambio climático. Los científicos de plantas están desarrollando "súper papas" capaces de soportar condiciones ambientales más duras.
INIA genera 25 nuevas variedades de cultivos con alto valor genético en los últimos 4 años.
Julio 16, 2022

INIA genera 25 nuevas variedades de cultivos con alto valor genético en los últimos 4 años

Además, ha liberado una nueva raza de cuy, reconocido 5 zonas de agrobiodiversidad y el mejoramiento genético de ganado. Entidad técnica del MIDAGRI ha generado tecnología en favor de 2 millones de pequeños y medianos agricultores a nivel nacional.
 Dr. Oscar Ortiz named Director General ad interim of the International Potato Center
Marzo 29, 2022

Dr. Oscar Ortiz named Director General ad interim of the International Potato Center

Following the untimely passing of Dr. Barbara Wells on 16 February last, the Board of Trustees of the International Potato Center (CIP) has appointed Dr. Oscar Ortiz as Director-General ad interim.
Enero 21, 2022

La temperatura del dosel proporciona información novedosa sobre el rendimiento de la papa y el uso eficiente del agua

Una nueva variedad de papa o camote representa solo la "punta del iceberg", que oculta cientos, si no miles, de horas invertidas en probar y desarrollar esa variedad.
La papa Yungay celebra sus 50 años.
Junio 15, 2021

La papa Yungay celebra sus 50 años, una variedad creada en honor a víctimas del terremoto

La papa Yungay, una de las variedades más apreciadas del entrañable tubérculo andino por su calidad y sabor, lleva ese nombre en honor a las víctimas del devastador terremoto de 1970.
Native Potatoes: From Forgotten Crop to Culinary Boom and Market Innovation
Mayo 28, 2021

Native Potatoes: From Forgotten Crop to Culinary Boom and Market Innovation

Once neglected by urban consumers, Andean native potatoes are now essential ingredients for some of the most sophisticated gastronomy of the world. An overview by André Devaux and others, first published in Choices Magazine
Contenido Patrocinado

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Native Andean potato varieties analyzed: Puma Makin, Leona , Yawar Manto (first line) and Añil, Sangre de Toro and Qequrani (second line).
Marzo 05, 2021

Biodiversity of Native Andean Potatoes: Nutritional Profile and Phenolic Composition

The characterization of six varieties of native Andean potatoes with a wide biodiversity in tuber shape, flesh, and skin color was performed, through the determination of their proximate composition, mineral content, and phenolic profile.
A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19
Diciembre 29, 2020

A Crop Pandemic Would Be as Devastating for Biodiversity and Food Security as COVID-19

Biodiversity loss threatens national security. We need to invest in technologies to preserve our vital food varieties.
Journal of Nutrition Study reveals potato's potential for reducing anemia
Noviembre 29, 2020

Potato has the potential to reduce anemia, due to high level of iron absorption

The potato is known to be a good source of energy, potassium, and vitamins C and B6, but according to research recently published in the Journal of Nutrition, its tubers can also be an excellent source of iron.
El Perú tiene más de tres mil variedades de papa, una riqueza a preservar.
Noviembre 02, 2020

Se prolonga la Polémica Moratoria al ingreso de cultivos transgénicos al Perú hasta el 2035

La semana pasada se prolongó la moratoria al ingreso de cultivos transgénicos al Perú hasta el 2035. El tema suscita el debate a favor y en contra desde hace nueve años, cuando se estableció una primera moratoria que vencía el 2021.
All Hail the Rise of the Climate - Smart Potato
Septiembre 08, 2020

Potato Potential - in all climates

The potential of the potato has only just begun to be realized. Some 368 million metric tons of potatoes were harvested globally in 2019, as people from Vietnam to Kenya, the Peruvian Andes to Rwanda produced a wide variety of the root vegetable, helping feed an estimated 1.3 billion people who rely on them as a staple food.
New study on measuring efficiency in potato landraces: How far are we from the optimum?
Agosto 28, 2020

New study on photosynthesis efficiency in native potatoes

A new publication by scientists from the International Potato Center (CIP) highlights the usefulness of combining crop growth model, remote sensing, and plant ecophysiological tools to assess genetic efficiencies in potato landraces.


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