
Adam Jozwiak, UCR molecular biochemist, Lead study author
Febrero 23, 2025

Researchers identify biosynthetic pathway of GlycoAlkaloid formation in potato

Scientists have discovered a way to remove toxic compounds from potatoes, making them safer to eat and easier to store. The breakthrough could cut food waste and enhance crop farming in space and other extreme environments.
Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel
Marzo 16, 2021

Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel

La patata es un alimento delicado, que, pese a sus bondades, puede tornarse tóxico si no tenemos algunas precauciones. El motivo no es otro que los glicoalcaloides, unas sustancias que contiene este tubérculo de forma natural y que si se ingieren, pueden provocar distintos problemas para la salud.
Agosto 17, 2020

Glucoalcaloides en las patatas: evaluación de los riesgos para la salud pública

La Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) ha evaluado los riesgos para la salud humana y animal relacionados con la presencia de glucoalcaloides en alimentos y en comida para animales, especialmente en patatas y productos derivados de la patata.
Septiembre 12, 2019

TOMRA FOOD Presenta una Nueva Máquina de Clasificación para Patatas

TOMRA Food sobre el lanzamiento de la TOMRA 3A, la nueva máquina de clasificación para patatas. La TOMRA 3A mejora a su antecesora en todos los aspectos: mayor capacidad, detección de patatas enverdecidas.
Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry
Julio 30, 2019

Getting to the Root of Food Safety in the Potato Industry

Sensor-based sorter manufacturer TOMRA offers their insights on the impact of sorting technology on food safety in the Potato Processing Industry
Chinese scientists prevent potato sprouting with hydrophobic nano silicsa
Julio 11, 2018

Chinese scientists prevent potato sprouting with hydrophobic nano silica

Chinese scientists have developed a new method to prevents the sprouting of potatoes: Hydrophobic nano silica
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Old, dried up, green or strongly sprouting potatoes, as well as potato peels as snacks consisting mainly of potato peelings, are not suitable for consumption.
Abril 27, 2018

Glycoalkaloids in Potatoes: Sort out Green and excessively Sprouted Tubers

Following a case of poisoning caused by a potato dish, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is reminding people about the correct handling of potatoes.
Las papas verdes no son tóxicas, según una investigación australiana
Febrero 10, 2018

Las papas verdes no son tóxicas, según una investigación australiana

Sabine Tanios es candidata a doctorado en Tasmania y trabaja en una investigación que trata de averiguar por qué y cómo las papas desarrollan esa coloración verdosa.
Fuzz in Taiwan about French Fries with green patches at McDonald's
Septiembre 11, 2017

Fuzz in Taiwan about French Fries with green patches at McDonald's

Taiwan's health authorities will conduct stringent checks of potato suppliers after reports that French fries served at fast food restaurants were found with green patches.
Marzo 25, 2013

The case of the poison potato

In the late 1960s, researchers from the US Department of Agriculture, Penn State University, and the Wise Potato Chip Company teamed up breed a very special potato, which they named the Lenape.
Greenvale AP
Octubre 13, 2009

Greenvale AP's 'Green' Potato Packaging Prevents Greening

Greenvale's new packaging for its Lady Balfour organic potatoes has increased shelf life, decreased wastage and reduced complaints about greening by over 50%.Greenvale AP is the UK's largest supplier of fresh potatoes and Lady Balfour is one of the UK'...
Septiembre 16, 2009

NNZ's Spud Shade bags prevent potato greening

The “green” movement is all the rage these days. And yet, if you’re a retailer or consumer of potatoes, green is the last thing you want.NNZ Inc., Lawrenceville, Ga., and Walnut Packaging Inc., Farmingdale, N.Y., have joined to manufacture, market and ...
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Potato Glycoalkaloids
Septiembre 16, 2008

Potato Glycoalkaloids

Glycoalkaloids in potato was the topic of a number of newspaper articles recently , since the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture published a review on glycoalkaloids in potato and potato products.


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