Proveedores de Protección de Cultivos en Canadá

Cavendish Agri Services

Cavendish Agri Services supplies potato farmers in Atlantic Canada and Northern Maine with products and services such as fertilizer and crop protectants

Heads Up Plant Protectants Inc.

Heads Up Plant Protectants Inc. is a Canadian manufacturer of Potato Seed Treatment Products

Spornado Inc. - Disease Alert System

Spornado Sampler is an effective, low-cost tool for growers to better predict crop disease, and take preventative action. The application of pesticide is typically based on Decision Support Systems (DSS)

Syngenta Canada

Syngenta is a leading, science-based agtech company, helping millions of farmers around the world grow safe and nutritious food, while taking care of the planet.

Vive Crop Protection

At Vive, they create new ways to use proven crop protection products using their targeted Allosperse Delivery System, which improves the targeting and performance of pesticide active ingredients.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado


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    • Cadena de Suministro de Papas
      • Protección de Cultivos
    • Distribuidores
    • Investigación y Desarrollo
    • Equipos de Laboratorio
    • Asociaciones de Industrias
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