
Crean red latinoamericana del tizón tardío de la papa
Octubre 05, 2014

Crean red latinoamericana del tizón tardío de la papa

Su establecimiento se llevó a cabo en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia) entre el 28 de septiembre y el 2 de octubre de 2014.
Potato Virus S may break down Phytophthora resistance in potato
Septiembre 28, 2014

Potato Virus S may break down Phytophthora resistance in potato

In a study published this summer, scientists of the Washington State University found that potato virus S (PVS) breaks down late blight resistance in potato.
Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans) on a potato leaf
Septiembre 07, 2014

Late blight concern for PEI potato farmers

The number of cases of a late blight (Phytophthora infestans) continues to grow on Prince Edward Island.
Late blight confirmed in Alberta
Septiembre 07, 2014

Late blight confirmed in Alberta

In Alberta, late blight occurs infrequently, but can have devastating impacts in the years when it reaches epidemic levels.
Late blight continues spread in Eastern Idaho
Septiembre 03, 2014

Late blight continues spread in Eastern Idaho

Continued wet August weather has caused late blight infections to proliferate throughout Eastern Idaho, according to University of Idaho Extension potato pathologist Phil Nolte.
Chile: Red Agroclima permite ahorrar hasta un 50% en fungicidas
Agosto 05, 2014

Chile: Red Agroclima permite ahorrar hasta un 50% en fungicidas

Cómo funciona esta red fue uno de los temas del seminario de Agrometeorología que se realizó en el INIA-Quilamapu para promocionar instrumentos tecnológicos entre los agricultores de la región.
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Infected tip of a potato stem, with necrosis and sporulation on the stem, petioles and leaves.(Cornell University)
Julio 28, 2014

Late blight reappears in Long Island potato, tomato fields

Late blight, a fungal-like pathogen that affects potato and tomato crops, has been confirmed on Long Island for the sixth consecutive year.
Wisconsin Potato Field in bloom
Julio 24, 2014

Late Blight threatens Wisconsin Potato Fields

A potato disease known as Late blight is threatening some Wisconsin potato fields, but growers are well aware and making strides to prevent it from spreading.
Nakuru City, Kenya
Julio 20, 2014

Kenya: Late-Blight-Resistant Potato Seed for Nakuru

Nakuru will test and release (late blight resistant) varieties of potato seeds for small-scale farmers, Agriculture executive Dr Stanley Chepkwony has said.
Women selling Irish potatoes in a Ugandan food market
Junio 29, 2014

Kenya potato import plan worries region

Plans by Kenya to import Irish potatoes from the Netherlands have got agricultural experts worried, with some warning that it could bring a more virulent form of late blight to the region.
Ecuador: Se discuten estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa
Junio 25, 2014

Ecuador: Se discuten estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa

El 28 de mayo se realizó un taller para discutir y definir estrategias de manejo del tizón tardío de la papa. Asistieron 38 técnicos del Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) y la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UC).
Sporangia of P. infestans: sporangium from which a zoospore is germinating. (photo: B. G. Turgeon; Cornell University)
Junio 11, 2014

Breakthrough in understanding swarming potato blight spores

Researchers at the Universities of Dundee and Aberdeen have made a breakthrough in understanding how the microbial spores which cause potato blight are so effective at infecting plants.
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Potato Blight warning issued in Northern Ireland
Junio 10, 2014

Potato Blight warning issued in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and CAFRE, Greenmount Campus has issued the first potato blight warning for 2014.
Potato and Tomato affected by late blight
Junio 09, 2014

Univ. Florida Research: Late blight pathogen originates from Mexico

A University of Florida scientist has pinpointed Mexico as the origin of the pathogen that caused the 1840s Irish Potato Famine, a finding that may help researchers solve the $6 billion-a-year disease that continues to evolve and torment potato and tomato growers around the world.
UK: Potatoes emerge to perfect storm of blight pressure
Mayo 15, 2014

UK: Potatoes emerge to perfect storm of blight pressure

In the United Kingdom, many potato crops are now emerging well - straight into conditions that pose a high risk of blight.
Bangladesh to introduce late blight resistant potato variety
Mayo 14, 2014

Bangladesh to introduce late blight resistant potato variety

The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) and Peru-based International Potato Centre (CIP) will introduce a late blight resistant potato for use in next season: Bari Potato - 46
El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío
Abril 19, 2014

El cambio climático no aumentaría el riesgo de diseminación del tizón tardío

Según una reciente investigación de las Universidades de Kansas y California-Davis, el Centro Internacional de la Papa y el Instituto Internacional de Investigación del Arroz.
Simplified life cycle of Phytophthora Infestans (Schumann et. al.)
Abril 17, 2014

Neiker-Tecnalia scientists warn of new resistant late blight variants

Scientists at the Basque agricultural research Institute Neiker-Tecnalia have for the first time identified the existence in Álava-Araba of the two sexual types A1 and A2 of the fungus Phytophthora infestans and warn the crossing between both types could lead to the appearance of new, more aggressive strains resistant to routine phytosanitary teatments


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