Tecnología de la Información

La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez
Mayo 19, 2020

La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, lanza su campaña de patata nueva nacional. Así, se adelanta con la patata temprana y la pone a disposición de los consumidores en toda su red de distribución retail (supermercados y su propia tienda online).
Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May
Mayo 19, 2020

Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May

Due to the positive response and over-subscription of virtual meetings, Bühler has decided to keep the Bühler Virtual World open at least until the end of May. Over the three days, more than 12,000 people from 132 countries visited the digital platform, around 500 private meetings are ongoing.
Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times
Mayo 12, 2020

Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times

In just six weeks, Bühler transformed its physical interpack program into a fully digital experience. It has certainly been a very steep learning curve for the company, but one that will give Bühler’s partners and customers access to new services.
Así le planta cara la patata al COVID-19
Abril 27, 2020

Así le planta cara la patata al COVID-19

Los productores de A Limia han colocado ya un millón de kilos en la plataforma de Mercaproximidade.
Michael Family Farms launches new website to help educate consumers on products
Abril 22, 2020

Michael Family Farms launches new website to help educate consumers on products

Studies show that 70-80% of people research a company online before making a purchase. Shoppers search to find information about their potential food purchases in addition to the companies that produce it and what they stand for.
La Junta propone vender los productos del campo online durante el cierre de mercados y hostelería
Abril 20, 2020

La Junta de Castilla y León propone vender los Productos del Campo Online

Esta iniciativa se basa en la unión de agriculturores y ganaderos, cooperativas, la industria y la distribución mediante un sistema denominado 'Campo de encuentro', que albergará el portal web de la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Abril 12, 2020

TOMRA Food hace que sus Centros de Prueba y Demostración sean Virtuales

TOMRA Food está tomando más medidas para garantizar la continuidad del negocio al tiempo que protege la salud de sus empleados y clientes con la introducción de Centros de Demostración virtual para proporcionar demostraciones interactivas en este momento de contacto limitado.
Near enough isn't good enough
Marzo 21, 2020

FoodeQ's Ultra-precise Weigh belt systems: 'Near enough isn't good enough'

FoodeQ guarantees that their weigh belt systems are ultra-precise and have an accuracy with a maximum deviation of less than 1 percent.
Taco Bell introduces 'Veggie Mode' on its self-service ordering kiosks in the United States
Marzo 03, 2020

Taco Bell introduces 'Veggie Mode' on its self-service ordering kiosks in the United States

On March 12, Taco Bell officially activates Veggie Mode, a single-swipe feature that instantly transforms the menu to show only vegetarian items on self-service ordering kiosks in the United States.
PEI Potato Farms Using New Decision Support Tools to Improve Use of Crop Protectants
Febrero 14, 2020

PEI Potato Farms Using New Decision Support Tools to Improve Use of Crop Protectants

A growing number of Prince Edward Island potato farms are taking advantage of new technology to improve their use of crop protectants, including fungicides used to prevent late blight.
NPC Launches New 'Eye on Potatoes' Podcast
Enero 15, 2020

Launched at the Potato Expo: The 'Eye on Potatoes' Podcast

Kicking off the 12th annual Potato Expo, held Jan 14-15 in Las Vegas, the National Potato Council announced the launch of its new podcast, 'Eye on Potatoes'. The podcast in available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
How Digitalization of the Supply Chain will Reduce Global Food Waste
Enero 09, 2020

How Digitalization of the Supply Chain will Reduce Global Food Waste

The scale of the global food waste problem is staggering. According to reports, 1.6 billion tons of food are lost or wasted every year, equating to a total value of $1.2 trillion being wiped from the supply chain.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Online tool to detect blackleg disease in potato using DNA testing has widespread application
Diciembre 05, 2019

Online tool to detect blackleg disease in potato using DNA testing has widespread application

Scientists have developed a user-friendly online tool called Uniqprimer, which quickly and automatically designs species-specific DNA tags (also known as primers) for detecting pathogens such as Dickeya dianthicola using DNA testing.
El futuro del campo está en la tecnología, arranca Expo Agroalimentaria en Irapuato
Noviembre 22, 2019

El futuro del campo está en la tecnología, arranca Expo Agroalimentaria en Irapuato

Los efectos del cambio climático como los largos periodos de sequía o lluvias en abundancia, aunado a los altos costos de insumos agrícolas hacen que producir sea cada vez más complicado no sólo en Irpuato, México, sino en el mundo.
Climate FieldView se asocia con Claas para llevar los servicios digitales de Bayer a más agricultores
Noviembre 21, 2019

Climate FieldView se asocia con Claas para llevar los servicios digitales de Bayer a más agricultores

El fabricante de maquinaria agrícola Claas ha anunciado un acuerdo de colaboración global con The Climate Corporation, la unidad de Bayer dedicada a los servicios digitales para el mundo agrícola, y su plataforma de agricultura digital FieldView.
SoilEssentials now reseller 7Sense wireless irrigation sensor and their temperature & humidity sensor system
Noviembre 21, 2019

SoilEssentials now reseller of the wireless irrigation sensor and the T & RH monitoring system of 7Sense

The Scottish precision farming pioneers SoilEssentials announces collaboration with Norwegian company 7Sense, to be the UK’s reseller of their smart, wireless temperature & humidity sensor monitoring system and their reliable, waterproof irrigation sensor
Israeli precision agriculture startup Agritask secures $8.5M in ag-insurance oriented financing round led by the InsuResilience Investment Fund
Noviembre 07, 2019

Israeli precision agriculture startup Agritask secures $8.5M in ag-insurance oriented financing round

Agritask’s agronomic management software platform serves farmers and other stakeholders in the ecosystem, covering 20 countries worldwide and more than 50 crop types.
Crop Systems to show improved Smartstor storage controller at British Potato (BP2019)
Octubre 30, 2019

Crop Systems to show improved SmartStor storage controller at British Potato (BP2019)

UK Storage systems provider Crop Systems Limited is adding new features to its SmartStor® controller, which will help users reduce storage costs, while improving their ability to manage stores remotely on mobile devices. See it at BP2019!


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