
Diciembre 19, 2010

Allan Parker: farmers could join endangered species list

Extreme weather patterns wreaking havoc on many parts of the world could put the global farmer on the endangered species list, says an international agricultural expert.
Diciembre 15, 2010

AVEBE y BASF desarrollarán papas con buen contenido de almidón y resistentes al tizón tardío

La compañía productora de almidón AVEBE y la compañía de biotecnología BASF han anunciado hoy una alianza para la investigación y el desarrollo de la biotecnología vegetal. AVEBE y BASF combinan sus conocimientos en biotecnología y mejoramiento de la p...
Diciembre 15, 2010

AVEBE and BASF Plant Science to develop Phytophthora resistant Amylopectin starch potato

The potato starch manufacturer AVEBE and the plant biotechnology company BASF Plant Science announced today a research and development alliance in plant biotechnology.
Diciembre 13, 2010

Study supports concerns over popcorn butter flavor (diacetyl)

Diacetyl - a chemical used in butter flavoring – may damages the lungs by reacting and forming complexes with amino acids in cell membranes, according to a new US study.
 2010 dietary guidelines alliance consumer research
Diciembre 13, 2010

Parents Skeptical About Role of Calories in the Diet

When it comes to calories, parents lack a basic understanding of their impact on weight and may even be skeptical that calories are just the latest food and nutrition fad.
Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules
Diciembre 07, 2010

Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules

It is possible to breed potatoes in such a way that they produce new types of starch for use as a new and improved plant-based raw material in the construction, paper, glue, fodder and food industries.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Diciembre 07, 2010

AVEBE's expects 20% lower starch production

AVEBE’s supply-chain of starch potatoes continues uninterrupted despite the frost and wintry conditions.
Noviembre 29, 2010

AVEBE posts net result of 2.8 million Euro

During the 2009/2010 financial year, AVEBE posted a net result of 2.8 million Euro, whilst net turnover amounted to 521.8 million Euro.
Noviembre 25, 2010

Cosun investigates the potential sale of Unifine Food & Bake Ingredients

Royal Cosun announces that it has decided to investigate the potential sale of Unifine Food & Bake Ingredients (Unifine F&Bi), its pastry ingredients business.
 AVEBE potato starch campaign
Noviembre 22, 2010

Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe: Campaign going well

Potato starch manufacturer Avebe reports that due to better weather conditions in the first half of October the potato harvest is well underway. Many storage barns have been filled over this period.
 RDO Calbee Foods
Noviembre 21, 2010

RDO-Calbee employees win top productivity award from Calbee

Calbee Foods Co. of Japan has awarded its top productivity prize to employees at its United States joint-venture RDO-Calbee Foods.
 Eindrapport taskforce verantwoorde vetzuursamenstelling
Noviembre 16, 2010

Task Force Verantwoorde Vetzuursamenstelling haalt doelstelling

Tijdens het jubileumcongres van het Voedingscentrum is de eindrapportage gepresenteerd van de Task Force Verantwoorde Vetzuursamenstelling. Uit de rapportage blijkt dat de Task Force de gestelde doelen heeft behaald.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Eliane waxy amylopectin starch
Noviembre 15, 2010

AVEBE Launches non GMO waxy potato starch ELIANE™ for Low Fat Mayonnaise

Health and wellness trends encourage consumers to look for lower fat and reduced cholesterol versions of familiar full fat products
Noviembre 14, 2010

Novidon ontvangt subsidie voor project "aardappelRasp"

Gedeputeerde Staten van de provincie Groningen hebben besloten een bijdrage van 79.486 euro te verlenen aan Novidon, dat gespecialiseerd is in het verwerken en opwaarderen van side stream zetmeel.
Noviembre 11, 2010

Steeds meer diefstallen frituurvet België

In België wordt steeds vaker gebruikt frituurvet gestolen. Van het vuile vet wordt biodiesel gemaakt.
Noviembre 10, 2010

Wendy's launches new Natural-Cut Sea Salt French Fries

Wendy's announces the launch of its new natural-cut fries with sea salt in the United States (nationwide), marking the first complete redesign of the company's classic fries in its 41-year history.
Noviembre 05, 2010

The Netherlands Commits to Solely Using Sustainable Palm Oil by 2015

By the end of 2015, all palm oil used in The Netherlands will be sustainable, as certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
Octubre 23, 2010

Monsanto joins to highlight qualities Vistive Gold low saturate soybeans

Monsanto has recently joined a partnership, Fitfrying is a collaborative effort of nonprofit and for-profit companies with a mission to guide industry-wide, healthier frying efforts.


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