Investigación y Desarrollo

Northwestern European Potato Growers (NEPG) have a new chairman: Geoffroy d’Evry replaces Jaap Botma.
Abril 02, 2022

Northwestern European Potato Growers (NEPG) have a new chairman: Geoffroy d’Evry replaces Jaap Botma

After 20 months of service as the first elected chairman of the NEPG, the Dutchman Jaap Botma from Friesland stopped as scheduled. Jaap was an arable farmer (seed potatoes, sugar beets, onions, cereals, …) for 28 years.
Noviembre 02, 2021

Potato Days Live quiere inspirar al sector a tomar decisiones sostenibles

El sector de la papa tiene la capacidad de contribuir significativamente a un suministro de alimentos sostenible en todo el mundo. Por lo tanto, HZPC transmitirá un programa inspirador el 3 de noviembre durante Potato Days 2021 Live.
Is this the reason for our unhealthy eating?
Septiembre 28, 2021

Is this the reason for our unhealthy eating?

An increasing number of people in the western world are overweight. Why? Scientists have been seeking an answer to this question for some time now. Researcher Rachelle de Vries sheds (quite) some light: we may be pre-programmed.
PotatoEurope's Golden Innovation Award goes to EGG Microtubers.
Septiembre 02, 2021

EGG Microtubers receive PotatoEurope’s Golden Innovation Award

During a special award ceremony on Wednesday, September 1st, a professional jury awarded the PotatoEurope Gold Innovation Award to the Microtubers of E Green Global (EGG).
Researchers Identify Gene for Self-Compatibility in Potato
Julio 06, 2021

Researchers Identify Gene for Self-Compatibility in Potato

New discovery will lead to faster and more focused potato breeding
Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant
Julio 04, 2021

Wageningen scientists discover how the potato blight pathogen penetrates the plant

Wageningen University & Research experts in plant pathology, cell biology and physics have found an answer to the question of how members of the Phytophthora genus mechanically gain entry through the protective layer on the leaves of crops.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Junio 28, 2021

After 15 years, Nele Cattoor bids farewell to Belgian fresh produce sector

Last week, after 15 years, Nele Cattoor left the Belgian fruit and vegetable sector. She's taking on a new challenge. Nele was the Belgian Vegetable Processing Sector Union, Vegebe's general secretary.
Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe
Junio 22, 2021

Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe

Wageningen University & Research has conducted research into the resilience of the agricultural sector. How do farmers keep in step with their environment? Examples include the changing weather conditions, climate change and government policy.
WUR approach for effective sustainability programmes in the agri-food sector
Mayo 18, 2021

WUR approach for effective sustainability programmes in the agri-food sector

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has developed a five-step approach that could help food producing companies create effective sustainability programmes together with supplying farmers.
Local mayor kicks off potato planting season for PotatoEurope 2021
Abril 19, 2021

Local mayor kicks off potato planting season for PotatoEurope 2021

On the third Thursday of April, the first potatoes for the PotatoEurope harvesting demonstrations were planted under ideal weather conditions. By pressing the start button, acting mayor of Noordoostpolder Jan Westmaas sent autonomous implement carrier Robotti on its way to plant the first potato.
Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started
Abril 02, 2021

Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started

The PotatoEurope organization has started preparing the potato trial fields at the event location near the central Dutch city of Lelystad.
Potato Europe 2021 trade show theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'
Marzo 01, 2021

Potato Europe 2021 theme resonates: 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future'

With the event theme 'What's Now, What's New and What's the Future', PotatoEurope 2021 promises to provide insight into current developments in the potato industry as well as a look at the future of the sector.
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Febrero 22, 2021

Un nuevo gen hace que las patatas sean resistentes a 19 aislamientos de Phytophthora

Un equipo internacional de investigadores, incluido el de WUR Wageningen, ha logrado avances significativos en la lucha contra la infame enfermedad de la papa Phytophthora infestans.
Major changes at North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)
Enero 26, 2021

Major changes at North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG)

Until December 31, 2020 the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) was a 5 country organization, but the organization started 2021 without the British AHDB. Also, Victor Pfaff stepped down as NEPG secretary and is replaced by Daniel Ryckmans.
Enero 07, 2021

De la siembra de papa a la semilla : Optimización de la germinación de Semilla de Papa Verdadera (TPS

Este año HZPC, una empresa holandesa obtentora y comercializadora de patatas de siembra, espera poder presentar el prototipo de una variedad de patata híbrida, la cual se siembra a partir de semillas.
Appreciation of the food and agriculture sector increases, following years of decline
Octubre 15, 2020

Appreciation of the food and agriculture sector increases, following years of decline

Public appreciation of the food and agriculture sector is greater in 2020 than it was two years ago. This applies to all sub-sectors, apart from pig farming, which is held in the same esteem as it was in 2018.
Large interest for participation at PotatoEurope 2021
Octubre 13, 2020

Large interest for participation at PotatoEurope 2021

Only last week the organisers of PotatoEurope 2021 have opened the pre-registration for former participants of
PotatoEurope and already now a great number of participants have signed up for the upcoming edition.
Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'
Septiembre 28, 2020

Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'

El 1 de enero de 2020 se prohibió el uso de CIPC en la Unión Europea. La fecha límite para, entre otras cosas, el almacenamiento de patatas con CIPC se ha fijado en el 8 de octubre de 2020.


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