Tecnología de la Información

An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape.
Septiembre 18, 2020

Cropmap Belgium 2020 now available

An overview of the Belgian agricultural landscape. The cropmap shows the main crop type on each individual field cultivated in the 2020 growing season and is openly available via an interactive online viewer.
Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months
Septiembre 18, 2020

Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months

Kiremko is proud to announce that they have sold 30 of the best steam peelers on the market in just over 30 months’ time. Made in Europe and the US, supplied globally.
Call on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade
Septiembre 09, 2020

ePhyto: Electronic phytosanitary certification can facilitate international agricultural trade

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) of the IPPC ePhyto Solution calls on governments to support the adoption of ePhyto to facilitate international agricultural trade, which would be crucial in safeguarding global food security beyond the Covid-19 recovery period.
Tasteful Selections releases new online feature to help consumers find bite-size potatoes near them
Septiembre 01, 2020

Tasteful Selections releases a new feature for consumers to find bite-size potatoes near them

As part of their 10-year celebration and in response to their consumers, Tasteful Selections®, a pioneer and leader in the bite-size potato category, has added a new feature to its recently revamped website.

Key Technology: 'The Increasing Role of Digital Sorters'
Septiembre 01, 2020

The Increasing Role of Digital Sorters

Powered by Industry 4.0 methodologies and IIoT (the Industrial Internet of Things), modern sorters are increasingly being utilized as data centers at the same time they sort product and are uniquely qualified to contribute to the data revolution.
AVR and DacomFarm Intelligence offer field data on a silver platter
Agosto 28, 2020

Smart potato farming: AVR and Dacom combine field and machine data

Less cultivating equipment required by cleverly combining field and machine data. This data is displayed on the digital platform AVR Connect, offering the farmer improved, real time insights into what is going on inside the machine, how it is operating, and how the process can be made more efficient.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
New study on measuring efficiency in potato landraces: How far are we from the optimum?
Agosto 28, 2020

New study on photosynthesis efficiency in native potatoes

A new publication by scientists from the International Potato Center (CIP) highlights the usefulness of combining crop growth model, remote sensing, and plant ecophysiological tools to assess genetic efficiencies in potato landraces.
El Sector de la Patata Debe Adaptarse a los Gustos del Consumidor y a las Nuevas Formas de Venta como el Canal Online
Julio 20, 2020

El sector de la Patata debe Adaptarse a los Gustos del Consumidor y a las Nuevas Formas de Venta

Dar una respuesta a la demanda del consumidor es uno de los grandes objetivos de la industria agroalimentaria. Para ello es necesario adaptarse a sus necesidades reales, lo que obliga a una continua evolución y modernización de las producciones agrícolas y alimentarias, así como a desarrollar avances en la presentación del producto.
New state-of-the-art fully automated high-rise cold-storage facility at City Terminal Rotterdam
Julio 15, 2020

Kloosterboer starts construction of Cool Port II, a fully automated high-rise cold-storage facility in Rotterdam

Kloosterboer will begin the construction of a new state-of-the-art fully automated multi-customer high-rise cold-storage facility with a storage capacity of 60,000 pallets in Rotterdam. The building will be finished in January of 2022.
Junio 02, 2020

Lanzamiento de la página web estadounidense para Sormac Inc.

Sormac lanza una página web nueva para el mercado estadounidense. A partir de hoy todas las personas de los Estados Unidos pueden acceder a la página web para encontrar toda la información, preguntas y solicitudes de servicio y contacto.
PepsiCo India partners with Dunzo to launch Exclusive LAY'S and Kurkure E-Stores
Mayo 29, 2020

PepsiCo India partners with Dunzo to launch Exclusive LAY'S and Kurkure E-Stores

Starting with Bengaluru, the services will soon expand to Delhi, Mumbai, Gurgaon and Jaipur Consumers can select their favorite snack brands on 'daily grocery' on Dunzo's app, place their orders & get them delivered to their doorstep within an hour of ordering.
La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez
Mayo 19, 2020

La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, lanza su campaña de patata nueva nacional. Así, se adelanta con la patata temprana y la pone a disposición de los consumidores en toda su red de distribución retail (supermercados y su propia tienda online).
Contenido Patrocinado

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Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May
Mayo 19, 2020

Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May

Due to the positive response and over-subscription of virtual meetings, Bühler has decided to keep the Bühler Virtual World open at least until the end of May. Over the three days, more than 12,000 people from 132 countries visited the digital platform, around 500 private meetings are ongoing.
Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times
Mayo 12, 2020

Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times

In just six weeks, Bühler transformed its physical interpack program into a fully digital experience. It has certainly been a very steep learning curve for the company, but one that will give Bühler’s partners and customers access to new services.
Así le planta cara la patata al COVID-19
Abril 27, 2020

Así le planta cara la patata al COVID-19

Los productores de A Limia han colocado ya un millón de kilos en la plataforma de Mercaproximidade.
Michael Family Farms launches new website to help educate consumers on products
Abril 22, 2020

Michael Family Farms launches new website to help educate consumers on products

Studies show that 70-80% of people research a company online before making a purchase. Shoppers search to find information about their potential food purchases in addition to the companies that produce it and what they stand for.
La Junta propone vender los productos del campo online durante el cierre de mercados y hostelería
Abril 20, 2020

La Junta de Castilla y León propone vender los Productos del Campo Online

Esta iniciativa se basa en la unión de agriculturores y ganaderos, cooperativas, la industria y la distribución mediante un sistema denominado 'Campo de encuentro', que albergará el portal web de la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural.
Abril 12, 2020

TOMRA Food hace que sus Centros de Prueba y Demostración sean Virtuales

TOMRA Food está tomando más medidas para garantizar la continuidad del negocio al tiempo que protege la salud de sus empleados y clientes con la introducción de Centros de Demostración virtual para proporcionar demostraciones interactivas en este momento de contacto limitado.


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